Long List

Articles for week 37 2024

A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE): XVI. The ubiquity of truncated star-forming disks across the Virgo cluster environment

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We examine the prevalence of truncated star-forming disks in the Virgo cluster down to M_* \simeq 10^7 ~\text{M}_{\odot}. This work makes use of deep, high-resolution imaging in the H\alpha+[NII] narrow-band from the Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (VESTIGE) and optical imaging from the Next Generation Virgo Survey (NGVS). To aid in understanding the effects of the cluster environment on star formation in Virgo galaxies, we take a physically-motivated approach to define the edge of the star-forming disk via a drop-off in the radial specific star formation rate profile. Comparing with the expected sizes of normal galactic disks provides a measure of how truncated star-forming disks are in the cluster. We find that truncated star-forming disks are nearly ubiquitous across all regions of the Virgo cluster, including beyond the virial radius (0.974 Mpc). The majority of truncated disks at large clustercentric radii are of galaxies likely on first infall. As the intra-cluster medium density is low in this region, it is difficult to explain this population with solely ram-pressure stripping. A plausible explanation is that these galaxies are undergoing starvation of their gas supply before ram-pressure stripping becomes the dominant quenching mechanism. A simple model of starvation shows that this mechanism can produce moderate disk truncations within 1-2 Gyr. This model is consistent with slow-then-rapid' ordelayed-then-rapid’ quenching, where the early starvation mode drives disk truncations without significant change to the integrated star formation rate, and the later ram-pressure stripping mode rapidly quenches the galaxy. The origin of starvation may be in the group structures that exist around the main Virgo cluster, which indicates the importance of understanding pre-processing of galaxies beyond the cluster virial radius.

RISTRETTO: a VLT XAO design to reach Proxima Cen b in the visible

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RISTRETTO is the evolution of the original idea of coupling the VLT instruments SPHERE and ESPRESSO , aiming at High Dispersion Coronagraphy. RISTRETTO is a visitor instrument that should enable the characterization of the atmospheres of nearby exoplanets in reflected light, by using the technique of high-contrast, high-resolution spectroscopy. Its goal is to observe Prox Cen b and other planets placed at about 35mas from their star, i.e. 2\lambda/D at \lambda=750nm. The instrument is composed of an extreme adaptive optics, a coronagraphic Integral Field Unit, and a diffraction-limited spectrograph (R=140.000, $=$620-840 nm). We present the RISTRETTO XAO architecture that reach the specification, providing contrasts down to 5\times10^{-5} at 2\lambda/D from the star in the visible, in the presence of atmosphere and low wind effect. This performance is allowed by a new two-sensors-one-dm architecture, some variations to the already known concepts of unmodulated pyWFS and zWFS, and exploiting to the maximum of their capabilities the state-of-the-art high speed, low noise cameras & fast DM. We present the result of end-to-end simulations, that demonstrate stable closed loop operation of an unmodulated pyramid and a zernike WFS (together), and in presence of low wind effect.

Euclid preparation. Deep learning true galaxy morphologies for weak lensing shear bias calibration

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To date, galaxy image simulations for weak lensing surveys usually approximate the light profiles of all galaxies as a single or double S'ersic profile, neglecting the influence of galaxy substructures and morphologies deviating from such a simplified parametric characterization. While this approximation may be sufficient for previous data sets, the stringent cosmic shear calibration requirements and the high quality of the data in the upcoming Euclid survey demand a consideration of the effects that realistic galaxy substructures have on shear measurement biases. Here we present a novel deep learning-based method to create such simulated galaxies directly from HST data. We first build and validate a convolutional neural network based on the wavelet scattering transform to learn noise-free representations independent of the point-spread function of HST galaxy images that can be injected into simulations of images from Euclid’s optical instrument VIS without introducing noise correlations during PSF convolution or shearing. Then, we demonstrate the generation of new galaxy images by sampling from the model randomly and conditionally. Next, we quantify the cosmic shear bias from complex galaxy shapes in Euclid-like simulations by comparing the shear measurement biases between a sample of model objects and their best-fit double-S'ersic counterparts. Using the KSB shape measurement algorithm, we find a multiplicative bias difference between these branches with realistic morphologies and parametric profiles on the order of 6.9\times 10^{-3} for a realistic magnitude-S'ersic index distribution. Moreover, we find clear detection bias differences between full image scenes simulated with parametric and realistic galaxies, leading to a bias difference of 4.0\times 10^{-3} independent of the shape measurement method. This makes it relevant for stage IV weak lensing surveys such as Euclid.

ESCAPE project. CAPyBARA: a Roman Coronagraph simulator for post-processing methods development

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The Roman Coronagraph Instrument will be the first space facility equipped with deformable mirrors (DMs). These will lead to reach a contrast of 10^{-8} or better in a dark hole between 3-9 \lambda/D. Post-processing techniques play an important role in increasing the contrast limits. Our work investigates how DMs can be used to calibrate the instrument response to controlled wavefront error maps and to improve the post-processing performance. To this goal, we are developing a simulation pipeline, CAPyBARA, that includes both a propagation model of the Coronagraph and a post-processing module and produces starlight subtracted images of a science target. This pipeline will allow us to investigate alternative observing strategies and test their performance for the Roman Coronagraph. Here we present the first version of the simulator: it currently reproduces the optical propagation, which consists in the hybrid Lyot coronagraph optical structure and dark-hole digging technique (Electric Field Conjugation coupled with \beta-bumping), the environment (quasi-static aberration) and the post-processing. With it, we mimic a Coronagraph Instrument observing sequence, which consists in first acquiring reference star data before slewing to the scientific target, and we investigate how the evolution of quasi-static aberrations deteriorate the contrast limit in the dark hole. We simulate a science target with planets at high contrast with their star and we perform a first post-processing analysis with classical subtraction techniques. Here we present the CAPyBARA simulator, as well as some first results. The next step will be to generate PSF libraries by injecting pre-calibrated probes on the DMs (in open loop) during the reference star acquisition and compute a PCA model. Later, we will compare the performance gain obtained with the modulated-DM reference library over standard approaches (RDI).

Articles for week 36 2024

TOI-3568 b: a super-Neptune in the sub-Jovian desert

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The sub-Jovian desert is a region in the mass-period and radius-period parameter space, typically encompassing short-period ranges between super-Earths and hot Jupiters, that exhibits an intrinsic dearth of planets. This scarcity is likely shaped by photoevaporation caused by the stellar irradiation received by giant planets that have migrated inward. We report the detection and characterization of TOI-3568 b, a transiting super-Neptune with a mass of 26.4\pm1.0 M_\oplus, a radius of 5.30\pm0.27 R_\oplus, a bulk density of 0.98\pm0.15 g cm^{-3}, and an orbital period of 4.417965(5) d situated in the vicinity of the sub-Jovian desert. This planet orbiting a K dwarf star with solar metallicity, was identified photometrically by TESS. It was characterized as a planet by our high-precision radial velocity monitoring program using MAROON-X at Gemini North, supplemented by additional observations from the SPICE large program with SPIRou at CFHT. We performed a Bayesian MCMC joint analysis of the TESS and ground-based photometry, MAROON-X and SPIRou radial velocities, to measure the orbit, radius, and mass of the planet, as well as a detailed analysis of the high-resolution flux and polarimetric spectra to determine the physical parameters and elemental abundances of the host star. Our results reveal TOI-3568 b as a hot super-Neptune, rich in hydrogen and helium with a core of heavier elements with a mass between 10 and 25 M_\oplus. We analyzed the photoevaporation status of TOI-3568 b and found that it experiences one of the highest EUV luminosities among planets with a mass M_{\rm p} <2 M_{\rm Nep}, yet it has an evaporation lifetime exceeding 5 Gyr. Positioned in the transition between two significant populations of exoplanets on the mass-period and energy diagrams, this planet presents an opportunity to test theories concerning the origin of the sub-Jovian desert.

A simple model of dust extinction in gamma-ray burst host galaxies

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Gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows are powerful probes for studying the different properties of their host galaxies (e.g., the interstellar dust) at all redshifts. By fitting their spectral energy distribution (SED) over a large range of wavelengths, we can gain direct insights into the properties of the interstellar dust by studying the extinction curves. Unlike the dust extinction templates, such as the average Milky Way (MW) or the Small and Large Magellanic Cloud (SMC and LMC), the extinction curves of galaxies outside the Local Group exhibit deviation from these laws. Altogether, X-ray and gamma-ray satellites as well as ground-based telescopes, such as Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift) and Gamma-Ray Optical and Near-Infrared Detector (GROND), provide measurements of the afterglows from the X-ray to the NIR, which can be used to extract information on dust extinction curves along their lines of sight. The study presented in this paper undertakes such a photometric study, comprising a preparatory work for the SVOM mission and its ground-based follow-up telescope COLIBRI. We propose a simple parameterization of the dust extinction curve of GRB host galaxies. Our model is based on a power law form with the addition of a Loretzian-like Drude profile with two parameters: the extinction slope, \gamma, and the 2175 \AA bump amplitude, E_\rm{b}. Using the seven GROND filter bands, we tested our dust extinction model and explored the parameter space in extinction and redshift by fitting SEDs of simplified simulations of GRB afterglow spectra based on different extinction curve templates. From a final sample of 10 real Swift/GROND extinguished GRBs, we determined the quantities of the dust extinction in their host and measured their extinction curves. The measured average extinction curve is equivalent to a quasi-featureless in-between SMC-LMC template.

Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond ΛCDM. 4. Constraints on f(R) models from the photometric primary probes

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We study the constraint on f(R) gravity that can be obtained by photometric primary probes of the Euclid mission. Our focus is the dependence of the constraint on the theoretical modelling of the nonlinear matter power spectrum. In the Hu-Sawicki f(R) gravity model, we consider four different predictions for the ratio between the power spectrum in f(R) and that in \LambdaCDM: a fitting formula, the halo model reaction approach, ReACT and two emulators based on dark matter only N-body simulations, FORGE and e-Mantis. These predictions are added to the MontePython implementation to predict the angular power spectra for weak lensing (WL), photometric galaxy clustering and their cross-correlation. By running Markov Chain Monte Carlo, we compare constraints on parameters and investigate the bias of the recovered f(R) parameter if the data are created by a different model. For the pessimistic setting of WL, one dimensional bias for the f(R) parameter, \log_{10}|f_{R0}|, is found to be 0.5 \sigma when FORGE is used to create the synthetic data with \log_{10}|f_{R0}| =-5.301 and fitted by e-Mantis. The impact of baryonic physics on WL is studied by using a baryonification emulator BCemu. For the optimistic setting, the f(R) parameter and two main baryon parameters are well constrained despite the degeneracies among these parameters. However, the difference in the nonlinear dark matter prediction can be compensated by the adjustment of baryon parameters, and the one-dimensional marginalised constraint on \log_{10}|f_{R0}| is biased. This bias can be avoided in the pessimistic setting at the expense of weaker constraints. For the pessimistic setting, using the \LambdaCDM synthetic data for WL, we obtain the prior-independent upper limit of \log_{10}|f_{R0}|< -5.6. Finally, we implement a method to include theoretical errors to avoid the bias.

Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond ΛCDM. 2. Results from non-standard simulations

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The Euclid mission will measure cosmological parameters with unprecedented precision. To distinguish between cosmological models, it is essential to generate realistic mock observables from cosmological simulations that were run in both the standard \Lambda-cold-dark-matter (\LambdaCDM) paradigm and in many non-standard models beyond \LambdaCDM. We present the scientific results from a suite of cosmological N-body simulations using non-standard models including dynamical dark energy, k-essence, interacting dark energy, modified gravity, massive neutrinos, and primordial non-Gaussianities. We investigate how these models affect the large-scale-structure formation and evolution in addition to providing synthetic observables that can be used to test and constrain these models with Euclid data. We developed a custom pipeline based on the Rockstar halo finder and the nbodykit large-scale structure toolkit to analyse the particle output of non-standard simulations and generate mock observables such as halo and void catalogues, mass density fields, and power spectra in a consistent way. We compare these observables with those from the standard \LambdaCDM model and quantify the deviations. We find that non-standard cosmological models can leave significant imprints on the synthetic observables that we have generated. Our results demonstrate that non-standard cosmological N-body simulations provide valuable insights into the physics of dark energy and dark matter, which is essential to maximising the scientific return of Euclid.

Euclid preparation. Simulations and nonlinearities beyond ΛCDM. 1. Numerical methods and validation

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To constrain models beyond \LambdaCDM, the development of the Euclid analysis pipeline requires simulations that capture the nonlinear phenomenology of such models. We present an overview of numerical methods and N-body simulation codes developed to study the nonlinear regime of structure formation in alternative dark energy and modified gravity theories. We review a variety of numerical techniques and approximations employed in cosmological N-body simulations to model the complex phenomenology of scenarios beyond \LambdaCDM. This includes discussions on solving nonlinear field equations, accounting for fifth forces, and implementing screening mechanisms. Furthermore, we conduct a code comparison exercise to assess the reliability and convergence of different simulation codes across a range of models. Our analysis demonstrates a high degree of agreement among the outputs of different simulation codes, providing confidence in current numerical methods for modelling cosmic structure formation beyond \LambdaCDM. We highlight recent advances made in simulating the nonlinear scales of structure formation, which are essential for leveraging the full scientific potential of the forthcoming observational data from the Euclid mission.

ESCAPE project: fundamental detection limits of JWST/NIRCam coronographic observations

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In this study, we explored the fundamental contrast limit of NIRCam coronagraphy observations, representing the achievable performance with post-processing techniques. This limit is influenced by photon noise and readout noise, with complex noise propagation through post-processing methods like principal component analysis. We employed two approaches: developing a formula based on simplified scenarios and using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, assuming Gaussian noise properties and uncorrelated pixel noise. Tested on datasets HIP,65426, AF,Lep, and HD,114174, the MCMC method provided accurate but computationally intensive estimates. The analytical approach offered quick, reliable estimates closely matching MCMC results in simpler scenarios. Our findings showed the fundamental contrast curve is significantly deeper than the current achievable contrast limit obtained with post-processing techniques at shorter separations, being 10 times deeper at 0.5'' and 4 times deeper at 1''. At greater separations, increased exposure time improves sensitivity, with the transition between photon and readout noise dominance occurring between 2'' and 3''. We conclude the analytical approach is a reliable estimate of the fundamental contrast limit, offering a faster alternative to MCMC. These results emphasize the potential for greater sensitivity at shorter separations, highlighting the need for improved or new post-processing techniques to enhance JWST NIRCam sensitivity or contrast curve.

Panopticon: a novel deep learning model to detect single transit events with no prior data filtering in PLATO light curves

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To prepare for the analyses of the future PLATO light curves, we develop a deep learning model, Panopticon, to detect transits in high precision photometric light curves. Since PLATO’s main objective is the detection of temperate Earth-size planets around solar-type stars, the code is designed to detect individual transit events. The filtering step, required by conventional detection methods, can affect the transit, which could be an issue for long and shallow transits. To protect transit shape and depth, the code is also designed to work on unfiltered light curves. We trained the model on a set of simulated PLATO light curves in which we injected, at pixel level, either planetary, eclipsing binary, or background eclipsing binary signals. We also include a variety of noises in our data, such as granulation, stellar spots or cosmic rays. The approach is able to recover 90% of our test population, including more than 25% of the Earth-analogs, even in the unfiltered light curves. The model also recovers the transits irrespective of the orbital period, and is able to retrieve transits on a unique event basis. These figures are obtained when accepting a false alarm rate of 1%. When keeping the false alarm rate low (<0.01%), it is still able to recover more than 85% of the transit signals. Any transit deeper than 180ppm is essentially guaranteed to be recovered. This method is able to recover transits on a unique event basis, and does so with a low false alarm rate. Thanks to light curves being one-dimensional, model training is fast, on the order of a few hours per model. This speed in training and inference, coupled to the recovery effectiveness and precision of the model make it an ideal tool to complement, or be used ahead of, classical approaches.

The K2-24 planetary system revisited by CHEOPS

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K2-24 is a planetary system composed of two transiting low-density Neptunians locked in an almost perfect 2:1 resonance and showing large TTVs, i.e., an excellent laboratory to search for signatures of planetary migration. Previous studies performed with K2, Spitzer and RV data tentatively claimed a significant non-zero eccentricity for one or both planets, possibly high enough to challenge the scenario of pure disk migration through resonant capture. With 13 new CHEOPS light curves (seven of planet -b, six of planet -c), we carried out a global photometric and dynamical (RV+TTV) re-analysis by including all the available literature data as well. We got the most accurate set of planetary parameters to date for the K2-24 system, including radii and masses at 1% and 5% precision (now essentially limited by the uncertainty on stellar parameters) and non-zero eccentricities e_b=0.0498_{-0.0018}^{+0.0011}, e_c=0.0282_{-0.0007}^{+0.0003} detected at very high significance for both planets. Such relatively large values imply the need for an additional physical mechanism of eccentricity excitation during or after the migration stage. Also, while the accuracy of the previous TTV model had drifted by up to 0.5 days at the current time, we constrained the orbital solution firmly enough to predict the forthcoming transits for the next ~15 years, thus enabling an efficient follow-up with top-level facilities such as JWST or ESPRESSO.

Central molecular zones in galaxies: 13CO(6-5) and molecular gas conditions in bright nearby galaxies

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We summarize all available 13CO and accompanying 12CO measurements of local galaxy centers in transitions of J=5-4 and higher, including new APEX 13CO(6-5) and 12CO(6-5) observations of 11 galaxies. The observed integrated temperature ratios of 12CO(6-5) to 12CO(1-0) range from 0.10 to 0.45. Multi-aperture data indicate that 13CO(6-5) is more centrally concentrated than 12CO(6-5). The emission of 12CO(6-5) and HCO+ but not HCN may be correlated. The new data are essential to constrain the physical properties of the galaxy center molecular gas even in a simple two-phase model approximating the more complex multi-phase structure. In all galaxies, except the Seyfert AGN galaxy NGC 1068, high J emission from the center is dominated by a dense (n = 100 000) and relatively cool (T = 20 to 60 K) high-pressure gas. In contrast, the low-J lines are dominated in most galaxies by low-pressure gas of a moderate density (n = 1000) and more elevated temperature (T = 60 to 150 K). The three exceptions with significant high-pressure gas contributions to the low J emission are all associated with active central star formation.

RISTRETTO: reflected-light exoplanet spectroscopy at the diffraction limit of the VLT

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RISTRETTO is a visible high-resolution spectrograph fed by an extreme adaptive optics (AO) system, to be proposed as a visitor instrument on ESO VLT. The main science goal of RISTRETTO is to pioneer the detection and atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets in reflected light, in particular the temperate rocky planet Proxima b. RISTRETTO will be able to measure albedos and detect atmospheric features in a number of exoplanets orbiting nearby stars for the first time. It will do so by combining a high-contrast AO system working at the diffraction limit of the telescope to a high-resolution spectrograph, via a 7-spaxel integral-field unit (IFU) feeding single-mode fibers. Further science cases for RISTRETTO include the study of accreting protoplanets such as PDS70b/c through spectrally-resolved H-alpha emission, and spatially-resolved studies of Solar System objects such as icy moons and the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. The project is in the manufacturing phase for the spectrograph sub-system, and the preliminary design phase for the AO front-end. Specific developments for RISTRETTO include a novel coronagraphic IFU combining a phase-induced amplitude apodizer (PIAA) to a 3D-printed microlens array feeding a bundle of single-mode fibers. It also features an XAO system with a dual wavefront sensor aiming at high robustness and sensitivity, including to pupil fragmentation. RISTRETTO is a pathfinder instrument in view of similar developments at the ELT, in particular the SCAO-IFU mode of ELT-ANDES and the future ELT-PCS instrument.

Euclid preparation: Determining the weak lensing mass accuracy and precision for galaxy clusters

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We investigate the level of accuracy and precision of cluster weak-lensing (WL) masses measured with the data processing pipeline. We use the DEMNUni-Cov N-body simulations to assess how well the WL mass probes the true halo mass, and, then, how well WL masses can be recovered in the presence of measurement uncertainties. We consider different halo mass density models, priors, and mass point estimates. WL mass differs from true mass due to, e.g., the intrinsic ellipticity of sources, correlated or uncorrelated matter and large-scale structure, halo triaxiality and orientation, and merging or irregular morphology. In an ideal scenario without observational or measurement errors, the maximum likelihood estimator is the most accurate, with WL masses biased low by \langle b_M \rangle = -14.6 \pm 1.7 \, \% on average over the full range M_\text{200c} > 5 \times 10^{13} \, M_\odot and z < 1. Due to the stabilising effect of the prior, the biweight, mean, and median estimates are more precise. The scatter decreases with increasing mass and informative priors significantly reduce the scatter. Halo mass density profiles with a truncation provide better fits to the lensing signal, while the accuracy and precision are not significantly affected. We further investigate the impact of additional sources of systematic uncertainty on the WL mass, namely the impact of photometric redshift uncertainties and source selection, the expected performance of cluster detection algorithms, and the presence of masks. Taken in isolation, we find that the largest effect is induced by non-conservative source selection. This effect can be mostly removed with a robust selection. As a final -like test, we combine systematic effects in a realistic observational setting and find results similar to the ideal case, \langle b_M \rangle = - 15.5 \pm 2.4 \, \%, under a robust selection.

New gravity field of comet 67P/C-G based on Rosetta’s Doppler and optical data

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We provide a new gravity field of Comet 67P-C/G up to degree 4. We detect mass heterogeneity in the comet nucleus. The loss of mass is restimated at 0.28% of the comet’s total mass (3 times larger than previous estimate). Comparison of the gravity field between pre- and post-perihelion allowed us to measure a shift in the comet’s center of gravity of 35 m northward, attributed to ice sublimation process.

ESCAPE project: investigating active observing strategies and post-processing methods for exoplanet high-contrast imaging with future space missions

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The search for biosignatures in potentially habitable exoplanets is one of the major astrophysics’ drivers for the coming decades, and the prime science goal of the HWO NASA mission, a large UV-Optical-IR space telescope to be launched in the 2040s. To reach this goal, it will be equipped with state-of-the-art high-contrast spectro-imaging capabilities enabling the detection of exoplanets 10^10 times fainter than their host stars, a formidable challenge given today’s best detection limits at ~10^-6 contrast levels. This goal puts stringent constraints on the entire observatory, and demands the optimization at the system level to leverage the performance of individual sub-systems. However, while image processing techniques are a key asset to reach the ultimate performance, the science and technological definition of the mission concepts mostly rely on the coronagraph and wavefront control to reject the starlight, assuming a conservative gain of ~10 in sensitivity from image processing, extrapolated from performance obtained with classical techniques on Hubble observations. In the ESCAPE project, we investigate integrated solutions for optimizing the observing methods and data processing techniques with future space telescopes, making use of their wavefront sensors and deformable mirrors. The Roman Space Telescope, scheduled for launch in 2026, will be a critical milestone to demonstrate key technologies ahead of HWO with the Coronagraph instrument, and is thus a unique opportunity to also test and validate innovative image processing techniques. Here we present the rational, methodology, and timeline of the ESCAPE project.

Euclid preparation. L. Calibration of the linear halo bias in Λ(ν)CDM cosmologies

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The Euclid mission, designed to map the geometry of the dark Universe, presents an unprecedented opportunity for advancing our understanding of the cosmos through its photometric galaxy cluster survey. This paper focuses on enhancing the precision of halo bias (HB) predictions, which is crucial for deriving cosmological constraints from the clustering of galaxy clusters. Our study is based on the peak-background split (PBS) model linked to the halo mass function (HMF); it extends with a parametric correction to precisely align with results from an extended set of N-body simulations carried out with the OpenGADGET3 code. Employing simulations with fixed and paired initial conditions, we meticulously analyze the matter-halo cross-spectrum and model its covariance using a large number of mock catalogs generated with Lagrangian Perturbation Theory simulations with the PINOCCHIO code. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of the uncertainties in our HB calibration. Our findings indicate that the calibrated HB model is remarkably resilient against changes in cosmological parameters including those involving massive neutrinos. The robustness and adaptability of our calibrated HB model provide an important contribution to the cosmological exploitation of the cluster surveys to be provided by the Euclid mission. This study highlights the necessity of continuously refining the calibration of cosmological tools like the HB to match the advancing quality of observational data. As we project the impact of our model on cosmological constraints, we find that, given the sensitivity of the Euclid survey, a miscalibration of the HB could introduce biases in cluster cosmology analyses. Our work fills this critical gap, ensuring the HB calibration matches the expected precision of the Euclid survey. The implementation of our model is publicly available in https://github.com/TiagoBsCastro/CCToolkit.

Toward the first cosmological results of the NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program: The SZ-Mass scaling relation

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In Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) cluster cosmology, two tools are needed to be able to exploit data from large scale surveys in the millimeter-wave domain. An accurate description of the IntraCluster Medium (ICM) pressure profile is needed along with the scaling relation connecting the SZ brightness to the mass. With its high angular resolution and large field of view, The NIKA2 camera, operating at 150 and 260 GHz, is perfectly suited for precise cluster SZ mapping. The SZ Large Program (LPSZ) of the NIKA2 collaboration is dedicated to the observation of a sample of 38 SZ-selected clusters at intermediate to high redshift and observed both in SZ and X-ray. The current status is that all LPSZ clusters have been observed and the analysis toward the final results is ongoing. We present in detail how NIKA2-LPSZ will obtain a robust estimation of the SZ-Mass scaling relation and how it will be used to obtain cosmological constraints.

Articles for week 35 2024

Euclid preparation. Angular power spectra from discrete observations

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We present the framework for measuring angular power spectra in the Euclid mission. The observables in galaxy surveys, such as galaxy clustering and cosmic shear, are not continuous fields, but discrete sets of data, obtained only at the positions of galaxies. We show how to compute the angular power spectra of such discrete data sets, without treating observations as maps of an underlying continuous field that is overlaid with a noise component. This formalism allows us to compute exact theoretical expectations for our measured spectra, under a number of assumptions that we track explicitly. In particular, we obtain exact expressions for the additive biases (“shot noise”) in angular galaxy clustering and cosmic shear. For efficient practical computations, we introduce a spin-weighted spherical convolution with a well-defined convolution theorem, which allows us to apply exact theoretical predictions to finite-resolution maps, including HEALPix. When validating our methodology, we find that our measurements are biased by less than 1% of their statistical uncertainty in simulations of Euclid’s first data release.

Unveiling the HD 95086 system at mid-infrared wavelengths with JWST/MIRI

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Mid-infrared imaging of exoplanets and disks is now possible with the coronagraphs of the MIRI on the JWST. This wavelength range unveils new features of young directly imaged systems and allows us to obtain new constraints for characterizing the atmosphere of young giant exoplanets and associated disks. These observations aim to characterize the atmosphere of the planet HD 95086 b by adding mid-infrared information so that the various hypotheses about its atmospheric parameters values can be unraveled. Improved images of circumstellar disks are provided. We present the MIRI coronagraphic imaging of the system HD 95086 obtained with the F1065C, F1140, and F2300C filters at central wavelengths of 10.575, 11.3, and 23 microns, respectively. We explored the method for subtracting the stellar diffraction pattern in the particular case when bright dust emitting at short separation is present. Furthermore, we compared different methods for extracting the photometry of the planet. Using the atmospheric models Exo-REM and ATMO, we measured the atmospheric parameters of HD 95086 b. The planet HD 95086 b and the contribution from the inner disk are detected at the two shortest MIRI wavelengths F1065C and F1140C. The outer colder belt is imaged at 23 microns. The mid-infrared photometry provides better constraints on the atmospheric parameters. We evaluate a temperature of 850-1020 K, consistent with one previous hypothesis that only used NIR data. The radius measurement of 1.0-1.13 RJup is better aligned with evolutionary models, but still smaller than predicted. These observations allow us to refute the hypothesis of a warm circumplanetary disk. HD 95086 is one of the first exoplanetary systems to be revealed at mid-infrared wavelengths. This highlights the interests and challenges of observations at these wavelengths.

Detection Limits of Thermal-Infrared Observations with Adaptive Optics: I. Observational Data

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Ground-based thermal infrared observations face substantial challenges in correcting the predominant background emitted as thermal radiation from the atmosphere and the telescope itself. With the upcoming 40,m class ELTs, unprecedented sensitivities from ground will be reached, underlining the need of even more sophisticated background correction strategies. This study aims to investigate the impact of thermal backgrounds on ground-based observations and identify possible limiting factors in dedicated correction strategies. We evaluate temporal and spatial characteristics of the thermal background in direct imaging data obtained with different telescopes and observation modes. In particular, three distinct datasets, acquired using VLT/NACO and KECK/NIRC2, are analyzed. Our analysis reveals that the observations are not fully photon shot noise limited, but exhibit additional sensitivity losses caused by imperfect background compensation in the different datasets. We identify correlations between background fluctuations and the activity of the adaptive optics system. We hypothesize that the pupil modulation of the adaptive optics mirrors introduces high frequency spatial and temporal fluctuations to the background, which could ultimately constrain the detection limit if they are not compensated adequately.

An Eddington Limited Accretion Disk Wind in the narrow line Seyfert 1, PG 1448+273

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PG 1448+273 is a luminous, nearby (z=0.0645), narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxy, which likely accretes close to the Eddington limit. Previous X-ray observations of PG 1448 with XMM-Newton in 2017 and NuSTAR in 2022 revealed the presence of an ultra fast outflow, as seen through its blueshifted iron K absorption profile, where the outflow velocity appeared to vary in the range 0.1-0.3c. In this work, new X-ray observations of PG 1448 are presented, in the form of four simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations performed in July and August 2023. The X-ray spectra appeared at a similar flux in each observation, making it possible to analyze the mean 2023 X-ray spectrum at high signal to noise. A broad (\sigma=1 keV) and highly blue-shifted (E=9.8\pm0.4 keV) iron K absorption profile is revealed in the mean spectrum. The profile can be modeled by a fast, geometrically thick accretion disk wind, which reveals a maximum terminal velocity of v_{\infty}=-0.43\pm0.03c, one of the fastest known winds in a nearby AGN. As a result, the inferred mass outflow rate of the wind may reach a significant fraction of the Eddington accretion rate.

The Extended Mapping Obscuration to Reionization with ALMA (Ex-MORA) Survey: 5σ Source Catalog and Redshift Distribution

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One of the greatest challenges in galaxy evolution over the last decade has been constraining the prevalence of heavily dust-obscured galaxies in the early Universe. At z>3, these galaxies are increasingly rare, and difficult to identify as they are interspersed among the more numerous dust-obscured galaxy population at z=1-3, making efforts to secure confident spectroscopic redshifts expensive, and sometimes unsuccessful. In this work, we present the Extended Mapping Obscuration to Reionization with ALMA (Ex-MORA) Survey – a 2mm blank-field survey in the COSMOS-Web field, and the largest ever ALMA blank-field survey to-date covering 577 arcmin^2. Ex-MORA is an expansion of the MORA survey designed to identify primarily z>3 dusty, star-forming galaxies while simultaneously filtering out the more numerous z<3 population by leveraging the very negative K-correction at observed-frame 2mm. We identify 37 significant ($>5$) sources, 33 of which are robust thermal dust emitters. We measure a median redshift of \langle z \rangle = 3.6^{+0.1}_{-0.2}, with two-thirds of the sample at z>3, and just under half at z>4, demonstrating the overall success of the 2mm-selection technique. The integrated z>3 volume density of Ex-MORA sources is \sim1-3\times10^{-5} Mpc^{-3}, consistent with other surveys of infrared luminous galaxies at similar epochs. We also find that techniques using rest-frame optical emission (or lack thereof) to identify z>3 heavily dust-obscured galaxies miss at least half of Ex-MORA galaxies. This supports the idea that the dusty galaxy population is heterogeneous, and that synergies across observatories spanning multiple energy regimes are critical to understanding their formation and evolution at z>3.

The Calibration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Dust Emission as a Star Formation Rate Indicator in the AKARI NEP Survey

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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) dust emission has been proposed as an effective extinction-independent star formation rate (SFR) indicator in the mid-infrared (MIR), but this may depend on conditions in the interstellar medium. The coverage of the AKARI/Infrared Camera (IRC) allows us to study the effects of metallicity, starburst intensity, and active galactic nuclei on PAH emission in galaxies with f_{\nu}(L18W)\lesssim 19 AB mag. Observations include follow-up, rest-frame optical spectra of 443 galaxies within the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole survey that have IRC detections from 7-24 \mum. We use optical emission line diagnostics to infer SFR based on H\alpha and [O II]\lambda\lambda 3726,3729 emission line luminosities. The PAH 6.2 \mum and PAH 7.7 \mum luminosities (L(PAH\ 6.2\ \mu m) and L(PAH\ 7.7\ \mu m), respectively) derived using multi-wavelength model fits are consistent with those derived from slitless spectroscopy within 0.2 dex. L(PAH\ 6.2\ \mu m) and L(PAH\ 7.7\ \mu m) correlate linearly with the 24 \mum-dust corrected H\alpha luminosity only for normal, star-forming ``main-sequence” galaxies. Assuming multi-linear correlations, we quantify the additional dependencies on metallicity and starburst intensity, which we use to correct our PAH SFR calibrations at 0<z<1.2 for the first time. We derive the cosmic star formation rate density (SFRD) per comoving volume from 0.15 \lesssim z \lesssim 1. The PAH SFRD is consistent with that of the far-infrared and reaches an order of magnitude higher than that of uncorrected UV observations at z\sim1. Starburst galaxies contribute \gtrsim 0.7 of the total SFRD at z\sim1 compared to main-sequence galaxies.

Articles for week 34 2024

Varying water activity and momentum transfer on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from its non-gravitational forces and torques

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We investigate the ability of a simultaneous fitting of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko’s non-gravitational forces, torques and total water-outgassing rate, as observed by Rosetta, to constrain complex thermophysical models of cometary material. We extend the previous work of fitting geographically defined surface outgassing models to the Rosetta observations by testing the effects of a more detailed geomorphological mapping, the resolution of the shape-model used, self-heating by neighbouring facets on the shape-model, thermal inertia in the outgassing solution, and variation in the momentum coupling between the gas and the nucleus. We also directly compare the non-gravitational acceleration curves available in the literature. We correct an error in the calculation of pole-orientation in the previous paper. We find that, under the assumptions of the model: non-gravitational forces and torques are driven by water sublimation from the nucleus, thermal inertia and self-heating have only minor effects, spatially uniform activity cannot explain 67P’s non-gravitational dynamics, spatially uniform momentum transfer cannot explain 67P’s non-gravitational dynamics, and different terrain types have different instantaneous responses to insolation. Consolidated terrain facing south on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko has a high outgassing flux, steep response to insolation, and large gas momentum transfer coefficient. Meanwhile, that facing north behaves differently, producing low-to-no water outgassing, and with a lower momentum transfer efficiency. Dusty terrain also has a lower outgassing rate and momentum transfer efficiency, and either depletes its volatile component or is buried in fall-back as the comet approaches the Sun. Momentum transfer appears correlated with insolation, likely due to an increased enhancement in the gas temperature as the dust it flows through is heated.

Not-so-little Red Dots: Two massive and dusty starbursts at z~5-7 pushing the limits of star formation discovered by JWST in the COSMOS-Web survey

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We present the properties of two candidate massive (M_\star\sim10^{11}M_\odot) and dusty (A_{\rm v}>2.5 mag) galaxies at z=5-7 in the first 0.28 deg^2 of the COSMOS-Web survey. One object is spectroscopically confirmed at z_{\rm spec}=5.051, while the other has a robust z_{\rm phot}=6.7\pm0.3. Thanks to their extremely red colors (F277W-F444W\sim1.7 mag), these galaxies satisfy the nominal color-selection for the widely-studied little red dot" (LRD) population with the exception of their spatially-resolved morphologies. The morphology of our targets allows us to conclude that their red continuum is dominated by highly obscured stellar emission and not by reddened nuclear activity. Using a variety of SED-fitting tools and star formation histories, we estimate the stellar masses to be $\log(M_\star)=11.32^{+0.07}_{-0.15}$ $M_\odot$ and $\log(M_\star)=11.2^{+0.1}_{-0.2}$ $M_\odot$, respectively, with a red continuum emission dominated by a recent episode of star formation. We then compare their number density to the halo mass function to infer stellar baryon fractions of $\epsilon_\star\sim0.25$ and $\epsilon_\star\sim0.5$. Both are significantly higher than what is commonly observed in lower-z galaxies or more dust-obscured galaxies at similar redshifts. With very bright ultra-high-z Lyman-Break Galaxies and some non-AGN dominated LRDs, suchextended” LRDs represent another population that may require very efficient star formation at early times.

Articles for week 33 2024

SCUBADive I: JWST+ALMA Analysis of 289 sub-millimeter galaxies in COSMOS-Web

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JWST has enabled detecting and spatially resolving the heavily dust-attenuated stellar populations of sub-millimeter galaxies, revealing detail that was previously inaccessible. In this work we construct a sample of 289 sub-millimeter galaxies with detailed joint ALMA and JWST constraints in the COSMOS field. Sources are originally selected using the SCUBA-2 instrument and have archival ALMA observations from various programs. Their JWST NIRCam imaging is from COSMOS-Web and PRIMER. We extract multi-wavelength photometry in a manner that leverages the unprecedented near-infrared spatial resolution of JWST, and fit the data with spectral energy distribution models to derive photometric redshifts, stellar masses, star-formation rates and optical attenuation. The sample has an average z=2.6, A_V=2.5, SFR=270 and log(M*)=11.1. There are 81 (30%) galaxies that have no previous optical/near-infrared detections, including 75% of the z>4 sub-sample (n=28). The faintest observed near-infrared sources have the highest redshifts and largest A_V=4. In a preliminary morphology analysis we find that ~10% of our sample exhibit spiral arms and 5% host stellar bars, with one candidate bar found at z>3. Finally, we find that the clustering of JWST galaxies within 10 arcseconds of a sub-mm galaxy is a factor of 2 greater than what is expected based on either random clustering or the distribution of sources around any red galaxy irrespective of a sub-mm detection.

Comparing NASA Discovery and New Frontiers Class Mission Concepts for the Io Volcano Observer (IVO)

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Jupiter’s moon Io is a highly compelling target for future exploration that offers critical insight into tidal dissipation processes and the geology of high heat flux worlds, including primitive planetary bodies, such as the early Earth, that are shaped by enhanced rates of volcanism. Io is also important for understanding the development of volcanogenic atmospheres and mass-exchange within the Jupiter System. However, fundamental questions remain about the state of Io’s interior, surface, and atmosphere, as well as its role in the evolution of the Galilean satellites. The Io Volcano Observer (IVO) would address these questions by achieving the following three key goals: (A) Determine how and where tidal heat is generated inside Io; (B) Understand how tidal heat is transported to the surface of Io; and (C) Understand how Io is evolving. IVO was selected for Phase A study through the NASA Discovery program in 2020 and, in anticipation of a New Frontiers 5 opportunity, an enhanced IVO-NF mission concept was advanced that would increase the Baseline mission from 10 flybys to 20, with an improved radiation design; employ a Ka-band communications to double IVO’s total data downlink; add a wide angle camera for color and stereo mapping; add a dust mass spectrometer; and lower the altitude of later flybys to enable new science. This study compares and contrasts the mission architecture, instrument suite, and science objectives for Discovery (IVO) and New Frontiers (IVO-NF) missions to Io, and advocates for continued prioritization of Io as an exploration target for New Frontiers.

Articles for week 32 2024

Articles for week 31 2024

Charting the Lyman-alpha escape fraction in the range 2.9<z<6.7 and consequences for the LAE reionisation contribution

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The escape of Lyman-alpha photons at redshifts greater than two is an ongoing subject of study and an important quantity to further understanding of Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs), the transmission of Lyman-alpha photons through the interstellar medium and intergalactic medium, and the impact these LAEs have on cosmic reionisation. This study aims to assess the Lyman-alpha escape fraction over the redshift range 2.9<z<6.7, focusing on VLT/MUSE-selected, gravitationally lensed, intrinsically faint LAEs. These galaxies are of particular interest as the potential drivers of cosmic reionisation. We assessed the Lyman-alpha escape fraction in two ways: through an individual study of 96 LAEs behind the A2744 lensing cluster, with JWST/NIRCam and HST data, and through a study of the global evolution of the escape fraction using the state-of-the-art luminosity functions for LAEs and the UV-selected `parent’ population (dust-corrected). We compared these studies to those in the literature based on brighter samples. We find a negligible redshift evolution of the escape fraction for our individual galaxies; it is likely that it was washed out by significant intrinsic scatter. We observed a more significant evolution towards higher escape fractions with decreasing UV magnitude and fit this relation. When comparing the two luminosity functions to derive the escape fraction in a global sense, we saw agreement with previous literature when integrating the luminosity functions to a bright limit. However, when integrating using a faint limit equivalent to the observational limits of our samples, we observed enhanced escape fraction values, particularly around z~6, where the escape fraction becomes consistent with 100%. This indicates for the faint regimes we sampled that galaxies towards reionisation tend to allow very large fractions of Lyman-alpha photons to escape. (shortened)

TOI-757 b: an eccentric transiting mini-Neptune on a 17.5-d orbit

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We report the spectroscopic confirmation and fundamental properties of TOI-757 b, a mini-Neptune on a 17.5-day orbit transiting a bright star (V = 9.7 mag) discovered by the TESS mission. We acquired high-precision radial velocity measurements with the HARPS, ESPRESSO, and PFS spectrographs to confirm the planet detection and determine its mass. We also acquired space-borne transit photometry with the CHEOPS space telescope to place stronger constraints on the planet radius, supported with ground-based LCOGT photometry. WASP and KELT photometry were used to help constrain the stellar rotation period. We also determined the fundamental parameters of the host star. We find that TOI-757 b has a radius of R_{\mathrm{p}} = 2.5 \pm 0.1 R_{\oplus} and a mass of M_{\mathrm{p}} = 10.5^{+2.2}_{-2.1} M_{\oplus}, implying a bulk density of \rho_{\text{p}} = 3.6 \pm 0.8 g cm^{-3}. Our internal composition modeling was unable to constrain the composition of TOI-757 b, highlighting the importance of atmospheric observations for the system. We also find the planet to be highly eccentric with e = 0.39^{+0.08}_{-0.07}, making it one of the very few highly eccentric planets among precisely characterized mini-Neptunes. Based on comparisons to other similar eccentric systems, we find a likely scenario for TOI-757 b’s formation to be high eccentricity migration due to a distant outer companion. We additionally propose the possibility of a more intrinsic explanation for the high eccentricity due to star-star interactions during the earlier epoch of the Galactic disk formation, given the low metallicity and older age of TOI-757.

Dynamical and Atmospheric Characterization of the Substellar Companion HD 33632 Ab from Direct Imaging, Astrometry, and Radial-Velocity Data

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We present follow-up SCExAO/CHARIS H and K-band (R \sim 70) high-contrast integral field spectroscopy and Keck/NIRC2 photometry of directly-imaged brown dwarf companion HD 33632 Ab and new radial-velocity data for the system from the SOPHIE spectrograph, complemented by Hipparcos and Gaia astrometry. These data enable more robust spectral characterization compared to lower-resolution spectra from the discovery paper and more than double the available astrometric and radial-velocity baseline. HD 33632 Ab’s spectrum is well reproduced by a field L8.5–L9.5 dwarf. Using the Exo-REM atmosphere models, we derive a best-fit temperature, surface gravity and radius of T_{\rm eff} = 1250 K, log(g) = 5, and R = 0.97 R_{\rm J} and a solar C/O ratio. Adding the SOPHIE radial-velocity data enables far tighter constraints on the companion’s orbital properties (e.g. i={46.6}_{-5.7}^{+2.9}^{o}) and dynamical mass ({51.7}_{-2.5}^{+2.6}M_{\rm J}) than derived from imaging data and eDR3 astrometry data alone. HD 33632 Ab should be a prime target for multi-band imaging and spectroscopy with the James Webb Space Telescope and the Roman Space Telescope’s Coronagraphic Instrument, shedding detailed light on HD 33632 Ab’s clouds and chemistry and providing a key reference point for understanding young exoplanet atmospheres.

Euclid preparation. Exploring the properties of proto-clusters in the Simulated Euclid Wide Survey

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Galaxy proto-clusters are receiving an increased interest since most of the processes shaping the structure of clusters of galaxies and their galaxy population are happening at early stages of their formation. The Euclid Survey will provide a unique opportunity to discover a large number of proto-clusters over a large fraction of the sky (14 500 square degrees). In this paper, we explore the expected observational properties of proto-clusters in the Euclid Wide Survey by means of theoretical models and simulations. We provide an overview of the predicted proto-cluster extent, galaxy density profiles, mass-richness relations, abundance, and sky-filling as a function of redshift. Useful analytical approximations for the functions of these properties are provided. The focus is on the redshift range z= 1.5 to 4. We discuss in particular the density contrast with which proto-clusters can be observed against the background in the galaxy distribution if photometric galaxy redshifts are used as supplied by the ESA Euclid mission together with the ground-based photometric surveys. We show that the obtainable detection significance is sufficient to find large numbers of interesting proto-cluster candidates. For quantitative studies, additional spectroscopic follow-up is required to confirm the proto-clusters and establish their richness.

Articles for week 30 2024

TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by TTVs

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We report the discovery and characterization of a small planet, TOI-1408 c, on a 2.2-day orbit located interior to a previously known hot Jupiter, TOI-1408 b (P=4.42 d, M=1.86\pm0.02\,M_\mathrm{Jup}, R=2.4\pm0.5\,R_\mathrm{Jup}) that exhibits grazing transits. The two planets are near 2:1 period commensurability, resulting in significant transit timing variations (TTVs) for both planets and transit duration variations (TDVs) for the inner planet. The TTV amplitude for TOI-1408 c is 15% of the planet’s orbital period, marking the largest TTV amplitude relative to the orbital period measured to date. Photodynamical modeling of ground-based radial velocity (RV) observations and transit light curves obtained with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and ground-based facilities leads to an inner planet radius of 2.22\pm0.06\,R_\oplus and mass of 7.6\pm0.2\,M_\oplus that locates the planet into the Sub-Neptune regime. The proximity to the 2:1 period commensurability leads to the libration of the resonant argument of the inner planet. The RV measurements support the existence of a third body with an orbital period of several thousand days. This discovery places the system among the rare systems featuring a hot Jupiter accompanied by an inner low-mass planet.

End-to-End simulation framework for astronomical spectrographs: SOXS, CUBES and ANDES

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We present our numerical simulation approach for the End-to-End (E2E) model applied to various astronomical spectrographs, such as SOXS (ESO-NTT), CUBES (ESO-VLT), and ANDES (ESO-ELT), covering multiple wavelength regions. The E2E model aim at simulating the expected astronomical observations starting from the radiation of the scientific sources (or calibration sources) up to the raw-frame data produced by the detectors. The comprehensive description includes E2E architecture, computational models, and tools for rendering the simulated frames. Collaboration with Data Reduction Software (DRS) teams is discussed, along with efforts to meet instrument requirements. The contribution to the cross-correlation algorithm for the Active Flexure Compensation (AFC) system of CUBES is detailed.

Chemical tracers of a highly eccentric AGB-main sequence star binary

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Binary interactions have been proposed to explain a variety of circumstellar structures seen around evolved stars, including asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and planetary nebulae. Studies resolving the circumstellar envelopes of AGB stars have revealed spirals, discs and bipolar outflows, with shaping attributed to interactions with a companion. For the first time, we have used a combined chemical and dynamical analysis to reveal a highly eccentric and long-period orbit for W Aquilae, a binary system containing an AGB star and a main sequence companion. Our results are based on anisotropic SiN emission, the first detections of NS and SiC towards an S-type star, and density structures observed in the CO emission. These features are all interpreted as having formed during periastron interactions. Our astrochemistry-based method can yield stringent constraints on the orbital parameters of long-period binaries containing AGB stars, and will be applicable to other systems.

Early-Time Observations of SN 2023wrk: A Luminous Type Ia Supernova with Significant Unburned Carbon in the Outer Ejecta

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We present extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of the nearby Type Ia supernova (SN) 2023wrk at a distance of about 40 Mpc. The earliest detection of this SN can be traced back to a few hours after the explosion. Within the first few days the light curve shows a bump feature, while the B - V color is blue and remains nearly constant. The overall spectral evolution is similar to that of an SN 1991T/SN 1999aa-like SN Ia, while the C II \lambda6580 absorption line appears to be unusually strong in the first spectrum taken at $t -$15.4 days after the maximum light. This carbon feature disappears quickly in subsequent evolution but it reappears at around the time of peak brightness. The complex evolution of the carbon line and the possible detection of Ni III absorption around 4700 {} and 5300 {} in the earliest spectra indicate macroscopic mixing of fuel and ash. The strong carbon lines is likely related to collision of SN ejecta with unbound carbon, consistent with the predictions of pulsational delayed-detonation or carbon-rich circumstellar-matter interaction models. Among those carbon-rich SNe Ia with strong C II \lambda6580 absorption at very early times, the line-strength ratio of C II to Si II and the B-V color evolution are found to exhibit large diversity, which may be attributed to different properties of unbound carbon and outward-mixing ^{56}Ni.

Articles for week 29 2024

The FAST HI 21-cm absorption blind survey. II – statistic exploration for associated and intervening systems

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We present an extragalactic HI 21-cm absorption lines catalog from a blind search at z \leq 0.35, using drift-scan data collected in 1616.9 hours by the ongoing Commensal Radio Astronomy FasT Survey (CRAFTS) and FAST All Sky HI Survey (FASHI), which spans a sky area of 7456.8 deg^{2} and covers 84,533 radio sources with a flux density greater than 12 mJy. 14 previously identified HI absorbers and 20 newly discovered HI absorbers were detected, comprising 14 associated systems, 11 intervening systems, and 9 systems with undetermined classifications. We fit HI profiles with multi-component Gaussian functions and calculate the redshift, width, flux density, optical depth, and HI column densities for each source. Through spectral stacking, the mean peak optical path, mean velocity-integrated optical path \langle \tau\rangle, mean FWHM and mean HI column density \langle N_{HI}\rangle are measured to be 0.46 and 0.34; 25.85 km/s and 4.62 km/s; 39.80 km/s and 8.95 km/s; 0.470 and 0.085 T_{s} \times 10^{20}cm^{-2}K^{-1}, for the associated and intervening samples, respectively. Statistical analysis also reveals that associated systems tend to be hosted by red (g-r$>0.7) galaxies at lower redshifts, whereas galaxies hosting intervening HI absorption are typically found at higher redshifts and are of a bluer (g-r0.7) type. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that associated HI 21-cm absorptions connected to compact radio sources display higher N_{HI}$ values compared to those linked with extended radio sources.

Search for light dark matter with NEWS-G at the LSM using a methane target

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The NEWS-G direct detection experiment uses spherical proportional counters to search for light dark matter candidates. New results from a 10 day physics run with a 135\,\mathrm{cm} in diameter spherical proportional counter at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane are reported. The target consists of 114\,\mathrm{g} of methane, providing sensitivity to dark matter spin-dependent coupling to protons. New constraints are presented in the mass range 0.17 to 1.2\,\mathrm{GeV/c^2}, with a 90% confidence level cross-section upper limit of 30.9\,\mathrm{pb} for a mass of 0.76\,\mathrm{GeV/c^2}.

Pattern speed evolution of barred galaxies in TNG50

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Galactic bars are found in the majority of disc galaxies. They rotate nearly rigidly with an angular frequency called pattern speed. Previous idealised simulations have shown that bar pattern speed decreases with time due to dynamical friction exerted by the dark matter halo, while cold gas can reduce or even reverse this trend. We want to understand how different galaxy properties affect the evolution of the bar pattern speed in more realistic situations, including ongoing star formation, mass infall, AGN feedback and galaxy interactions. We used the high-resolution run TNG50-1 of the magnetohydrodynamical cosmological simulations suite IllustrisTNG to trace the pattern speed of simulated bars and see how it depends on various galaxy properties. Simulated bars with initially high pattern speed and a subsequent rapid slowdown are more likely found in more massive galaxies. Lower mass galaxies, on the other hand, preferentially host bars that start at relatively low pattern speeds and retain the same value until the end of the simulation. More massive barred galaxies are also more affected by the AGN feedback, which removes (or heats up) the cold gas that could have prevented the slowdown. We find that bars grow and strengthen with slowdown, in agreement with higher resolution simulations. We find that strong correlations between the bar slowdown rate and galaxy mass weaken considerably when we use dimensionless measures to quantify the slowdown. In TNG50, the AGN feedback prescription amplifies the mass dependence. Turned around, this provides an interesting statistic to constrain subgrid physics by bar growth/slowing.

METIS high-contrast imaging: from final design to manufacturing and testing

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The Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) is one of the first-generation scientific instruments for the ELT, built under the supervision of ESO by a consortium of research institutes across and beyond Europe. Designed to cover the 3 to 13 \mum wavelength range, METIS had its final design reviewed in Fall 2022, and has then entered in earnest its manufacture, assembly, integration, and test (MAIT) phase. Here, we present the final design of the METIS high-contrast imaging (HCI) modes. We detail the implementation of the two main coronagraphic solutions selected for METIS, namely the vortex coronagraph and the apodizing phase plate, including their combination with the high-resolution integral field spectrograph of METIS, and briefly describe their respective backup plans (Lyot coronagraph and shaped pupil plate). We then describe the status of the MAIT phase for HCI modes, including a review of the final design of individual components such as the vortex phase masks, the grayscale ring apodizer, and the apodizing phase plates, as well as a description of their on-going performance tests and of our plans for system-level integration and tests. Using end-to-end simulations, we predict the performance that will be reached on sky by the METIS HCI modes in presence of various environmental and instrumental disturbances, including non-common path aberrations and water vapor seeing, and discuss our strategy to mitigate these various effects. We finally illustrate with mock observations and data processing that METIS should be capable of directly imaging temperate rocky planets around the nearest stars.

Articles for week 28 2024

Constraints on Relativistic Jets from the Fast X-ray Transient 210423 using Prompt Radio Follow-Up Observations

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Fast X-ray Transients (FXTs) are a new observational class of phenomena with no clear physical origin. This is at least partially a consequence of limited multi-wavelength follow up of this class of transients in real time. Here we present deep optical (g- and i- band) photometry with Keck, and prompt radio observations with the VLA of FXT 210423 obtained at {\delta t \approx 14-36} days since the X-ray trigger. We use these multi-band observations, combined with publicly available data sets, to constrain the presence and physical properties of on-axis and off-axis relativistic jets such as those that can be launched by neutron-star mergers and tidal disruption events, which are among the proposed theoretical scenarios of FXTs. Considering a wide range of possible redshifts z\le3.5, circumstellar medium (CSM) density n={10^{-6}-10^{-1}\,\rm{cm^{-3}}}, isotropic-equivalent jet kinetic energy E_{k,iso}={10^{48}-10^{55}\,\rm{erg}}, we find that we can rule out wide jets with opening angle {\theta_{j}=15^{\circ}} viewed within {10^{\circ}} off-axis. For more collimated jets ({\theta_{j}=3^{\circ}}) we can only rule out on-axis ({\theta_{obs}=0^{\circ}}) orientations. This study highlights the constraining power of prompt multi-wavelength observations of FXTs discovered in real time by current (e.g., Einstein Probe) and future facilities.

Euclid preparation. Forecasting the recovery of galaxy physical properties and their relations with template-fitting and machine-learning methods

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Euclid will collect an enormous amount of data during the mission’s lifetime, observing billions of galaxies in the extragalactic sky. Along with traditional template-fitting methods, numerous Machine Learning algorithms have been presented for computing their photometric redshifts and physical parameters (PP), requiring significantly less computing effort while producing equivalent performance measures. However, their performance is limited by the quality and amount of input information, to the point where the recovery of some well-established physical relationships between parameters might not be guaranteed. To forecast the reliability of Euclid photo-zs and PPs calculations, we produced two mock catalogs simulating Euclid photometry. We simulated the Euclid Wide Survey (EWS) and Euclid Deep Fields (EDF). We tested the performance of a template-fitting algorithm (Phosphoros) and four ML methods in recovering photo-zs, stellar masses, star-formation rates, and the SFMS. To mimic the Euclid processing as closely as possible, the models were trained with Phosphoros-recovered labels. For the EWS, we found that the best results are achieved with a Mixed Labels approach, training the models with Wide survey features and labels from the Phosphoros results on deeper photometry, i.e., with the best possible set of labels for a given photometry. This imposes a prior, helping the models to better discern cases in degenerate regions of feature space, i.e., when galaxies have similar magnitudes and colors but different redshifts and PPs, with performance metrics even better than those found with Phosphoros. We found no more than 3\% performance degradation using a COSMOS-like reference sample or removing u band data, which will not be available until after data release DR1. The best results are obtained for the EDF, with appropriate recovery of photo-z, PPs, and the SFMS.

Rising from the ashes: evidence of old stellar populations and rejuvenation events in the very early Universe

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While JWST has observed galaxies assembling as early as z\sim14, evidence of galaxies with significant old stellar populations in the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) – the descendants of these earliest galaxies – are few and far between. Bursty star-formation histories (SFHs) have been invoked to explain the detectability of the earliest UV-bright galaxies, but also to interpret galaxies showing Balmer breaks without nebular emission lines. We present the first spectroscopic evidence of a z\sim7.9 galaxy, A2744-YD4, which shows a Balmer break and emission lines, indicating the presence of both a mature and young stellar population. The spectrum of A2744-YD4 shows peculiar emission line ratios suggesting a relatively low ionisation parameter and high gas-phase metallicity. A median stack of galaxies with similar emission line ratios reveals a clear Balmer break in their stacked spectrum. This suggests that a mature stellar population (\sim 80 Myr old) has produced a chemically enriched, disrupted interstellar medium. Based on SED-fitting and comparison to simulations, we conclude that the observed young stellar population is in fact the result of a rejuvenation event following a lull in star formation lasting \sim 20 Myr, making A2744-YD4 and our stack the first spectroscopic confirmation of galaxies that have rejuvenated following a mini-quenched phase. These rejuvenating galaxies appear to be in an exceptional evolutionary moment where they can be identified. Our analysis shows that a young stellar population of just \sim 30 \% of the total stellar mass would erase the Balmer break. Hence, ‘outshining’ through bursty SFHs of galaxies in the early Universe is likely plaguing attempts to measure their stellar ages and masses accurately.

The deep oxygen abundance in Solar System Giant Planets, with a new derivation for Saturn

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Deep elemental composition is a challenging measurement to achieve in the giant planets of the solar system. Yet, knowledge of the deep composition offers important insights in the internal structure of these planets, their evolutionary history and their formation scenarios. A key element whose deep abundance is difficult to obtain is oxygen, because of its propensity for being in condensed phases such as rocks and ices. In the atmospheres of the giant planets, oxygen is largely stored in water molecules that condense below the observable levels. At atmospheric levels that can be investigated with remote sensing, water abundance can modify the observed meteorology, and meteorological phenomena can distribute water through the atmosphere in complex ways that are not well understood and that encompass deeper portions of the atmosphere. The deep oxygen abundance provides constraints on the connection between atmosphere and interior and on the processes by which other elements were trapped, making its determination an important element to understand giant planets. In this paper, we review the current constraints on the deep oxygen abundance of the giant planets, as derived from observations and thermochemical models.

Evidence for auroral influence on Jupiter’s nitrogen and oxygen chemistry revealed by ALMA

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The localized delivery of new long-lived species to Jupiter’s stratosphere by comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994 opened a window to constrain Jovian chemistry and dynamics by monitoring the evolution of their vertical and horizontal distributions. However, the spatial distributions of CO and HCN, two of these long-lived species, had never been jointly observed at high latitudinal resolution. Atacama large millimeter/submillimeter array observations of HCN and CO in March 2017 show that CO was meridionally uniform and restricted to pressures lower than 3 \pm 1 mbar. HCN shared a similar vertical distribution in the low- to mid-latitudes, but was depleted at pressures between 2^{+2}_ {-1} and 0.04^{+0.07}_{-0.03} mbar in the aurora and surrounding regions, resulting in a drop by two orders of magnitude in column density. We propose that heterogeneous chemistry bonds HCN on large aurora-produced aerosols at these pressures in the Jovian auroral regions causing the observed depletion.

Characterisation of the Warm-Jupiter TOI-1130 system with CHEOPS and photo-dynamical approach

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Among the thousands of exoplanets discovered to date, approximately a few hundred gas giants on short-period orbits are classified as “lonely” and only a few are in a multi-planet system with a smaller companion on a close orbit. The processes that formed multi-planet systems hosting gas giants on close orbits are poorly understood, and only a few examples of this kind of system have been observed and well characterised. Within the contest of multi-planet system hosting gas-giant on short orbits, we characterise TOI-1130 system by measuring masses and orbital parameters. This is a 2-transiting planet system with a Jupiter-like planet (c) on a 8.35 days orbit and a Neptune-like planet (b) on an inner (4.07 days) orbit. Both planets show strong anti-correlated transit timing variations (TTVs). Furthermore, radial velocity (RV) analysis showed an additional linear trend, a possible hint of a non-transiting candidate planet on a far outer orbit. Since 2019, extensive transit and radial velocity observations of the TOI-1130 have been acquired using TESS and various ground-based facilities. We present a new photo-dynamical analysis of all available transit and RV data, with the addition of new CHEOPS and ASTEP+ data that achieve the best precision to date on the planetary radii and masses and on the timings of each transit. We were able to model interior structure of planet b constraining the presence of a gaseous envelope of H/He, while it was not possible to assess the possible water content. Furthermore, we analysed the resonant state of the two transiting planets, and we found that they lie just outside the resonant region. This could be the result of the tidal evolution that the system underwent. We obtained both masses of the planets with a precision less than 1.5%, and radii with a precision of about 1% and 3% for planet b and c, respectively.

INTEGRAL/IBIS polarization detection in the hard and soft intermediate states of Swift J1727.8-1613

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Soft gamma-ray emission (100 keV – 10 MeV) has previously been detected in the hard state of several microquasars. In some sources, this emission was found to be highly polarized and was suggested to be emitted at the base of the jet. Until now, no \gamma-ray polarization had been found in any other state. Using INTEGRAL/IBIS, we studied the soft gamma-ray spectral and polarization properties of Swift J1727.8-1613 throughout its outburst. We detect a highly polarized spectral component in both the hard intermediate state and the early stages of the soft intermediate state above 210 keV. In the hard intermediate state, the polarization angle significantly deviates from the compact jet angle projected onto the sky, whereas in the soft intermediate they are closely aligned. This constitutes the first detection of jet-aligned polarization in the soft gamma-ray for a microquasar. We attribute this polarized spectral component to synchrotron emission from the jet, which indicates that some of the jet might persist into the softer states.

DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light dark matter particles

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The dual-phase liquid argon time projection chamber is presently one of the leading technologies to search for dark matter particles with masses below 10 GeV/c^2. This was demonstrated by the DarkSide-50 experiment with approximately 50 kg of low-radioactivity liquid argon as target material. The next generation experiment DarkSide-20k, currently under construction, will use 1,000 times more argon and is expected to start operation in 2027. Based on the DarkSide-50 experience, here we assess the DarkSide-20k sensitivity to models predicting light dark matter particles, including Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) and sub-GeV/c^2 particles interacting with electrons in argon atoms. With one year of data, a sensitivity improvement to dark matter interaction cross-sections by at least one order of magnitude with respect to DarkSide-50 is expected for all these models. A sensitivity to WIMP–nucleon interaction cross-sections below 1\times10^{-42} cm^2 is achievable for WIMP masses above 800 MeV/c^2. With 10 years exposure, the neutrino fog can be reached for WIMP masses around 5 GeV/c^2.

Articles for week 27 2024

NOEMA formIng Cluster survEy (NICE): Characterizing eight massive galaxy groups at 1.5 < z < 4 in the COSMOS field

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The NOEMA formIng Cluster survEy (NICE) is a large program targeting 69 massive galaxy group candidates at z>2 in six deep fields. We report spectroscopic confirmation of eight groups at 1.65\leq z\leq3.61 in COSMOS. Homogeneously selected as significant overdensities of red IRAC sources with red Herschel colors, four groups are confirmed by CO and [CI] with NOEMA 3mm observations, three are confirmed with ALMA, and one is confirmed by H\alpha from Subaru/FMOS. We constructed the integrated FIR SEDs for the eight groups, obtaining total IR SFR =260-1300~{\rm M_\odot}~yr^{-1}. We adopted six methods to estimate the dark matter masses, including stellar mass to halo mass relations, overdensity with galaxy bias, and NFW profile fitting to radial stellar mass density. We found the radial stellar mass density are consistent with a NFW profile, supporting that they are collapsed structures hosted by a single dark matter halo. The best halo mass estimates are \log(M_{\rm h}/{\rm M_\odot})=12.8-13.7 with uncertainty of 0.3 dex. From halo mass estimates, we derive baryonic accretion rate {\rm BAR}=(1-8)\times10^{3}\,{\rm M_{\odot}/yr} for this sample. We find a quasi-linear correlation between the integrated SFR/BAR and the theoretical halo mass limit for cold streams, M_{\rm stream}/M_{\rm h}, with {\rm SFR/BAR}=10^{-0.46\pm0.22}\left({M_{\rm stream}/M_{\rm h}}\right)^{0.71\pm0.16} with a scatter of 0.40\,{\rm dex}. Further, we compare halo masses and stellar masses with simulations, and find all structures are consistent with being progenitors of M_{\rm h}(z=0)>10^{14}\,{\rm M_{\odot}} galaxy clusters, and the most massive central galaxies have stellar masses consistent with brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) progenitors in the TNG300 simulation. The results strongly suggest these structures are forming massive galaxy clusters via baryonic and dark matter accretion.

AtLAST Science Overview Report

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Submillimeter and millimeter wavelengths provide a unique view of the Universe, from the gas and dust that fills and surrounds galaxies to the chromosphere of our own Sun. Current single-dish facilities have presented a tantalising view of the brightest (sub-)mm sources, and interferometers have provided the exquisite resolution necessary to analyse the details in small fields, but there are still many open questions that cannot be answered with current facilities. In this report we summarise the science that is guiding the design of the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST). We demonstrate how tranformational advances in topics including star formation in high redshift galaxies, the diffuse circumgalactic medium, Galactic ecology, cometary compositions and solar flares motivate the need for a 50m, single-dish telescope with a 1-2 degree field of view and a new generation of highly multiplexed continuum and spectral cameras. AtLAST will have the resolution to drastically lower the confusion limit compared to current single-dish facilities, whilst also being able to rapidly map large areas of the sky and detect extended, diffuse structures. Its high sensitivity and large field of view will open up the field of submillimeter transient science by increasing the probability of serendipitous detections. Finally, the science cases listed here motivate the need for a highly flexible operations model capable of short observations of individual targets, large surveys, monitoring programmes, target of opportunity observations and coordinated observations with other observatories. AtLAST aims to be a sustainable, upgradeable, multipurpose facility that will deliver orders of magnitude increases in sensitivity and mapping speeds over current and planned submillimeter observatories.

Properties of supernova remnants in SIGNALS galaxies – I . NGC 6822 and M33

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We present a spatially resolved study of the kinematical properties of known supernova remnants (SNRs) in the nearest galaxies of the SIGNALS survey, namely NGC 6822 (one object) and M33 (163 objects), based on data obtained with the SITELLE Imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (iFTS) at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better scheme of identification for extragalactic SNRs and, in particular, to distinguish between HII regions and SNRs. For that we have used diagrams which involve both the [SII]/H\alpha ratio and the velocity dispersion (\sigma). We also introduce a new parameter, \xi = {[SII] \over H\alpha} \times \sigma, which enhances still the contrast between SNRs and the rest of the ionised gas. More than 90% of the SNRs in our entire sample show an integrated [SII]/H\alpha ratio larger than the canonical value (0.4). 86% of the SNRs present in our field show a significant velocity dispersion. The spectral resolution of our observations allows us to observe the complex velocity structure of some SNRs.

Articles for week 26 2024

Source regions of carbonaceous meteorites and NEOs

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The present work aims to determine the source regions of carbonaceous chondrites (CM, CI, CO, CV, CK, CR, CH, CB, or C-ungrouped). We studied 38 individual asteroid families, including young and old ones, and determined their contributions to the NEO populations at metre and kilometre sizes using collisional and orbital models. Our models are in agreement with spectroscopic observations of NEOs, cosmic-ray exposure ages of meteorites, statistics of bolides, infrared emission from dust bands, composition of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs), or abundance of extraterrestrial helium-3. We identified the Veritas, Polana and Eos families as the primary sources of CM/CR, CI and CO/CV/CK chondrites, respectively. Substantial contributions are also expected from CM-like K"onig and CI-like Clarissa, Misa and Hoffmeister families. The source regions of kilometre-sized bodies are generally different. The Adeona family is by far the main source of CM-like NEOs, whereas the Polana (low-i) and Euphrosyne (high-i) families are at the origin of most CI-like NEOs. The Polana family is the likely source of both Ryugu and Bennu. We were able to link spectroscopically and dynamically several NEOs to the Baptistina family. Finally, it appears that the pre-atmospheric flux of carbonaceous chondrites at metre sizes is about the same as that of ordinary chondrites. Given the difference in fall statistics between the two groups (80% versus 4.4%), this implies either substantial atmospheric fragmentation of carbonaceous bodies at the level of {\sim}0.5\,{\rm MPa}, or destruction by thermal cracking and water desorption. The source regions of most meteorites and kilometre-sized NEOs have now been determined; including some minor classes like enstatite chondrites and achondrites (Nysa, Hungaria), acapulcoites/lodranites (Iannini).

Rapid Response Mode observations of GRB 160203A: Looking for fine-structure line variability at z=3.52

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Gamma-ray bursts are the most energetic known explosions. Despite fading rapidly, they allow to measure redshift and important properties of their host-galaxies. We report the photometric and spectroscopic study of GRB 160203A and its host-galaxy. Fine-structure absorption lines, detected in the afterglow at different epochs, allow us to investigate variability due to the strong fading background source. We obtained two optical to near-infrared spectra of the afterglow with X-shooter on ESO/VLT, 18 min and 5.7 hrs after the burst, allowing us to investigate temporal changes of fine-structure absorption lines. We measured HI column density log N(HI/cm-2)=21.75+/-0.10, and several heavy-element ions along the GRB sight-line in the host-galaxy: SiII,AlII,AlIII,CII,NiII,SiIV,CIV,ZnII,FeII, and FeII and SiII fine structure transitions from energetic levels excited by the afterglow, at a redshift z=3.518. We measured [M/H]TOT=-0.78+/-0.13 and [Zn/Fe]FIT=0.69+/-0.15, representing the total(dust-corrected) metallicity and dust depletion, respectively. We detected additional intervening systems along the line of sight at z=1.03,z=1.26,z=1.98,z=1.99,z=2.20 and z=2.83. We could not measure significant variability in the fine-structure lines throughout all the observations and determined an upper limit for the GRB distance from the absorber of d<300 pc, adopting the canonical UV pumping scenario. However, we note that the quality of our data is not sufficient to conclusively rule out collisions as an alternative mechanism. GRB 160203A belongs to a growing sample of GRBs with medium resolution spectroscopy, provided by the Swift/X-shooter legacy program, which enables detailed investigation of the interstellar medium in high-redshift GRB host-galaxies. In particular, this host galaxy shows relatively high metal enrichment and dust depletion already in place when the universe was only 1.8 Gyr old.

Active Galaxy Science with the Line Emission Mapper: The Case for High-Resolution Soft X-ray Spectroscopy

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This white paper discusses the breadth of science related to active galactic nuclei (AGN) and associated phenomena to be enabled by a mission with microcalorimeter energy resolution in the soft X-ray band, a large collecting area, and wide-field imaging. Such a mission, the Line Emission Mapper (LEM), has been proposed to NASA’s 2023 Astrophysics Probe Explorer call. While the science pillars of the PI-led part of the mission focus on galaxy evolution, the PI-led LEM All-Sky Survey (LASS) and General Observer/Investigator opportunities will enable vital discoveries for AGN science in the critical soft X-ray band.

Unveiling the internal structure and formation history of the three planets transiting HIP 29442 (TOI-469) with CHEOPS

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Multiplanetary systems spanning the radius valley are ideal testing grounds for exploring the proposed explanations for the observed bimodality in the radius distribution of close-in exoplanets. One such system is HIP 29442 (TOI-469), an evolved K0V star hosting two super-Earths and a sub-Neptune. We observe HIP 29442 with CHEOPS for a total of 9.6 days, which we model jointly with 2 sectors of TESS data to derive planetary radii of 3.410\pm0.046, 1.551\pm0.045 and 1.538\pm0.049 R_\oplus for planets b, c and d, which orbit HIP 29442 with periods of 13.6, 3.5 and 6.4 days. For planet d, this value deviates by more than 3 sigma from the median value reported in the discovery paper, leading us to conclude that caution is required when using TESS photometry to determine the radii of small planets with low per-transit S/N and large gaps between observations. Given the high precision of these new radii, combining them with published RVs from ESPRESSO and HIRES provides us with ideal conditions to investigate the internal structure and formation pathways of the planets in the system. We introduce the publicly available code plaNETic, a fast and robust neural network-based Bayesian internal structure modelling framework. We then apply hydrodynamic models to explore the upper atmospheric properties of these inferred structures. Finally, we identify planetary system analogues in a synthetic population generated with the Bern model for planet formation and evolution. Based on this analysis, we find that the planets likely formed on opposing sides of the water iceline from a protoplanetary disk with an intermediate solid mass. We finally report that the observed parameters of the HIP 29442 system are compatible with both a scenario where the second peak in the bimodal radius distribution corresponds to sub-Neptunes with a pure H/He envelope as well as a scenario with water-rich sub-Neptunes.

Upgrading SPHERE with the second stage AO system SAXO+: non-common path aberrations estimation and correction

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SAXO+ is a planned enhancement of the existing SAXO, the VLT/ SPHERE adaptive optics system, deployed on ESO’s Very Large Telescope. This upgrade is designed to significantly enhance the instrument’s capacity to detect and analyze young Jupiter-like planets. The pivotal addition in SAXO+ is a second-stage adaptive optics system featuring a dedicated near-infrared pyramid wavefront sensor and a second deformable mirror. This secondary stage is strategically integrated to address any residual wavefront errors persisting after the initial correction performed by the current primary AO loop, SAXO. However, several recent studies clearly showed that in good conditions, even in the current system SAXO, non-common path aberrations (NCPAs) are the limiting factor of the final normalized intensity in focal plane, which is the final metric for ground-based high-contrast instruments. This is likely to be even more so the case with the new AO system, with which the AO residuals will be minimized. Several techniques have already been extensively tested on SPHERE in internal source and/or on-sky and will be presented in this paper. However, the use of a new type of sensor for the second stage, a pyramid wavefront sensor, will likely complicate the correction of these aberrations. Using an end-to-end AO simulation tool, we conducted simulations to gauge the effect of measured SPHERE NCPAs in the coronagraphic image on the second loop system and their correction using focal plane wavefront sensing systems. We finally analyzed how the chosen position of SAXO+ in the beam will impact the evolution of the NCPAs in the new instrument.

JWST, ALMA, and Keck Spectroscopic Constraints on the UV Luminosity Functions at z~7-14: Clumpiness and Compactness of the Brightest Galaxies in the Early Universe

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We present the number densities and physical properties of the bright galaxies spectroscopically confirmed at z\sim7-14. Our sample is composed of 53 galaxies at z_\mathrm{spec}\sim7-14, including recently-confirmed galaxies at z_\mathrm{spec}=12.34-14.32 with JWST, as well as new confirmations at z_\mathrm{spec}=6.583-7.643 with -24< M_\mathrm{UV}< -21 mag using ALMA and Keck. Our JWST/NIRSpec observations have also revealed that very bright galaxy candidates at z\sim10-13 identified from ground-based telescope images before JWST are passive galaxies at z\sim3-4, emphasizing the necessity of strict screening and spectroscopy in the selection of the brightest galaxies at z>10. The UV luminosity functions derived from these spectroscopic results are consistent with a double power-law function, showing tensions with theoretical models at the bright end. To understand the origin of the overabundance of bright galaxies, we investigate their morphologies using JWST/NIRCam high-resolution images obtained in various surveys including PRIMER and COSMOS-Web. We find that \sim70\% of the bright galaxies at z\sim7 exhibit clumpy morphologies with multiple sub-components, suggesting merger-induced starburst activity, which is consistent with SED fitting results showing bursty star formation histories. At z\gtrsim10, bright galaxies are classified into two types of galaxies; extended ones with weak high-ionization emission lines, and compact ones with strong high-ionization lines including NIV]$$1486, indicating that at least two different processes (e.g., merger-induced starburst and compact star formation/AGN) are shaping the physical properties of the brightest galaxies at z\gtrsim10 and are responsible for their overabundance.

Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to non-standard particle dark matter model

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The Euclid mission of the European Space Agency will provide weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering surveys that can be used to constrain the standard cosmological model and its extensions, with an opportunity to test the properties of dark matter beyond the minimal cold dark matter paradigm. We present forecasts from the combination of these surveys on the parameters describing four interesting and representative non-minimal dark matter models: a mixture of cold and warm dark matter relics; unstable dark matter decaying either into massless or massive relics; and dark matter experiencing feeble interactions with relativistic relics. We model these scenarios at the level of the non-linear matter power spectrum using emulators trained on dedicated N-body simulations. We use a mock Euclid likelihood to fit mock data and infer error bars on dark matter parameters marginalised over other parameters. We find that the Euclid photometric probe (alone or in combination with CMB data from the Planck satellite) will be sensitive to the effect of each of the four dark matter models considered here. The improvement will be particularly spectacular for decaying and interacting dark matter models. With Euclid, the bounds on some dark matter parameters can improve by up to two orders of magnitude compared to current limits. We discuss the dependence of predicted uncertainties on different assumptions: inclusion of photometric galaxy clustering data, minimum angular scale taken into account, modelling of baryonic feedback effects. We conclude that the Euclid mission will be able to measure quantities related to the dark sector of particle physics with unprecedented sensitivity. This will provide important information for model building in high-energy physics. Any hint of a deviation from the minimal cold dark matter paradigm would have profound implications for cosmology and particle physics.

New ephemerides and detection of transit-timing variations in the K2-138 system using high-precision CHEOPS photometry

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Multi-planet systems are a perfect laboratory for constraining planetary formation models. A few of these systems present planets that come very close to mean motion resonance, potentially leading to significant transit-timing variations (TTVs) due to their gravitational interactions. Of these systems, K2-138 represents a excellent laboratory for studying the dynamics of its six small planets (with radii ranging between \sim1.53.3 R_\oplus), as the five innermost planets are in a near 3:2 resonant chain. In this work, we aim to constrain the orbital properties of the six planets in the K2-138 system by monitoring their transits with CHaracterising ExOPlanets Satellite (CHEOPS). We also seek to use this new data to lead a TTV study on this system. We obtained twelve light curves of the system with transits of planets d, e, f, and g. With these data, we were able to update the ephemerides of the transits for these planets and search for timing transit variations. With our measurements, we reduced the uncertainties in the orbital periods of the studied planets, typically by an order of magnitude. This allowed us to correct for large deviations, on the order of hours, in the transit times predicted by previous studies. This is key to enabling future reliable observations of the planetary transits in the system. We also highlight the presence of potential TTVs ranging from 10 minutes to as many as 60 minutes for planet d.

CONCERTO: Instrument model of Fourier transform spectroscopy, white-noise components

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Modern astrophysics relies on intricate instrument setups to meet the demands of sensitivity, sky coverage, and multi-channel observations. An example is the CONCERTO project, employing advanced technology like kinetic inductance detectors and a Martin-Puplett interferometer. This instrument, installed at the APEX telescope atop the Chajnantor plateau, began commissioning observations in April 2021. Following a successful commissioning phase that concluded in June 2021, CONCERTO was offered to the scientific community for observations, with a final observing run in December 2022. CONCERTO boasts an 18.5 arcmin field of view and a spectral resolution down to 1.45 GHz in the 130-310 GHz electromagnetic band. We developed a comprehensive instrument model of CONCERTO inspired by Fourier transform spectrometry principles to optimize performance and address systematic errors. This model integrates instrument noises, subsystem characteristics, and celestial signals, leveraging both physical data and simulations. Our methodology involves delineating simulation components, executing on-sky simulations, and comparing results with real observations. The resulting instrument model is pivotal, enabling a precise error correction and enhancing the reliability of astrophysical insights obtained from observational data. In this work, we focus on the description of three white-noise noise components included in the instrument model that characterize the white-noise level: the photon, the generation-recombination, and the amplifier noises.

Articles for week 25 2024

WALLABY Pilot Survey: the Tully-Fisher relation in the NGC 4808, Vela and NGC 5044 fields

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The Tully-Fisher Relation (TFR) is a well-known empirical relationship between the luminosity of a spiral galaxy and its circular velocity, allowing us to estimate redshift independent distances. Here we use high signal-to-noise HI 21-cm integrated spectra from the second pilot data release (PDR2, 180 deg2) of the Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY (WALLABY). In order to prepare for the full WALLABY survey, we have investigated the TFR in phase 2 of the pilot survey with a further three fields. The data were obtained with wide-field Phased Array Feeds on the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) and have an angular resolution of 30 arcsec and a velocity resolution of ~4 km/s. Galaxy luminosities have been measured from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), and optical galaxy inclinations from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey. We present TFRs for wavelengths from 0.8-3.4{}m. We examine sources of galaxy inclination data and investigate magnitudes from the DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey (DELVE) and DENIS catalogues and the 4HS target catalogue based on the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). We consider the baryonic TFR. These are all of interest for TFR using the full WALLABY survey of 200,000 galaxies. We demonstrate that WALLABY TFR distances can take their place among state of the art studies of the local velocity field.

Revealing the burning and soft heart of the bright bare AGN ESO 141-G55: X-ray broadband and SED analysis

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[Abridged] ESO 141-G55 is a nearby X-ray bright BLS1, which has been classified as a bare AGN due to the lack of warm absorption along its line-of-sight, providing an unhampered view into its disc-corona system. We aim to probe its disc-corona system thanks to the first simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observation obtained on October 1-2, 2022. We carry out the X-ray broadband spectral analysis to determine the dominant process(es) at work, as well as the SED analysis to determine the disc-corona properties. The simultaneous broadband X-ray spectrum of ESO 141-G55 is characterised by the presence of a prominent smooth soft X-ray excess, a broad Fe K emission line and a significant Compton hump. The RGS spectra confirmed the lack of intrinsic warm-absorbing gas along our line of sight in the AGN rest frame, confirming that it is still in a bare state. However, soft X-ray emission lines are observed indicating substantial warm gas out of our line of sight. The intermediate inclination of the disc-corona system, ~43{}, may offer us a favourable configuration to observe UFOs from the disc, but none is found in this 2022 observation, contrary to a previous 2007 XMM-Newton one. Relativistic reflection alone on a standard disc is ruled out from the X-ray broadband analysis, while a combination of soft and hard Comptonisation by a warm and hot corona (relagn), plus relativistic reflection (reflkerrd) reproduces its SED quite well. The hot corona temperature is very hot, ~140 keV, much higher than about 80% of the AGNs, whereas the warm corona temperature, ~0.3 keV, is similar to the values found in other sub-Eddington AGNs. ESO 141-G55 is accreting at a moderate Eddington accretion rate (~10–20%). Our analysis points to a significant contribution of an optically-thick warm corona to both the soft X-ray and UV emission in ESO 141-G55.

Insights on the Formation Conditions of Uranus and Neptune from their Deep Elemental Compositions

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This study, placed in the context of the preparation for the Uranus Orbiter Probe mission, aims to predict the bulk volatile compositions of Uranus and Neptune. Using a protoplanetary disk model, it examines the evolution of trace species through vapor and solid transport as dust and pebbles. Due to the high carbon abundance found in their envelopes, the two planets are postulated to have formed at the carbon monoxide iceline within the protosolar nebula. The time evolution of the abundances of the major volatile species at the location of the CO iceline is then calculated to derive the abundance ratios of the corresponding key elements, including the heavy noble gases, in the feeding zones of Uranus and Neptune. Supersolar metallicity in their envelopes likely results from accreting solids in these zones. Two types of solids are considered: pure condensates (Case 1) and a mixture of pure condensates and clathrates (Case 2). The model, calibrated to observed carbon enrichments, predicts deep compositions. In Case 1, argon is deeply depleted, while nitrogen, oxygen, krypton, phosphorus, sulfur, and xenon are significantly enriched relative to their protosolar abundances in the two planets. Case 2 predicts significant enrichments for all species, including argon, relative to their protosolar abundances. Consequently, Case 1 predicts near-zero Ar/Kr or Ar/Xe ratios, while Case 2 suggests these ratios are 0.1 and 0.5-1 times their protosolar ratios. Both cases predict a bulk sulfur-to-nitrogen ratio consistent with atmospheric measurements.

Articles for week 24 2024

Climate Change Task Force Report for the American Astronomical Society

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The AAS Strategic Plan for 2021-26 called for the creation of a task force to identify how the AAS can meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. The AAS and its membership recognize the danger climate change represents to humanity and our world, and to astronomy – as a profession, a hobby, and a cultural good. Our profession in general – and the AAS in particular – should work to make it possible for all astronomers to have an equal opportunity to be successful without needing to incur high carbon emissions, and to preserve astronomy for future generations. A study was completed of the carbon emissions associated with the AAS, finding that 84% of total AAS-related emissions are from in-person conferences. We also conducted a survey of AAS members to determine their attitudes about climate change. Respondents overwhelmingly (97%) think that the AAS should reduce its carbon footprint. Our task force created a list of fourteen recommendations, with two ranked as top priorities: The AAS should not schedule additional in-person meetings before 2030 and it should work to innovate the AAS conference model. Based upon our analysis it is clear that online interaction is the only way to increase participation while meaningfully decreasing emissions. Our recommendations are aligned with the Astro2020 Decadal Survey as well as AAS values to disseminate our scientific understanding of the universe, and to do our work in an ethically responsible way. Because of their other benefits – particularly in making our society more welcoming to those who traditionally have been excluded – we feel that these are sound decisions, worthy of implementation even if the AAS wasn’t trying to reduce its carbon footprint. They simply make sense as steps towards a professional society that better serves a broader membership, as our profession evolves to be greener, more inclusive, and more productive.

COSMOS-Web: The over-abundance and physical nature of “little red dots”–Implications for early galaxy and SMBH assembly

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JWST has revealed a population of compact and extremely red galaxies at z>4, which likely host active galactic nuclei (AGN). We present a sample of 434 ``little red dots’’ (LRDs), selected from the 0.54 deg^2 COSMOS-Web survey. We fit galaxy and AGN SED models to derive redshifts and physical properties; the sample spans z\sim5-9 after removing brown dwarf contaminants. We consider two extreme physical scenarios: either LRDs are all AGN, and their continuum emission is dominated by the accretion disk, or they are all compact star-forming galaxies, and their continuum is dominated by stars. If LRDs are AGN-dominated, our sample exhibits bolometric luminosities \sim10^{45-47} erg,s^{-1}, spanning the gap between JWST AGN in the literature and bright, rare quasars. We derive a bolometric luminosity function (LF) \sim100 times the (UV-selected) quasar LF, implying a non-evolving black hole accretion density of \sim10^{-4} M_\odot yr^{-1} Mpc^{-3} from z\sim2-9. By contrast, if LRDs are dominated by star formation, we derive stellar masses \sim10^{8.5-10}\,M_\odot. MIRI/F770W is key to deriving accurate stellar masses; without it, we derive a mass function inconsistent with \LambdaCDM. The median stellar mass profile is broadly consistent with the maximal stellar mass surface densities seen in the nearby universe, though the most massive \sim50% of objects exceed this limit, requiring substantial AGN contribution to the continuum. Nevertheless, stacking all available X-ray, mid-IR, far-IR/sub-mm, and radio data yields non-detections. Whether dominated by dusty AGN, compact star-formation, or both, the high masses/luminosities and remarkable abundance of LRDs implies a dominant mode of early galaxy/SMBH growth.

Molecular gas excitation in the circumgalactic medium of MACS1931-26

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The evolution of galaxies is largely affected by exchanging material with their close environment, the circumgalactic medium (CGM). In this work, we investigate the CGM and the interstellar medium (ISM) of the bright central galaxy (BCG) of the galaxy cluster, MACS1931-26 at z~0.35. We detected CI, CO(1-0), and CO(7-6) emission lines with the APEX 12-m and NRO 45-m telescopes. We complemented these single-dish observations with CO(1-0), CO(3-2), and CO(4-3) ALMA interferometric data and inferred the cold molecular hydrogen physical properties. Using a modified large velocity gradient (LVG) model, we modelled the CO and CI emission of the CGM and BCG to extract the gas thermodynamical properties, including the kinetic temperature, the density, and the virialisation factor. Our study shows that the gas in the BCG is highly excited, comparable to the gas in local ultra luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), while the CGM is likely less excited, colder, less dense, and less bound compared to the ISM of the BCG. The molecular hydrogen mass of the whole system derived using CI is larger than the mass derived from CO(1-0) in literature, showing that part of the gas in this system is CO-poor. Additional spatially resolved CI observations in both transitions, CO(1-0) and CI, and the completion of the CO SLED with higher CO transitions are crucial to trace the different phases of the gas in such systems and constrain their properties.

NIRPS first light and early science: breaking the 1 m/s RV precision barrier at infrared wavelengths

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The Near-InfraRed Planet Searcher or NIRPS is a precision radial velocity spectrograph developed through collaborative efforts among laboratories in Switzerland, Canada, Brazil, France, Portugal and Spain. NIRPS extends to the 0.98-1.8 \mum domain of the pioneering HARPS instrument at the La Silla 3.6-m telescope in Chile and it has achieved unparalleled precision, measuring stellar radial velocities in the infrared with accuracy better than 1 m/s. NIRPS can be used either stand-alone or simultaneously with HARPS. Commissioned in late 2022 and early 2023, NIRPS embarked on a 5-year Guaranteed Time Observation (GTO) program in April 2023, spanning 720 observing nights. This program focuses on planetary systems around M dwarfs, encompassing both the immediate solar vicinity and transit follow-ups, alongside transit and emission spectroscopy observations. We highlight NIRPS’s current performances and the insights gained during its deployment at the telescope. The lessons learned and successes achieved contribute to the ongoing advancement of precision radial velocity measurements and high spectral fidelity, further solidifying NIRPS’ role in the forefront of the field of exoplanets.

Temperature and composition disturbances in the southern auroral region of Jupiter revealed by JWST/MIRI

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Jupiters south polar region was observed by JWST Mid Infrared Instrument in December 2022. We used the Medium Resolution Spectrometer mode to provide new information about Jupiters South Polar stratosphere. The southern auroral region was visible and influenced the atmosphere in several ways. 1: In the interior of the southern auroral oval, we retrieved peak temperatures at two distinct pressure levels near 0.01 and 1 mbar, with warmer temperatures with respect to non auroral regions of 12 pm 2 K and 37 pm 4 K respectively. A cold polar vortex is centered at 65S at 10 mbar. 2: We found that the homopause is elevated to 590+25-118 km above the 1-bar pressure level inside the auroral oval compared to 460+60-50 km at neighboring latitudes and with an upper altitude of 350 km in regions not affected by auroral precipitation. 3: The retrieved abundance of C2H2 shows an increase within the auroral oval, and it exhibits high abundances throughout the polar region. The retrieved abundance of C2H6 increases towards the pole, without being localized in the auroral oval, in contrast with previous analysis. We determined that the warming at 0.01 mbar and the elevated homopause might be caused by the flux of charged particles depositing their energy in the South Polar Region. The 1 mbar hotspot may arise from adiabatic heating resulting from auroral driven downwelling. The cold region at 10 mbar may be caused by radiative cooling by stratospheric aerosols. The differences in spatial distribution seem to indicate that the hydrocarbons analyzed are affected differently by auroral precipitation.

Striving towards robust phase diversity on-sky: Implementing LIFT for VLT/MUSE-NFM

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The recent IRLOS upgrade for VLT/MUSE narrow field mode (NFM) introduced a full-pupil mode to enhance sensitivity and sky coverage. This involved replacing the 2x2 Shack-Hartmann sensor with a single lens for full-aperture photon collection, which also enabled the engagement of the linearized focal-plane technique (LIFT) wavefront sensor instead. However, initial on-sky LIFT experiments have highlighted a complex point spread function (PSF) structure due to strong and polychromatic non-common path aberrations (NCPAs), complicating the accurate retrieval of tip-tilt and focus using LIFT. This study aims to conduct the first on-sky validation of LIFT on VLT/UT4, outline challenges encountered during the tests, and propose solutions for increasing the robustness of LIFT in on-sky operations. We developed a two-stage approach to focal-plane wavefront sensing, where tip-tilt and focus retrieval done with LIFT is preceded by the NCPA calibration step. The resulting NCPA estimate is subsequently used by LIFT. To perform the calibration, we proposed a method capable of retrieving the information about NCPAs directly from on-sky focal-plane PSFs. We verified the efficacy of this approach in simulated and on-sky tests. Our results demonstrate that adopting the two-stage approach has led to a significant improvement in the accuracy of the defocus estimation performed by LIFT, even under challenging low-flux conditions. The efficacy of LIFT as a slow and truth focus sensor in practical scenarios has been demonstrated. However, integrating NCPA calibration with LIFT is essential to verifying its practical application in the real system. Additionally, the proposed calibration step can serve as an independent and minimally invasive approach to evaluate NCPA on-sky.

Articles for week 23 2024

Modeling the refractive index profile n(z) of polar ice for ultra-high energy neutrino experiments

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We develop an in-situ index of refraction profile using the transit time of radio signals broadcast from an englacial transmitter to 2-5 km distant radio-frequency receivers, deployed at depths up to 200 m. Maxwell’s equations generally admit two ray propagation solutions from a given transmitter, corresponding to a direct path (D) and a refracted path (R); the measured D vs. R (dt(D,R)) timing differences provide constraints on the index of refraction profile near South Pole, where the Askaryan Radio Array (ARA) neutrino observatory is located. We constrain the refractive index profile by simulating D and R ray paths via ray tracing and comparing those to measured dt(D,R) signals. Using previous ice density data as a proxy for n(z), we demonstrate that our data strongly favors a glaciologically-motivated three-phase densification model rather than a single exponential scale height model. Simulations show that the single exponential model overestimates ARA neutrino sensitivity compared to the three-phase model.

The PLATO Mission

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PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars) is ESA’s M3 mission designed to detect and characterise extrasolar planets and perform asteroseismic monitoring of a large number of stars. PLATO will detect small planets (down to <2 R_(Earth)) around bright stars (<11 mag), including terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of solar-like stars. With the complement of radial velocity observations from the ground, planets will be characterised for their radius, mass, and age with high accuracy (5 %, 10 %, 10 % for an Earth-Sun combination respectively). PLATO will provide us with a large-scale catalogue of well-characterised small planets up to intermediate orbital periods, relevant for a meaningful comparison to planet formation theories and to better understand planet evolution. It will make possible comparative exoplanetology to place our Solar System planets in a broader context. In parallel, PLATO will study (host) stars using asteroseismology, allowing us to determine the stellar properties with high accuracy, substantially enhancing our knowledge of stellar structure and evolution. The payload instrument consists of 26 cameras with 12cm aperture each. For at least four years, the mission will perform high-precision photometric measurements. Here we review the science objectives, present PLATO’s target samples and fields, provide an overview of expected core science performance as well as a description of the instrument and the mission profile at the beginning of the serial production of the flight cameras. PLATO is scheduled for a launch date end 2026. This overview therefore provides a summary of the mission to the community in preparation of the upcoming operational phases.

Large-scale geometry and topology of gas fields: the effects of AGN and stellar feedback

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Stellar and AGN feedback primarily affect the formation and evolution of galaxies and the circumgalactic medium, leaving some imprint on larger scales. Based on the SIMBA hydrodynamical simulation suite, and using the full set of Minkowski functionals (MFs), this study systematically analyses the time evolution of the global geometry and topology of the gas temperature, pressure, density (total, HI and H_2), and metallicity fields between redshift z=5 and z=0. MFs show that small-scale astrophysical processes are persistent and manifest on larger, up to tens of Mpc scales, highlighting the specific morphological signatures of the relevant feedback mechanisms on such scales in the last \sim12~Gyr. In qualitative terms, one can establish a ranking that varies according to the field considered: stellar feedback mostly determines the morphology of the pressure and density fields, AGN jets are the first cause for the morphology of the temperature and metallicity fields, while X-ray heating and AGN winds play the second most important role in shaping the geometry and topology of all the gaseous fields but metallicity. Hence the cosmic evolution of the geometry and topology of fields characterising the thermodynamical and chemical properties of the cosmic web provides complementary larger-scale constraints to galaxy formation models.

BEBOP V. Homogeneous Stellar Analysis of Potential Circumbinary Planet Hosts

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Planets orbiting binary systems are relatively unexplored compared to those around single stars. Detections of circumbinary planets and planetary systems offer a first detailed view into our understanding of circumbinary planet formation and dynamical evolution. The BEBOP (Binaries Escorted by Orbiting Planets) radial velocity survey plays a special role in this adventure as it focuses on eclipsing single-lined binaries with an FGK dwarf primary and M dwarf secondary allowing for the highest-radial velocity precision using the HARPS and SOPHIE spectrographs. We obtained 4512 high-resolution spectra for the 179 targets in the BEBOP survey which we used to derive the stellar atmospheric parameters using both equivalent widths and spectral synthesis. We furthermore derive stellar masses, radii, and ages for all targets. With this work, we present the first homogeneous catalogue of precise stellar parameters for these eclipsing single-lined binaries.

High contrast at short separation with VLTI/GRAVITY: Bringing Gaia companions to light

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Since 2019, GRAVITY has provided direct observations of giant planets and brown dwarfs at separations of down to 95 mas from the host star. Some of these observations have provided the first direct confirmation of companions previously detected by indirect techniques (astrometry and radial velocities). We want to improve the observing strategy and data reduction in order to lower the inner working angle of GRAVITY in dual-field on-axis mode. We also want to determine the current limitations of the instrument when observing faint companions with separations in the 30-150 mas range. To improve the inner working angle, we propose a fiber off-pointing strategy during the observations to maximize the ratio of companion-light-to-star-light coupling in the science fiber. We also tested a lower-order model for speckles to decouple the companion light from the star light. We then evaluated the detection limits of GRAVITY using planet injection and retrieval in representative archival data. We compare our results to theoretical expectations. We validate our observing and data-reduction strategy with on-sky observations; first in the context of brown dwarf follow-up on the auxiliary telescopes with HD 984 B, and second with the first confirmation of a substellar candidate around the star Gaia DR3 2728129004119806464. With synthetic companion injection, we demonstrate that the instrument can detect companions down to a contrast of 8\times 10^{-4} (\Delta \mathrm{K}= 7.7 mag) at a separation of 35 mas, and a contrast of 3\times 10^{-5} (\Delta \mathrm{K}= 11 mag) at 100 mas from a bright primary (K<6.5), for 30 min exposure time. With its inner working angle and astrometric precision, GRAVITY has a unique reach in direct observation parameter space. This study demonstrates the promising synergies between GRAVITY and Gaia for the confirmation and characterization of substellar companions.

Triton and Pluto: same origin but separated at birth

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Assessing the origin of Pluto and Triton has profound implications for the bigger picture of Solar System formation and evolution. In such a context, this chapter reviews our current knowledge of the formation conditions of Pluto and Triton’s constitutive building blocks in the protosolar nebula, which can be derived from their known or estimated volatile contents. Assuming that the ultravolatiles carbon monoxide and dinitrogen detected in Pluto and Triton are primordial, the presence of these molecules suggest that the two bodies accreted material originating from the vicinity of the carbon monoxide and dinitrogen icelines. Dinitrogen–rich and water–poor comets such as comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS) obviously present a compositional link with Pluto and Triton, indicating that their building blocks formed in nearby regions of the protosolar nebula, despite of the variation of the water abundance among those bodies. Also, the assumption of Triton’s growth in Neptune’s circumplanetary disk requires that its building blocks formed at earlier epochs in the protosolar nebula, to remain consistent with its estimated composition.

CLASSY X: Highlighting Differences Between Partial Covering and Semi-Analytic Modeling in the Estimate of Galactic Outflow Properties

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Feedback driven massive outflows play a crucial role in galaxy evolution by regulating star formation and influencing the dynamics of surrounding media. Extracting outflow properties from spectral lines is a notoriously difficult process for a number of reasons, including the possibility that a substantial fraction of the outflow is carried by dense gas in a very narrow range in velocity. This gas can hide in spectra with insufficient resolution. Empirically motivated analysis based on the Apparent Optical Depth method, commonly used in the literature, neglects the contribution of this gas, and may therefore underestimate the true gas column density. More complex semi-analytical line transfer (e.g., SALT) models, on the other hand, allow for the presence of this gas by modeling the radial density and velocity of the outflows as power laws. Here we compare the two approaches to quantify the uncertainties in the inferences of outflow properties based on 1-D “down-the-barrel” using the UV spectra of the CLASSY galaxy sample. We find that empirical modeling may significantly underestimate the column densities relative to SALT analysis, particularly in the optically thick regime. We use simulations to show that the main reason for this discrepancy is the presence of large amount of dense material at low velocities, which can be hidden by the finite spectral resolution of the data. The SALT models in turn could over-estimate the column densities if the assumed power laws of the density profiles strong are not a property of actual outflows.

Towards an optimal marked correlation function analysis for the detection of modified gravity

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Modified gravity (MG) theories have emerged as a promising alternative to explain the late-time acceleration of the Universe. However, the detection of MG in observations of the large-scale structure remains challenging due to the screening mechanisms that obscure any deviations from General Relativity (GR) in high-density regions. The marked two-point correlation function offers a promising approach to potentially detect MG signals. This work investigates novel marks based on large-scale environment estimates but also that exploit the anti-correlation between objects in low- and high-density regions. This is the first time discreteness effects in density-dependent marked correlation functions are investigated in depth. We assess the performance of various marks to distinguish GR from MG by using the ELEPHANT simulations, comprised of realisations of GR as well as f(R) and nDGP gravity. In addition, discreteness effects are studied using the high-density Covmos catalogues. We establish a robust method to correct for shot-noise effects that allows the recovery of the true signal with an accuracy below 5\% over a wide range of scales. We find such correction to be crucial to measure the amplitude of the marked correlation function in an unbiased manner. Furthermore, we demonstrate that marks, anti-correlating objects in low- and high-density regions, are among the most effective in distinguishing between MG and GR. We report differences in the marked correlation function between f(R) with |f_{R0}|=10^{-6} and GR simulations of the order of 3-5\sigma in real space up to scales of about 80\, h^{-1} \, {\rm Mpc}. The redshift-space monopole exhibits similar features and performances. The combination of the proposed \tanh-mark with shot-noise correction paves the way towards an optimal approach for the detection of MG in current and future galaxy spectroscopic surveys.

The story of SN 2021aatd – a peculiar 1987A-like supernova with an early-phase luminosity excess

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There is a growing number of peculiar events that cannot be assigned to any of the main supernova (SN) classes. SN 1987A and a handful of similar objects, thought to be explosive outcomes of blue supergiant stars, belong to them: while their spectra closely resemble those of H-rich (IIP) SNe, their light-curve (LC) evolution is very different. Here we present the detailed photometric and spectroscopic analysis of SN 2021aatd, a peculiar Type II explosion: while its early-time evolution resembles that of the slowly evolving, double-peaked SN 2020faa (however, at a lower luminosity scale), after $$40 days, its LC shape becomes similar to that of SN 1987A-like explosions. Beyond comparing LCs, color curves, and spectra of SN 2021aatd to that of SNe 2020faa, 1987A, and of other objects, we compare the observed spectra with our own SYN++ models and with the outputs of published radiative transfer models. We also modeled the pseudo-bolometric LCs of SNe 2021aatd and 1987A assuming a two-component (core+shell) ejecta, and involving the rotational energy of a newborn magnetar in addition to radioactive decay. We find that both the photometric and spectroscopic evolution of SN 2021aatd can be well described with the explosion of a $$15 M_\odot blue supergiant star. Nevertheless, SN 2021aatd shows higher temperatures and weaker Na ID and Ba II 6142 A lines than SN 1987A, which is reminiscent of rather to IIP-like atmospheres. With the applied two-component ejecta model (counting with both decay and magnetar energy), we can successfully describe the bolometric LC of SN 2021aatd, including the first $$40-day long phase showing an excess compared to 87A-like SNe but being strikingly similar to that of the long-lived SN 2020faa. Nevertheless, finding a unified model that also explains the LCs of more luminous events (like SN 2020faa) is still a matter of concern.

WST – Widefield Spectroscopic Telescope: design of a new 12m class telescope dedicated to widefield Multi-object and Integral Field Spectroscopy

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The Wide-Field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is a concept for a 12-m class seeing-limited telescope providing two concentric fields of view for simultaneous Multi-Object Spectroscopy and Integral Field Spectroscopy. The specified wavelength range is 0.35-1.6 microns. The baseline optical design relies on a corrected Cassegrain solution feeding Multi-Object spectrographs through fibres, while the central area of the field is propagated down to a gravity-stable Integral Field Station housing 144 spectrographs. The Cassegrain corrector also provides for atmospheric dispersion compensation. All optical components are within commercially available dimensions. With a view to minimizing risks and costs, to the maximum possible extent the telescope relies on proven subsystem solutions. An exception is the tip-tilt secondary mirror, which would likely have to provide some rejection of wind shake. An iteration of the optical design is ongoing, with a view to mitigating the weaknesses of the first baseline design. The telescope would be wavefront-controlled on-sky at the common-path MOS focus. Controls in the IFS path will need to compensate for the effect of subsequent differentials - wavefront and line of sight. There is no shortage of degrees of freedom and metrology solution to do so. The size of the dome is driven by the Nasmyth footprint and the height of the pier, which houses the IFS station. The baseline assumption is that a VLT-like enclosure would provide suitable shielding and ventilation.

Use the 4S (Signal-Safe Speckle Subtraction): Explainable Machine Learning reveals the Giant Exoplanet AF Lep b in High-Contrast Imaging Data from 2011

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The main challenge of exoplanet high-contrast imaging (HCI) is to separate the signal of exoplanets from their host stars, which are many orders of magnitude brighter. HCI for ground-based observations is further exacerbated by speckle noise originating from perturbations in the Earth’s atmosphere and imperfections in the telescope optics. Various data post-processing techniques are used to remove this speckle noise and reveal the faint planet signal. Often, however, a significant part of the planet signal is accidentally subtracted together with the noise. In the present work, we use explainable machine learning to investigate the reason for the loss of the planet signal for one of the most used post-processing methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We find that PCA learns the shape of the telescope point spread function for high numbers of PCA components. This representation of the noise captures not only the speckle noise, but also the characteristic shape of the planet signal. Building upon these insights, we develop a new post-processing method (4S) that constrains the noise model to minimize this signal loss. We apply our model to 11 archival HCI datasets from the VLT-NACO instrument in the L’-band and find that our model consistently outperforms PCA. The improvement is largest at close separations to the star (\leq 4 \lambda /D) providing up to 1.5 magnitudes deeper contrast. This enhancement enables us to detect the exoplanet AF Lep b in data from 2011, 11 years before its subsequent discovery. We present updated orbital parameters for this object.

CHEOPS in-flight performance: A comprehensive look at the first 3.5 years of operations

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CHEOPS is a space telescope specifically designed to monitor transiting exoplanets orbiting bright stars. In September 2023, CHEOPS completed its nominal mission and remains in excellent operational conditions. The mission has been extended until the end of 2026. Scientific and instrumental data have been collected throughout in-orbit commissioning and nominal operations, enabling a comprehensive analysis of the mission’s performance. In this article, we present the results of this analysis with a twofold goal. First, we aim to inform the scientific community about the present status of the mission and what can be expected as the instrument ages. Secondly, we intend for this publication to serve as a legacy document for future missions, providing insights and lessons learned from the successful operation of CHEOPS. To evaluate the instrument performance in flight, we developed a comprehensive monitoring and characterisation programme. It consists of dedicated observations that allow us to characterise the instrument’s response. In addition to the standard collection of nominal science and housekeeping data, these observations provide input for detecting, modelling, and correcting instrument systematics, discovering and addressing anomalies, and comparing the instrument’s actual performance with expectations. The precision of the CHEOPS measurements has enabled the mission objectives to be met and exceeded. Careful modelling of the instrumental systematics allows the data quality to be significantly improved during the light curve analysis phase, resulting in more precise scientific measurements. CHEOPS is compliant with the driving scientific requirements of the mission. Although visible, the ageing of the instrument has not affected the mission’s performance.

ViCTORIA project: The LOFAR-MeerKAT view of AGN in Virgo cluster early-type galaxies

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The evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is closely connected to their host galaxies and surroundings. Via feedback processes, AGN can counteract the cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM) and suppress star formation in their host galaxies. Radio observations at low frequencies provide a glimpse into the history of AGN activity. The Virgo cluster is a substantial reservoir of nearby galaxies and provides an ideal laboratory for the study of AGN as well as their feedback mechanisms. The aim of our work is to characterise the AGN population within the Virgo cluster down to low radio luminosities, constrain the AGN duty cycle and investigate environmental feedback in cluster member galaxies. We analyse 144 MHz and 1.3 GHz radio observations of early-type galaxies from the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (ACSVCS) taken with LOFAR and MeerKAT. We detect 12 of these galaxies at 144 MHz, 5 of which show clearly extended radio emission. The radio luminosity shows a strong dependence on the stellar mass of the host galaxy, in agreement with previous results. As a notable outlier, the massive elliptical galaxy NGC 4365 (M_* = 2.2 \times 10^{11} M_\odot) is not detected as a compact source in the LOFAR observations. Instead, it is surrounded by diffuse, low-surface brightness emission, which hints towards a past phase of stronger nuclear activity. Furthermore, we find a cavity in NGC 4472 (= M 49) inflated by the wide-angle tail only visible in the LOFAR data, which implies that the cavity was created by a past outburst. The corresponding cavity power is of the same order of magnitude as the jet power in the present duty cycle of the AGN.

Articles for week 22 2024

Cassiopée, towards technological development for XAO on ELT: the e-APD infrared detector

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The Cassiop'ee project aims to develop the key technologies that will be used to deploy very high-performance Adaptive Optics for future ELTs. The ultimate challenge is to detect earth-like planets and characterize the composition of their atmosphere. For this, imaging contrasts of the order of 109 are required, implying a leap forward in adaptive optics performance, with high density deformable mirrors (120x120 actuators), low-noise cameras and the control of the loop at few kHz. The project brings together 2 industrial partners: First Light Imaging and ALPAO, and 2 academic partners: ONERA and LAM, who will work together to develop a new camera for wavefront sensing, a new deformable mirror and their implementation in an adaptive optics loop. This paper will present the development of the fast large infrared e-APD camera which will be used in the wavefront sensor of the system. The camera will integrate the latest 512x512 Leonardo e-APD array and will benefit from the heritage of the first-light imaging’s C-RED One camera. The most important challenges for the application are the autonomous operation, vibration control, background limitation, compactness, acquisition speed and latency.

HOLISMOKES XIII: Strong-lens candidates at all mass scales and their environments from the Hyper-Suprime Cam and deep learning

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We have performed a systematic search for galaxy-scale strong lenses using Hyper Suprime-Cam imaging data, focusing on lenses in overdense environments. To identify these lens candidates, we exploit our neural network from HOLISMOKES VI, which is trained on realistic gri mock-images as positive examples, and real images as negative examples. Compared to our previous work, we lower the i-Kron radius limit to >0.5”. This results in an increase by around 73 million sources to more than 135 million images. During our visual multi-stage grading of the network candidates, we now inspect simultaneously larger stamps (80”x80”) to identify large, extended arcs cropped in the 10”x10” cutouts, and classify additionally their overall environment. Here we also reinspect our previous lens candidates and classify their environment. Using these 546 visually identified lens candidates, we further define various criteria by exploiting extensive and complementary photometric redshift catalogs, to select the candidates in overdensities. In total, we identified 24 grade-A and 138 grade-B candidates with either spatially-resolved multiple images or extended, distorted arcs in the new sample. Furthermore, with our different techniques, we identify in total 237/546 lens candidates in a cluster-like or overdense environment, containing only 49 group- or cluster-scale re-discoveries. These results demonstrate the feasibility of downloading and applying network classifiers to hundreds of million cutouts, necessary in the upcoming era of big data from deep, wide-field imaging surveys like Euclid and the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, while leading to a sample size that can be inspected by humans. These networks, with false-positive rates of ~0.01%, are very powerful tools to identify such rare galaxy-scale strong lensing systems, while also aiding in the discovery of new strong lensing clusters.

HIP 41378 observed by CHEOPS: Where is planet d?

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HIP 41378 d is a long-period planet that has only been observed to transit twice, three years apart, with K2. According to stability considerations and a partial detection of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, P_\mathrm{d} = 278.36 d has been determined to be the most likely orbital period. We targeted HIP 41378 d with CHEOPS at the predicted transit timing based on P_\mathrm{d}= 278.36 d, but the observations show no transit. We find that large (>22.4 hours) transit timing variations (TTVs) could explain this non-detection during the CHEOPS observation window. We also investigated the possibility of an incorrect orbital solution, which would have major implications for our knowledge of this system. If P_\mathrm{d} \neq 278.36 d, the periods that minimize the eccentricity would be 101.22 d and 371.14 d. The shortest orbital period will be tested by TESS, which will observe HIP 41378 in Sector 88 starting in January 2025. Our study shows the importance of a mission like CHEOPS, which today is the only mission able to make long observations (i.e., from space) to track the ephemeris of long-period planets possibly affected by large TTVs.

Recipes for forming a carbon-rich giant planet

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The exploration of carbon-to-oxygen ratios has yielded intriguing insights into the composition of close-in giant exoplanets, giving rise to a distinct classification: carbon-rich planets, characterized by a carbon-to-oxygen ratio \ge 1 in their atmospheres, as opposed to giant planets exhibiting carbon-to-oxygen ratios close to the protosolar value. In contrast, despite numerous space missions dispatched to the outer solar system and the proximity of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, our understanding of the carbon-to-oxygen ratio in these giants remains notably deficient. Determining this ratio is crucial as it serves as a marker linking a planet’s volatile composition directly to its formation region within the disk. This article provides an overview of the current understanding of the carbon-to-oxygen ratio in the four gas giants of our solar system and explores why there is yet no definitive dismissal of the possibility that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune could be considered carbon-rich planets. Additionally, we delve into the three primary formation scenarios proposed in existing literature to account for a bulk carbon-to-oxygen ratio \ge 1 in a giant planet. A significant challenge lies in accurately inferring the bulk carbon-to-oxygen ratio of our solar system’s gas giants. Retrieval methods involve integrating in situ measurements from entry probes equipped with mass spectrometers and remote sensing observations conducted at microwave wavelengths by orbiters. However, these methods fall short of fully discerning the deep carbon-to-oxygen abundance in the gas giants due to their limited probing depth, typically within the 10-100 bar range.

WST – Widefield Spectroscopic Telescope: addressing the instrumentation challenges of a new 12m class telescope dedicated to widefield Multi-object and Integral Field Spectroscopy

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WST - Widefield Spectroscopic Telescope: We summarise the design challenges of instrumentation for a proposed 12m class Telescope that aims to provide a large (>2.5 square degree) field of view and enable simultaneous Multi-object (> 20,000 objects) and Integral Field spectroscopy (inner 3x3 arcminutes field of view), initially at visible wavelengths. For the MOS mode, instrumentation includes the fiber positioning units, fiber runs and the high (R~40,000) and low (R~3,000 - 4,000) resolution spectrographs. For the MUSE like Integral Field Spectrograph, this includes the relay from the Telescope Focal Plane, the multi-stage splitting and slicing and almost 150 identical spectrographs. We highlight the challenge of mass production at a credible cost and the issues of maintenance and sustainable operation.

Calibration of MAJIS (Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer): III. Spectral Calibration

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The Moons And Jupiter Imaging Spectrometer (MAJIS) is the visible and near-infrared imaging spectrometer onboard ESA s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission. Before its integration into the spacecraft, the instrument undergoes an extensive ground calibration to establish its baseline performances. This process prepares the imaging spectrometer for flight operations by characterizing the behavior of the instrument under various operative conditions and uncovering instrumental distortions that may depend on instrumental commands. Two steps of the on-ground calibration campaigns were held at the instrument level to produce the data. Additional in-flight measurements have recently been obtained after launch during the Near-Earth Commissioning Phase. In this article, we present the analyses of these datasets, focusing on the characterization of the spectral performances. First, we describe and analyze the spectral calibration datasets obtained using both monochromatic sources and polychromatic sources coupled with solid and gas samples. Then, we derive the spectral sampling and the spectral response function over the entire field of view. These spectral characteristics are quantified for various operational parameters of MAJIS, such as temperature and spectral binning. The derived on-ground performances are then compared with in-flight measurements obtained after launch and presented in the framework of the MAJIS performance requirements.

Euclid preparation. Observational expectations for redshift z<7 active galactic nuclei in the Euclid Wide and Deep surveys

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We forecast the expected population of active galactic nuclei (AGN) observable in the Euclid Wide Survey (EWS) and Euclid Deep Survey (EDS). Starting from an X-ray luminosity function (XLF) we generate volume-limited samples of the AGN expected in the survey footprints. Each AGN is assigned an SED appropriate for its X-ray luminosity and redshift, with perturbations sampled from empirical distributions. The photometric detectability of each AGN is assessed via mock observation of the assigned SED. We estimate 40 million AGN will be detectable in at least one band in the EWS and 0.24 million in the EDS, corresponding to surface densities of 2.8$10^{3}$ deg^{-2} and 4.7$10^{3}$ deg^{-2}. Employing colour selection criteria on our simulated data we select a sample of 4.8$10^{6}$ (331 deg^{-2}) AGN in the EWS and 1.7$10^{4}$ (346 deg^{-2}) in the EDS, amounting to 10% and 8% of the AGN detectable in the EWS and EDS. Including ancillary Rubin/LSST bands improves the completeness and purity of AGN selection. These data roughly double the total number of selected AGN to comprise 21% and 15% of the detectable AGN in the EWS and EDS. The total expected sample of colour-selected AGN contains 6.0$10^{6}$ (74%) unobscured AGN and 2.1$10^{6}$ (26%) obscured AGN, covering 0.02 \leq z \lesssim 5.2 and 43 \leq \log_{10} (L_{bol} / erg s^{-1}) \leq 47. With this simple colour selection, expected surface densities are already comparable to the yield of modern X-ray and mid-infrared surveys of similar area. The relative uncertainty on our expectation for detectable AGN is 6.7% for the EWS and 12.5% for the EDS, driven by the uncertainty of the XLF.

A^3COSMOS: Measuring the cosmic dust-attenuated star formation rate density at 4 < z < 5

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[Abridged] In recent years, conflicting results have provided an uncertain view of the dust-attenuated properties of z>4 star-forming galaxies (SFGs). To solve this, we used the deepest data publicly available in COSMOS to build a mass-complete (>10^{9.5}\,M_{\odot}) sample of SFGs at 4<z<5 and measured their dust-attenuated properties by stacking all archival ALMA band 6 and 7 observations available. Combining this information with their rest-frame ultraviolet emission from the COSMOS2020 catalog, we constrained the IRX (\equiv L_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm UV})–\beta_{\rm UV}, IRX–M_\ast, and SFR–M_\ast relations at z\sim4.5. Finally, using these relations and the stellar mass function of SFGs at z\sim4.5, we inferred the unattenuated and dust-attenuated SFRD at this epoch. SFGs at z\sim4.5 follow an IRX–\beta_{\rm UV} relation that is consistent with that of local starbursts, while they follow a steeper IRX–M_\ast relation than observed locally. The grain properties of dust in these SFGs seems thus similar to those in local starbursts but its mass and geometry result in lower attenuation in low-mass SFGs. SFGs at z\sim4.5 lie on a linear SFR–M_\ast relation, whose normalization varies by 0.3 dex, when we exclude or include from our stacks the ALMA primary targets. The cosmic SFRD(>M_\ast) converges at M_\ast<10^{9}\,M_\odot and is dominated by SFGs with M_\ast\sim10^{9.5-10.5}\,M_\odot. The fraction of the cosmic SFRD that is attenuated by dust, {\rm SFRD}_{\rm IR}(>M_\ast)/ {\rm SFRD}(>M_\ast), is 90\pm4\% for M_\ast\,=\,10^{10}\,M_\odot, 68\pm10\% for M_\ast=10^{8.9}\,M_\odot (i.e., 0.03\times M^\star; M^\star being the characteristic stellar mass of SFGs) and this value converges to 60\pm10\% for M_\ast=10^{8}\,M_\odot. Even at this early epoch, the fraction of the cosmic SFRD that is attenuated by dust remains thus significant.

A low-mass sub-Neptune planet transiting the bright active star HD 73344

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Context. Planets with radii of between 2-4 RE closely orbiting solar-type stars are of significant importance for studying the transition from rocky to giant planets. Aims. Our goal is to determine the mass of a transiting planet around the very bright F6 star HD 73344 . This star exhibits high activity and has a rotation period that is close to the orbital period of the planet. Methods. The transiting planet, initially a K2 candidate, is confirmed through TESS observations . We refined its parameters and rule out a false positive with Spitzer observations. We analyzed high-precision RV data from the SOPHIE and HIRES spectrographs. We conducted separate and joint analyses using the PASTIS software. We used a novel observing strategy, targeting the star at high cadence for two consecutive nights with SOPHIE to understand the short-term stellar variability. We modeled stellar noise with two Gaussian processes. Results. High-cadence RV observations provide better constraints on stellar variability and precise orbital parameters for the transiting planet. The derived mean density suggests a sub-Neptune-type composition, but uncertainties in the planet’s mass prevent a detailed characterization. In addition, we find a periodic signal in the RV data that we attribute to the signature of a nontransiting exoplanet, without totally excluding the possibility of a nonplanetary origin. Dynamical analyses confirm the stability of the two-planet system and provide constraints on the inclination of the candidate planet; these findings favor a near-coplanar system. Conclusions. While the transiting planet orbits the bright star at a short period, stellar activity prevented us from precise mass measurements. Long-term RV tracking of this planet could improve this measurement, as well as our understanding of the activity of the host star.

The response of the inner dark matter halo to stellar bars

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Barred galaxies constitute about two thirds of observed disc galaxies. Bars affect not only the mass distribution of gas and stars, but also that of the dark matter. An elongation of the inner dark matter halo is known as the halo bar. We aim to characterise the structure of the halo bars, with the goal of correlating them with the properties of the stellar bars. We use a suite of simulated galaxies with various bar strengths, including gas and star formation. We quantify strengths, shapes, and densities of these simulated stellar bars. We carry out numerical experiments with frozen and analytic potentials in order to understand the role played by a live responsive stellar bar. We find that the halo bar generally follows the trends of the disc bar. The strengths of the halo and stellar bars are tightly correlated. Stronger bars induce a slight increase of dark matter density within the inner halo. Numerical experiments show that a non-responsive frozen stellar bar would be capable of inducing a dark matter bar, but it would be weaker than the live case by a factor of roughly two.

MHONGOOSE discovery of a gas-rich low-surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado Group

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We present the discovery of a low-mass gas-rich low-surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado Group, at a distance of 17.7 Mpc. Combining deep MeerKAT 21-cm observations from the MeerKAT HI Observations of Nearby Galactic Objects: Observing Southern Emitters (MHONGOOSE) survey with deep photometric images from the VST Early-type Galaxy Survey (VEGAS) we find a stellar and neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) gas mass of M_\star = 2.23\times10^6 M_\odot and M_{\rm HI}=1.68\times10^6 M_\odot, respectively. This low-surface brightness galaxy is the lowest mass HI detection found in a group beyond the Local Universe (D\gtrsim 10 Mpc). The dwarf galaxy has the typical overall properties of gas-rich low surface brightness galaxies in the Local group, but with some striking differences. Namely, the MHONGOOSE observations reveal a very low column density (\sim 10^{18-19} cm^{-2}) HI disk with asymmetrical morphology possibly supported by rotation and higher velocity dispersion in the centre. There, deep optical photometry and UV-observations suggest a recent enhancement of the star formation. Found at galactocentric distances where in the Local Group dwarf galaxies are depleted of cold gas (at 390 projected-kpc distance from the group centre), this galaxy is likely on its first orbit within the Dorado group. We discuss the possible environmental effects that may have caused the formation of the HI disk and the enhancement of star formation, highlighting the short-lived phase (a few hundreds of Myr) of the gaseous disk, before either SF or hydrodynamical forces will deplete the gas of the galaxy.

Articles for week 21 2024

WST – Widefield Spectroscopic Telescope: Motivation, science drivers and top-level requirements for a new dedicated facility

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In this paper, we describe the wide-field spectroscopic survey telescope (WST) project. WST is a 12-metre wide-field spectroscopic survey telescope with simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), high-multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS), with both a low and high-resolution modes, and a giant 3x3 arcmin2 integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability, these specifications place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. In only 5 years of operation, the MOS would target 250 million galaxies and 25 million stars at low spectral resolution, plus 2 million stars at high resolution. Without need for pre-imaged targets, the IFS would deliver 4 billion spectra offering many serendipitous discoveries. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work in synergy with future ground and space-based facilities. We show how it can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; the origin of stars and planets; and time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST’s uniquely rich dataset may yield unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The telescope and instruments are designed as an integrated system and will mostly use existing technology, with the aim to minimise the carbon footprint and environmental impact. We will propose WST as the next European Southern Observatory (ESO) project after completion of the 39-metre ELT.

Euclid preparation. Detecting globular clusters in the Euclid survey

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Extragalactic globular clusters (EGCs) are an abundant and powerful tracer of galaxy dynamics and formation, and their own formation and evolution is also a matter of extensive debate. The compact nature of globular clusters means that they are hard to spatially resolve and thus study outside the Local Group. In this work we have examined how well EGCs will be detectable in images from the Euclid telescope, using both simulated pre-launch images and the first early-release observations of the Fornax galaxy cluster. The Euclid Wide Survey will provide high-spatial resolution VIS imaging in the broad IE band as well as near-infrared photometry (YE, JE, and HE). We estimate that the galaxies within 100 Mpc in the footprint of the Euclid survey host around 830 000 EGCs of which about 350 000 are within the survey’s detection limits. For about half of these EGCs, three infrared colours will be available as well. For any galaxy within 50Mpc the brighter half of its GC luminosity function will be detectable by the Euclid Wide Survey. The detectability of EGCs is mainly driven by the residual surface brightness of their host galaxy. We find that an automated machine-learning EGC-classification method based on real Euclid data of the Fornax galaxy cluster provides an efficient method to generate high purity and high completeness GC candidate catalogues. We confirm that EGCs are spatially resolved compared to pure point sources in VIS images of Fornax. Our analysis of both simulated and first on-sky data show that Euclid will increase the number of GCs accessible with high-resolution imaging substantially compared to previous surveys, and will permit the study of GCs in the outskirts of their hosts. Euclid is unique in enabling systematic studies of EGCs in a spatially unbiased and homogeneous manner and is primed to improve our understanding of many understudied aspects of GC astrophysics.

Understanding the Star Formation Efficiency in Dense Gas: Initial Results from the CAFFEINE Survey with ArTéMiS

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Despite recent progress, the question of what regulates the star formation efficiency in galaxies remains one of the most debated problems in astrophysics. According to the dominant picture, star formation (SF) is regulated by turbulence and feedback, and the SFE is 1-2% per local free-fall time. In an alternate scenario, the SF rate in galactic disks is linearly proportional to the mass of dense gas above a critical density threshold. We aim to discriminate between these two pictures thanks to high-resolution observations tracing dense gas and young stellar objects (YSOs) for a comprehensive sample of 49 nearby massive SF complexes out to d < 3 kpc in the Galactic disk. We use data from CAFFEINE, a 350/450 \mum survey with APEX/ArT'eMiS of the densest portions of all southern molecular clouds, in combination with Herschel data to produce column density maps at 8” resolution. Our maps are free of saturation and resolve the structure of dense gas and the typical 0.1 pc width of molecular filaments at 3 kpc, which is impossible with Herschel data alone. Coupled with SFR estimates derived from Spitzer observations of the YSO content of the same clouds, this allows us to study the dependence of the SFE with density in the CAFFEINE clouds. We also combine our findings with existing SFE measurements in nearby clouds to extend our analysis down to lower column densities. Our results suggest that the SFE does not increase with density above the critical threshold and support a scenario in which the SFE in dense gas is approximately constant. However, the SFE measurements traced by Class I YSOs in nearby clouds are more inconclusive, since they are consistent with both the presence of a density threshold and a dependence on density above the threshold. Overall, we suggest that the SFE in dense gas is primarily governed by the physics of filament fragmentation into protostellar cores.

Photo-dynamical characterisation of the TOI-178 resonant chain

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The TOI-178 system consists of a nearby late K-dwarf transited by six planets in the super-Earth to mini-Neptune regime, with radii ranging from 1.2 to 2.9 earth radius and orbital periods between 1.9 and 20.7 days. All planets but the innermost one form a chain of Laplace resonances. The fine-tuning and fragility of such orbital configurations ensure that no significant scattering or collision event has taken place since the formation and migration of the planets in the protoplanetary disc, hence providing important anchors for planet formation models. We aim to improve the characterisation of the architecture of this key system, and in particular the masses and radii of its planets. In addition, since this system is one of the few resonant chains that can be characterised by both photometry and radial velocities, we aim to use it as a test bench for the robustness of the planetary mass determination with each technique. We perform a global analysis of all available photometry and radial velocity. We also try different sets of priors on the masses and eccentricity, as well as different stellar activity models, to study their effects on the masses estimated by each method. We show how stellar activity is preventing us from obtaining a robust mass estimation for the three outer planets using radial velocity data alone. We also show that our joint photo-dynamical and radial velocity analysis resulted in a robust mass determination for planets c to g, with precision of 12% for the mass of planet c, and better than 10% for planets d to g. The new precisions on the radii range from 2 to 3%. The understanding of this synergy between photometric and radial velocity measurements will be valuable during the PLATO mission. We also show that TOI-178 is indeed currently locked in the resonant configuration, librating around an equilibrium of the chain.

Euclid: ERO – NISP-only sources and the search for luminous z=6-8 galaxies

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This paper presents a search for high redshift galaxies from the Euclid Early Release Observations program “Magnifying Lens.” The 1.5 deg^2 area covered by the twin Abell lensing cluster fields is comparable in size to the few other deep near-infrared surveys such as COSMOS, and so provides an opportunity to significantly increase known samples of rare UV-bright galaxies at z\approx6-8 (M_{\rm UV}\lesssim-22). Beyond their still uncertain role in reionisation, these UV-bright galaxies are ideal laboratories from which to study galaxy formation and constrain the bright-end of the UV luminosity function. Of the 501994 sources detected from a combined Y_{\rm E}, J_{\rm E}, and H_{\rm E} NISP detection image, 168 do not have any appreciable VIS/I_{\rm E} flux. These objects span a range in spectral colours, separated into two classes: 139 extremely red sources; and 29 Lyman-break galaxy candidates. Best-fit redshifts and spectral templates suggest the former is composed of both z\gtrsim5 dusty star-forming galaxies and z\approx1-3 quiescent systems. The latter is composed of more homogeneous Lyman break galaxies at z\approx6-8. In both cases, contamination by L- and T-type dwarfs cannot be ruled out with Euclid images alone. Additional contamination from instrumental persistence is investigated using a novel time series analysis. This work lays the foundation for future searches within the Euclid Deep Fields, where thousands more z\gtrsim6 Lyman break systems and extremely red sources will be identified.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – A preview of the Euclid era through a galaxy cluster magnifying lens

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We present the first analysis of the Euclid Early Release Observations (ERO) program that targets fields around two lensing clusters, Abell 2390 and Abell 2764. We use VIS and NISP imaging to produce photometric catalogs for a total of \sim 500\,000 objects. The imaging data reach a 5\,\sigma typical depth in the range 25.1-25.4 AB in the NISP bands, and 27.1-27.3 AB in the VIS band. Using the Lyman-break method in combination with photometric redshifts, we identify 30 Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) candidates at z>6 and 139 extremely red sources (ERSs), most likely at lower redshift. The deeper VIS imaging compared to NISP means we can routinely identify high-redshift Lyman breaks of the order of 3 magnitudes, which reduces contamination by brown dwarf stars and low-redshift galaxies. Spectroscopic follow-up campaigns of such bright sources will help constrain both the bright end of the ultraviolet galaxy luminosity function and the quasar luminosity function at z>6, and constrain the physical nature of these objects. Additionally, we have performed a combined strong lensing and weak lensing analysis of A2390, and demonstrate how Euclid will contribute to better constraining the virial mass of galaxy clusters. From these data, we also identify optical and near-infrared counterparts of known z>0.6 clusters, which exhibit strong lensing features, establishing the ability of Euclid to characterize high-redshift clusters. Finally, we provide a glimpse of Euclid’s ability to map the intracluster light out to larger radii than current facilities, enabling a better understanding of the cluster assembly history and mapping of the dark matter distribution. This initial dataset illustrates the diverse spectrum of legacy science that will be enabled by the Euclid survey.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – The intracluster light and intracluster globular clusters of the Perseus cluster

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We study the intracluster light (ICL) and intracluster globular clusters (ICGCs) in the nearby Perseus galaxy cluster using Euclid’s EROs. By modelling the isophotal and iso-density contours, we map the distributions and properties of the ICL and ICGCs out to a radius of 600 kpc (~1/3 of the virial radius) from the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG). We find that the central 500 kpc of the Perseus cluster hosts 70000$$2800 GCs and 1.6\times10^{12} L_\odot of diffuse light from the BCG+ICL in the near-infrared H_E. This accounts for 37$6% of the cluster's total stellar luminosity within this radius. The ICL and ICGCs share a coherent spatial distribution, suggesting a common origin or that a common potential governs their distribution. Their contours on the largest scales (>200 kpc) are offset from the BCG's core westwards by 60 kpc towards several luminous cluster galaxies. This offset is opposite to the displacement observed in the gaseous intracluster medium. The radial surface brightness profile of the BCG+ICL is best described by a double S\'ersic model, with 684% of the H_E$ light in the extended, outer component. The transition between these components occurs at ~50 kpc, beyond which the isophotes become increasingly elliptical and off-centred. The radial ICGC number density profile closely follows the BCG+ICL profile only beyond this 50 kpc radius, where we find an average of 60 GCs per 10^9 M_\odot of diffuse stellar mass. The BCG+ICL colour becomes increasingly blue with radius, consistent with the stellar populations in the ICL having subsolar metallicities [Fe/H]~-0.6. The colour of the ICL, and the specific frequency and luminosity function of the ICGCs suggest that the ICL+ICGCs were tidally stripped from the outskirts of massive satellites with masses of a few \times10^{10} M_\odot, with an increasing contribution from dwarf galaxies at large radii.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – Dwarf galaxies in the Perseus galaxy cluster

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We make use of the unprecedented depth, spatial resolution, and field of view of the Euclid Early Release Observations of the Perseus galaxy cluster to detect and characterise the dwarf galaxy population in this massive system. The Euclid high resolution VIS and combined VIS+NIR colour images were visually inspected and dwarf galaxy candidates were identified. Their morphologies, the presence of nuclei, and their globular cluster (GC) richness were visually assessed, complementing an automatic detection of the GC candidates. Structural and photometric parameters, including Euclid filter colours, were extracted from 2-dimensional fitting. Based on this analysis, a total of 1100 dwarf candidates were found across the image, with 638 appearing to be new identifications. The majority (96%) are classified as dwarf ellipticals, 53% are nucleated, 26% are GC-rich, and 6% show disturbed morphologies. A relatively high fraction of galaxies, 8%, are categorised as ultra-diffuse galaxies. The majority of the dwarfs follow the expected scaling relations. Globally, the GC specific frequency, S_N, of the Perseus dwarfs is intermediate between those measured in the Virgo and Coma clusters. While the dwarfs with the largest GC counts are found throughout the Euclid field of view, those located around the east-west strip, where most of the brightest cluster members are found, exhibit larger S_N values, on average. The spatial distribution of the dwarfs, GCs, and intracluster light show a main iso-density/isophotal centre displaced to the west of the bright galaxy light distribution. The ERO imaging of the Perseus cluster demonstrates the unique capability of Euclid to concurrently detect and characterise large samples of dwarfs, their nuclei, and their GC systems, allowing us to construct a detailed picture of the formation and evolution of galaxies over a wide range of mass scales and environments.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – Overview of the Perseus cluster and analysis of its luminosity and stellar mass functions

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The Euclid ERO programme targeted the Perseus cluster of galaxies, gathering deep data in the central region of the cluster over 0.7 square degree, corresponding to approximately 0.25 r_200. The data set reaches a point-source depth of IE=28.0 (YE, JE, HE = 25.3) AB magnitudes at 5 sigma with a 0.16” and 0.48” FWHM, and a surface brightness limit of 30.1 (29.2) mag per square arcsec. The exceptional depth and spatial resolution of this wide-field multi-band data enable the simultaneous detection and characterisation of both bright and low surface brightness galaxies, along with their globular cluster systems, from the optical to the NIR. This study advances beyond previous analyses of the cluster and enables a range of scientific investigations summarised here. We derive the luminosity and stellar mass functions (LF and SMF) of the Perseus cluster in the Euclid IE band, thanks to supplementary u,g,r,i,z and Halpha data from the CFHT. We adopt a catalogue of 1100 dwarf galaxies, detailed in the corresponding ERO paper. We identify all other sources in the Euclid images and obtain accurate photometric measurements using AutoProf or AstroPhot for 138 bright cluster galaxies, and SourceExtractor for half a million compact sources. Cluster membership for the bright sample is determined by calculating photometric redshifts with Phosphoros. Our LF and SMF are the deepest recorded for the Perseus cluster, highlighting the groundbreaking capabilities of the Euclid telescope. Both the LF and SMF fit a Schechter plus Gaussian model. The LF features a dip at M(IE)=-19 and a faint-end slope of alpha_S = -1.2 to -1.3. The SMF displays a low-mass-end slope of alpha_S = -1.2 to -1.35. These observed slopes are flatter than those predicted for dark matter halos in cosmological simulations, offering significant insights for models of galaxy formation and evolution.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – Globular clusters in the Fornax galaxy cluster, from dwarf galaxies to the intracluster field

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We present an analysis of Euclid observations of a 0.5 deg^2 field in the central region of the Fornax galaxy cluster that were acquired during the performance verification phase. With these data, we investigate the potential of Euclid for identifying GCs at 20 Mpc, and validate the search methods using artificial GCs and known GCs within the field from the literature. Our analysis of artificial GCs injected into the data shows that Euclid’s data in I_{\rm E} band is 80% complete at about I_{\rm E} \sim 26.0 mag (M_{V\rm } \sim -5.0 mag), and resolves GCs as small as r_{\rm h} = 2.5 pc. In the I_{\rm E} band, we detect more than 95% of the known GCs from previous spectroscopic surveys and GC candidates of the ACS Fornax Cluster Survey, of which more than 80% are resolved. We identify more than 5000 new GC candidates within the field of view down to I_{\rm E} mag, about 1.5 mag fainter than the typical GC luminosity function turn-over magnitude, and investigate their spatial distribution within the intracluster field. We then focus on the GC candidates around dwarf galaxies and investigate their numbers, stacked luminosity distribution and stacked radial distribution. While the overall GC properties are consistent with those in the literature, an interesting over-representation of relatively bright candidates is found within a small number of relatively GC-rich dwarf galaxies. Our work confirms the capabilities of Euclid data in detecting GCs and separating them from foreground and background contaminants at a distance of 20 Mpc, particularly for low-GC count systems such as dwarf galaxies.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – Deep anatomy of nearby galaxies

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Euclid is poised to make significant advances in the study of nearby galaxies in the local Universe. Here we present a first look at 6 galaxies observed for the Nearby Galaxy Showcase as part of the Euclid Early Release Observations acquired between August and November, 2023. These targets, 3 dwarf galaxies (HolmbergII, IC10, NGC6822) and 3 spirals (IC342, NGC2403, NGC6744), range in distance from about 0.5 Mpc to 8.8 Mpc. Our assessment of the surface brightness depths in the stacked Euclid images confirms previous estimates in 100 arcsec^2 regions of 1sigma=30.5 mag/arcsec^2 for VIS, but slightly deeper than previous estimates for NISP with 1sigma=29.2-29.4 mag/arcsec^2. By combining Euclid HE, YE, and IE into RGB images, we illustrate the large field-of-view covered by a single Reference Observing Sequence, together with exquisite detail on parsec scales in these nearby galaxies. Radial surface brightness and color profiles demonstrate galaxy colors in agreement with stellar population synthesis models. Standard stellar photometry selection techniques find approximately 1.3 million stars across the 6 galaxy fields. Euclid’s resolved stellar photometry allows us to constrain the star-formation histories of these galaxies, by disentangling the distributions of young stars, as well as asymptotic giant branch and red giant branch stellar populations. We finally examine 2 galaxies individually for surrounding satellite systems. Our analysis of the ensemble of dwarf satellites around NGC6744 reveals a new galaxy, EDwC1, a nucleated dwarf spheroidal at the end of a spiral arm. Our new census of the globular clusters around NGC2403 yields 9 new star-cluster candidates, 8 of which with colors indicative of evolved stellar populations. In summary, our investigation of the 6 Showcase galaxies demonstrates that Euclid is a powerful probe of the anatomy of nearby galaxies [abridged].

Euclid: Early Release Observations – Unveiling the morphology of two Milky Way globular clusters out to their periphery

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As part of the Euclid Early Release Observations (ERO) programme, we analyse deep, wide-field imaging from the VIS and NISP instruments of two Milky Way globular clusters (GCs), namely NGC 6254 (M10) and NGC 6397, to look for observational evidence of their dynamical interaction with the Milky Way. We search for such an interaction in the form of structural and morphological features in the clusters’ outermost regions, which are suggestive of the development of tidal tails on scales larger than those sampled by the ERO programme. Our multi-band photometric analysis results in deep and well-behaved colour-magnitude diagrams that, in turn, enable an accurate membership selection. The surface brightness profiles built from these samples of member stars are the deepest ever obtained for these two Milky Way GCs, reaching down to \sim30.0 mag~arcsec^{-2}, which is about 1.5 mag arcsec^{-2} below the current limit. The investigation of the two-dimensional density map of NGC 6254 reveals an elongated morphology of the cluster peripheries in the direction and with the amplitude predicted by N-body simulations of the cluster’s dynamical evolution, at high statistical significance. We interpret this as strong evidence for the first detection of tidally induced morphological distortion around this cluster. The density map of NGC 6397 reveals a slightly elliptical morphology, in agreement with previous studies, which requires further investigation on larger scales to be properly interpreted. This ERO project thus demonstrates the power of Euclid in studying the outer regions of GCs at an unprecedented level of detail, thanks to the combination of large field of view, high spatial resolution, and depth enabled by the telescope. Our results highlight the future Euclid survey as the ideal data set to investigate GC tidal tails and stellar streams.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – A glance at free-floating new-born planets in the sigma Orionis cluster

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We provide an early assessment of the imaging capabilities of the Euclid space mission to probe deeply into nearby star-forming regions and associated very young open clusters, and in particular to check to what extent it can shed light on the new-born free-floating planet population. This paper focuses on a low-reddening region observed in just one Euclid pointing where the dust and gas has been cleared out by the hot sigma Orionis star. One late-M and six known spectroscopically confirmed L-type substellar members in the sigma Orionis cluster are used as benchmarks to provide a high-purity procedure to select new candidate members with Euclid. The exquisite angular resolution and depth delivered by the Euclid instruments allow us to focus on bona-fide point sources. A cleaned sample of sigma Orionis cluster substellar members has been produced and the initial mass function (IMF) has been estimated by combining Euclid and Gaia data. Our sigma Orionis substellar IMF is consistent with a power-law distribution with no significant steepening at the planetary-mass end. No evidence of a low-mass cutoff is found down to about 4 Jupiter masses at the young age (3 Myr) of the sigma Orionis open cluster.

Euclid: Early Release Observations – Programme overview and pipeline for compact- and diffuse-emission photometry

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The Euclid ERO showcase Euclid’s capabilities in advance of its main mission, targeting 17 astronomical objects, from galaxy clusters, nearby galaxies, globular clusters, to star-forming regions. A total of 24 hours observing time was allocated in the early months of operation, engaging the scientific community through an early public data release. We describe the development of the ERO pipeline to create visually compelling images while simultaneously meeting the scientific demands within months of launch, leveraging a pragmatic, data-driven development strategy. The pipeline’s key requirements are to preserve the image quality and to provide flux calibration and photometry for compact and extended sources. The pipeline’s five pillars are: removal of instrumental signatures; astrometric calibration; photometric calibration; image stacking; and the production of science-ready catalogues for both the VIS and NISP instruments. We report a PSF with a full width at half maximum of 0.16” in the optical and 0.49” in the three NIR bands. Our VIS mean absolute flux calibration is accurate to about 1%, and 10% for NISP due to a limited calibration set; both instruments have considerable colour terms. The median depth is 25.3 and 23.2 AB mag with a SNR of 10 for galaxies, and 27.1 and 24.5 AB mag at an SNR of 5 for point sources for VIS and NISP, respectively. Euclid’s ability to observe diffuse emission is exceptional due to its extended PSF nearly matching a pure diffraction halo, the best ever achieved by a wide-field, high-resolution imaging telescope. Euclid offers unparalleled capabilities for exploring the LSB Universe across all scales, also opening a new observational window in the NIR. Median surface-brightness levels of 29.9 and 28.3 AB mag per square arcsec are achieved for VIS and NISP, respectively, for detecting a 10 arcsec x 10 arcsec extended feature at the 1 sigma level.

Euclid. V. The Flagship galaxy mock catalogue: a comprehensive simulation for the Euclid mission

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We present the Flagship galaxy mock, a simulated catalogue of billions of galaxies designed to support the scientific exploitation of the Euclid mission. Euclid is a medium-class mission of the European Space Agency optimised to determine the properties of dark matter and dark energy on the largest scales of the Universe. It probes structure formation over more than 10 billion years primarily from the combination of weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering data. The breath of Euclid’s data will also foster a wide variety of scientific analyses. The Flagship simulation was developed to provide a realistic approximation to the galaxies that will be observed by Euclid and used in its scientific analyses. We ran a state-of-the-art N-body simulation with four trillion particles, producing a lightcone on the fly. From the dark matter particles, we produced a catalogue of 16 billion haloes in one octant of the sky in the lightcone up to redshift z=3. We then populated these haloes with mock galaxies using a halo occupation distribution and abundance matching approach, calibrating the free parameters of the galaxy mock against observed correlations and other basic galaxy properties. Modelled galaxy properties include luminosity and flux in several bands, redshifts, positions and velocities, spectral energy distributions, shapes and sizes, stellar masses, star formation rates, metallicities, emission line fluxes, and lensing properties. We selected a final sample of 3.4 billion galaxies with a magnitude cut of H_E<26, where we are complete. We have performed a comprehensive set of validation tests to check the similarity to observational data and theoretical models. In particular, our catalogue is able to closely reproduce the main characteristics of the weak lensing and galaxy clustering samples to be used in the mission’s main cosmological analysis. (abridged)

Euclid. IV. The NISP Calibration Unit

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The near-infrared calibration unit (NI-CU) onboard Euclid’s Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) is the first astronomical calibration lamp based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to be operated in space. Euclid is a mission in ESA’s ‘Cosmic Vision 2015-2025’ framework, to explore the dark universe and provide a next-level characterisation of the nature of gravitation, dark matter, and dark energy. Calibrating photometric and spectrometric measurements of galaxies to better than 1.5% accuracy in a survey homogeneously mapping ~14000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky requires a very detailed characterisation of near-infrared (NIR) detector properties, as well their constant monitoring in flight. To cover two of the main contributions - relative pixel-to-pixel sensitivity and non-linearity characteristics - as well as support other calibration activities, NI-CU was designed to provide spatially approximately homogeneous (<12% variations) and temporally stable illumination (0.1%-0.2% over 1200s) over the NISP detector plane, with minimal power consumption and energy dissipation. NI-CU is covers the spectral range ~[900,1900] nm - at cryo-operating temperature - at 5 fixed independent wavelengths to capture wavelength-dependent behaviour of the detectors, with fluence over a dynamic range of >=100 from ~15 ph s^-1 pixel^-1 to >1500 ph s^-1 pixel^-1. For this functionality, NI-CU is based on LEDs. We describe the rationale behind the decision and design process, describe the challenges in sourcing the right LEDs, as well as the qualification process and lessons learned. We also provide a description of the completed NI-CU, its capabilities and performance as well as its limits. NI-CU has been integrated into NISP and the Euclid satellite, and since Euclid’s launch in July 2023 has started supporting survey operations.

Euclid. III. The NISP Instrument

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The Near-Infrared Spectrometer and Photometer (NISP) on board the Euclid satellite provides multiband photometry and R>=450 slitless grism spectroscopy in the 950-2020nm wavelength range. In this reference article we illuminate the background of NISP’s functional and calibration requirements, describe the instrument’s integral components, and provide all its key properties. We also sketch the processes needed to understand how NISP operates and is calibrated, and its technical potentials and limitations. Links to articles providing more details and technical background are included. NISP’s 16 HAWAII-2RG (H2RG) detectors with a plate scale of 0.3” pix^-1 deliver a field-of-view of 0.57deg^2. In photo mode, NISP reaches a limiting magnitude of ~24.5AB mag in three photometric exposures of about 100s exposure time, for point sources and with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 5. For spectroscopy, NISP’s point-source sensitivity is a SNR = 3.5 detection of an emission line with flux ~2x10-16erg/s/cm2 integrated over two resolution elements of 13.4A, in 3x560s grism exposures at 1.6 mu (redshifted Ha). Our calibration includes on-ground and in-flight characterisation and monitoring of detector baseline, dark current, non-linearity, and sensitivity, to guarantee a relative photometric accuracy of better than 1.5%, and relative spectrophotometry to better than 0.7%. The wavelength calibration must be better than 5A. NISP is the state-of-the-art instrument in the NIR for all science beyond small areas available from HST and JWST - and an enormous advance due to its combination of field size and high throughput of telescope and instrument. During Euclid’s 6-year survey covering 14000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky, NISP will be the backbone for determining distances of more than a billion galaxies. Its NIR data will become a rich reference imaging and spectroscopy data set for the coming decades.

Euclid. II. The VIS Instrument

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This paper presents the specification, design, and development of the Visible Camera (VIS) on the ESA Euclid mission. VIS is a large optical-band imager with a field of view of 0.54 deg^2 sampled at 0.1” with an array of 609 Megapixels and spatial resolution of 0.18”. It will be used to survey approximately 14,000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky to measure the distortion of galaxies in the redshift range z=0.1-1.5 resulting from weak gravitational lensing, one of the two principal cosmology probes of Euclid. With photometric redshifts, the distribution of dark matter can be mapped in three dimensions, and, from how this has changed with look-back time, the nature of dark energy and theories of gravity can be constrained. The entire VIS focal plane will be transmitted to provide the largest images of the Universe from space to date, reaching m_AB>24.5 with S/N >10 in a single broad I_E~(r+i+z) band over a six year survey. The particularly challenging aspects of the instrument are the control and calibration of observational biases, which lead to stringent performance requirements and calibration regimes. With its combination of spatial resolution, calibration knowledge, depth, and area covering most of the extra-Galactic sky, VIS will also provide a legacy data set for many other fields. This paper discusses the rationale behind the VIS concept and describes the instrument design and development before reporting the pre-launch performance derived from ground calibrations and brief results from the in-orbit commissioning. VIS should reach fainter than m_AB=25 with S/N>10 for galaxies of full-width half-maximum of 0.3” in a 1.3” diameter aperture over the Wide Survey, and m_AB>26.4 for a Deep Survey that will cover more than 50 deg^2. The paper also describes how VIS works with the other Euclid components of survey, telescope, and science data processing to extract the cosmological information.

Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission

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The current standard model of cosmology successfully describes a variety of measurements, but the nature of its main ingredients, dark matter and dark energy, remains unknown. Euclid is a medium-class mission in the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) that will provide high-resolution optical imaging, as well as near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy, over about 14,000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky. In addition to accurate weak lensing and clustering measurements that probe structure formation over half of the age of the Universe, its primary probes for cosmology, these exquisite data will enable a wide range of science. This paper provides a high-level overview of the mission, summarising the survey characteristics, the various data-processing steps, and data products. We also highlight the main science objectives and expected performance.

Systematic comparison of neural networks used in discovering strong gravitational lenses

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Efficient algorithms are being developed to search for strong gravitational lens systems owing to increasing large imaging surveys. Neural networks have been successfully used to discover galaxy-scale lens systems in imaging surveys such as the Kilo Degree Survey, Hyper-Suprime Cam (HSC) Survey and Dark Energy Survey over the last few years. Thus, it has become imperative to understand how some of these networks compare, their strengths and the role of the training datasets as most of the networks make use of supervised learning algorithms. In this work, we present the first-of-its-kind systematic comparison and benchmarking of networks from four teams that have analysed the HSC Survey data. Each team has designed their training samples and developed neural networks independently but coordinated apriori in reserving specific datasets strictly for test purposes. The test sample consists of mock lenses, real (candidate) lenses and real non-lenses gathered from various sources to benchmark and characterise the performance of each of the network. While each team’s network performed much better on their own constructed test samples compared to those from others, all networks performed comparable on the test sample with real (candidate) lenses and non-lenses. We also investigate the impact of swapping the training samples amongst the teams while retaining the same network architecture. We find that this resulted in improved performance for some networks. These results have direct implications on measures to be taken for lens searches with upcoming imaging surveys such as the Rubin-Legacy Survey of Space and Time, Roman and Euclid.

Articles for week 20 2024

Confrontation between modelled solar integrated observables and direct observations I. Radial velocities and convective blueshift

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Stellar variability strongly impacts the search for low-mass exoplanets with radial velocity techniques. Two types of planet-free time series can be used to quantify this impact: models and direct solar observations after a subtraction of the Solar System planetary contribution. Comparing these approaches is necessary for simulations. Our objective is to validate the amplitude of the convective blueshift in plages used in our previous works, particularly in blind tests, with HARPS-N solar data. We applied our model to the structures observed at the time of observations and compared the radial velocity time series. To complete our diagnosis, we studied the observed radial velocities separately for each diffraction order derived from the individual cross-correlation functions, as well as our line-by-line radial velocities. We find that our previous model had been underestimating the amplitude of the convective blueshift inhibition by a factor of about 2. A direct estimation of the convective blueshift in the spectra explains the difference with previous estimations obtained with MDI/SOHO Dopplergrams, based on the properties of the Ni line. We identified several instrumental systematics: the presence of a 2 m/s peak-to-peak signal with a period of about 200 days in radial velocity and bisector, which could be due to periodic detector warm-ups, a systematic dependence of the long-term trend on wavelength possibly related to the variability of the continuum over time, and/or an offset in radial velocity after the interruption of several months in Oct. 2017. A large amplitude in the convective blueshift inhibition of (360 m/s) must be used when building synthetic times series for blind tests. The presence of instrumental systematics should also be taken into account when using sophisticated methods based on line properties to mitigate stellar activity when searching for very weak signals.

KiDS-1000 and DES-Y1 combined: Cosmology from peak count statistics

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We analyse the fourth data release of the Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS-1000) and extract cosmological parameter constraints based on the cosmic shear peak count statistics. Peaks are identified in aperture mass maps in which the filter is maximally sensitive to angular scales in the range 2-4arcmin, probing deep into the non-linear regime of structure formation. We interpret our results with a simulation-based inference pipeline, sampling over a broad wCDM prior volume and marginalising over uncertainties on shape calibration, photometric redshift distribution, intrinsic alignment and baryonic feedback. Our measurements constrain the structure growth parameter and the amplitude of the non-linear intrinsic alignment model to \Sigma_8 \equiv \sigma_8\left[\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3\right]^{0.60}=0.765^{+0.030}_{-0.030} and A_{\rm IA}= 0.71^{+0.42}_{-0.42}, respectively, in agreement with previous KiDS-1000 results based on two-point shear statistics. These results are robust against modelling of the non-linear physics, different scale cuts and selections of tomographic bins. The posterior is also consistent with that from the Dark Energy Survey Year-1 peak count analysis presented in Harnois-D'eraps et al (2021), and hence we jointly analyse both surveys. We obtain \Sigma_8^{\rm joint} \equiv \sigma_8\left[\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3\right]^{0.57}=0.759^{+0.020}_{-0.017}, in agreement with the Planck wCDM results. The shear-CMB tension on this parameter increases to 3.1\sigma when forcing w=-1.0, and to 4.1\sigma if comparing instead with S_{8,\Lambda{\rm CDM}}^{\rm joint} = 0.736^{+0.016}_{-0.018}, one of the tightest constraints to date on this quantity. (abridged)

COSMOS-Web: The Role of Galaxy Interactions and Disk Instabilities in Producing Starbursts at z<4

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We study of the role of galaxy-galaxy interactions and disk instabilities in producing starburst activity in galaxies out to z=4. For this, we use a sample of 387 galaxies with robust total star formation rate measurements from Herschel, gas masses from ALMA, stellar masses and redshifts from multi-band photometry, and JWST/NIRCam rest-frame optical imaging. Using mass-controlled samples, we find an increased fraction of interacting galaxies in the starburst regime at all redshifts out to z=4. This increase correlates with star formation efficiency (SFE), but not with gas fraction. However, the correlation is weak (and only significant out to z=2), which could be explained by the short duration of SFE increase during interaction. In addition, we find that isolated disk galaxies make up a significant fraction of the starburst population. The fraction of such galaxies with star-forming clumps (“clumpy disks”) is significantly increased compared to the main-sequence disk population. Furthermore, this fraction directly correlates with SFE. This is direct observational evidence for a long-term increase of SFE maintained due to disk instabilities, contributing to the majority of starburst galaxies in our sample and hence to substantial mass growth in these systems. This result could also be of importance for explaining the growth of the most massive galaxies at z>6.

Acoustic Positioning for Deep Sea Neutrino Telescopes with a System of Piezo Sensors Integrated into Glass Spheres

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Position calibration in the deep sea is typically done by means of acoustic multilateration using three or more acoustic emitters installed at known positions. Rather than using hydrophones as receivers that are exposed to the ambient pressure, the sound signals can be coupled to piezo ceramics glued to the inside of existing containers for electronics or measuring instruments of a deep sea infrastructure. The ANTARES neutrino telescope operated from 2006 until 2022 in the Mediterranean Sea at a depth exceeding 2000m. It comprised nearly 900 glass spheres with 432mm diameter and 15mm thickness, equipped with photomultiplier tubes to detect Cherenkov light from tracks of charged elementary particles. In an experimental setup within ANTARES, piezo sensors have been glued to the inside of such - otherwise empty - glass spheres. These sensors recorded signals from acoustic emitters with frequencies from 46545 to 60235Hz. Two waves propagating through the glass sphere are found as a result of the excitation by the waves in the water. These can be qualitatively associated with symmetric and asymmetric Lamb-like waves of zeroth order: a fast (early) one with v_e \approx 5mm/\mus and a slow (late) one with v_\ell \approx 2mm/\mus. Taking these findings into account improves the accuracy of the position calibration. The results can be transferred to the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, currently under construction at multiple sites in the Mediterranean Sea, for which the concept of piezo sensors glued to the inside of glass spheres has been adapted for monitoring the positions of the photomultiplier tubes.

Articles for week 19 2024

Euclid preparation. Sensitivity to neutrino parameters

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The Euclid mission of the European Space Agency will deliver weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering surveys that can be used to constrain the standard cosmological model and extensions thereof. We present forecasts from the combination of these surveys on the sensitivity to cosmological parameters including the summed neutrino mass M_\nu and the effective number of relativistic species N_{\rm eff} in the standard \LambdaCDM scenario and in a scenario with dynamical dark energy (w_0 w_aCDM). We compare the accuracy of different algorithms predicting the nonlinear matter power spectrum for such models. We then validate several pipelines for Fisher matrix and MCMC forecasts, using different theory codes, algorithms for numerical derivatives, and assumptions concerning the non-linear cut-off scale. The Euclid primary probes alone will reach a sensitivity of $(M_)=$56meV in the \LambdaCDM+M_\nu model, whereas the combination with CMB data from Planck is expected to achieve $(M_)=$23meV and raise the evidence for a non-zero neutrino mass to at least the 2.6\sigma level. This can be pushed to a 4\sigma detection if future CMB data from LiteBIRD and CMB Stage-IV are included. In combination with Planck, Euclid will also deliver tight constraints on \Delta N_{\rm eff}< 0.144 (95%CL) in the \LambdaCDM+M_\nu+N_{\rm eff} model, or \Delta N_{\rm eff}< 0.063 when future CMB data are included. When floating (w_0, w_a), we find that the sensitivity to N_{\rm eff} remains stable, while that to M_\nu degrades at most by a factor 2. This work illustrates the complementarity between the Euclid spectroscopic and imaging/photometric surveys and between Euclid and CMB constraints. Euclid will have a great potential for measuring the neutrino mass and excluding well-motivated scenarios with additional relativistic particles.

Transformer neural networks for closed-loop adaptive optics using non-modulated pyramid wavefront sensors

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The Pyramid Wavefront Sensor (PyWFS) is highly nonlinear and requires the use of beam modulation to successfully close an AO loop under varying atmospheric turbulence conditions, at the expense of a loss in sensitivity. In this work we train, analyse, and compare the use of deep neural networks (NNs) as non-linear estimators for the non-modulated PyWFS, identifying the most suitable NN architecture for reliable closed-loop AO. We develop a novel training strategy for NNs that seeks to accommodate for changes in residual statistics between open and closed-loop, plus the addition of noise for robustness purposes. Through simulations, we test and compare several deep NNs, from classical to new convolutional neural networks (CNNs), plus a state-of-the-art transformer neural network (TNN, Global Context Visual Transformer, GCViT), first in open-loop and then in closed-loop. Using open-loop simulated data, we observe that a TNN (GCViT) largely surpasses any CNN in estimation accuracy in a wide range of turbulence conditions. Also, the TNN performs better in simulated closed-loop than CNNs, avoiding estimation issues at the pupil borders. When closing the loop at strong turbulence and low noise, the TNN using non-modulated PyWFS data is able to close the loop similar to a PyWFS with 12\lambda/D of modulation. When raising the noise only the TNN is able to close the loop, while the standard linear reconstructor fails, even with modulation. Using the GCViT, we close a real AO loop in the optical bench achieving a Strehl ratio between 0.28 and 0.77 for turbulence conditions ranging from 6cm to 20cm, respectively. In conclusion, we demonstrate that a TNN is the most suitable architecture to extend the dynamic range without sacrificing sensitivity for a non-modulated PyWFS. It opens the path for using non-modulated Pyramid WFSs under an unprecedented range of atmospheric and noise conditions.

On-ground calibration of the X-ray, gamma-ray, and relativistic electron detector onboard TARANIS

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We developed the X-ray, Gamma-ray and Relativistic Electron detector (XGRE) onboard the TARANIS satellite, to investigate high-energy phenomena associated with lightning discharges such as terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and terrestrial electron beams. XGRE consisted of three sensors. Each sensor has one layer of LaBr_{3} crystals for X-ray/gamma-ray detections, and two layers of plastic scintillators for electron and charged-particle discrimination. Since 2018, the flight model of XGRE was developed, and validation and calibration tests, such as a thermal cycle test and a calibration test with the sensors onboard the satellite were performed before the launch of TARANIS on 17 November 2020. The energy range of the LaBr_{3} crystals sensitive to X-rays and gamma rays was determined to be 0.04-11.6 MeV, 0.08-11.0 MeV, and 0.08-11.3 MeV for XGRE1, 2, and 3, respectively. The energy resolution at 0.662 MeV (full width at half maximum) was to be 20.5%, 25.9%, and 28.6%, respectively. Results from the calibration test were then used to validate a simulation model of XGRE and TARANIS. By performing Monte Carlo simulations with the verified model, we calculated effective areas of XGRE to X-rays, gamma rays, electrons, and detector responses to incident photons and electrons coming from various elevation and azimuth angles.

The KALEIDOSCOPE survey : A new strong and weak gravitational lensing view of the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1423.8+2404

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We present a combined strong and weak gravitational-lensing analysis of the massive galaxy cluster MACS J1423.8+2404 (z=0.545, MACS J1423 hereafter), one of the most dynamically relaxed and massive cool-core clusters discovered in the MAssive Cluster Survey at z>0.5. We combine high-resolution imaging from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in the F606W, F814W, and F160W pass-bands with spectroscopic observations taken as part of the KALEIDOSCOPE survey with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer mounted on the Very Large Telescope. Our strong lensing analysis of the mass distribution in the cluster core is constrained by four multiple-image systems (17 individual images) within redshift range 1.779<z<2.840. Our weak-lensing analysis of the cluster outskirts, confined to the HST field of view, is based on a background galaxy catalogue with a density of 57 gal.arcmin^{-2}. We measure a projected mass of M(\textrm{R}<200 kpc) = (1.6 \pm 0.05) \times 10^{14} M_{\rm\odot} from our strong-lensing model, and a projected mass of M(\textrm{R}<640 kpc) = (6.6 \pm 0.6) \times 10^{14} M_{\rm\odot} when combining with our the weak-lensing constraints. Our analysis of the cluster mass distribution yields no evidence of substructures, confirming the dynamically relaxed state of MACS J1423. Our work sets the stage for future analysis of MACS J1423 in the upcoming Canadian Near Infrared Imager and Stiltless Spectrograph Unbiased Cluster Survey for the James Webb Space Telescope.

CURLING - I. The Influence of Point-like Image Approximation on the Outcomes of Cluster Strong Lens Modeling

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Cluster-scale strong lensing is a powerful tool for exploring the properties of dark matter and constraining cosmological models. However, due to the complex parameter space, pixelized strong lens modeling in galaxy clusters is computationally expensive, leading to the point-source approximation of strongly lensed extended images, potentially introducing systematic biases. Herein, as the first paper of the ClUsteR strong Lens modelIng for the Next-Generation observations (CURLING) program, we use lensing ray-tracing simulations to quantify the biases and uncertainties arising from the point-like image approximation for JWST-like observations. Our results indicate that the approximation works well for reconstructing the total cluster mass distribution, but can bias the magnification measurements near critical curves and the constraints on the cosmological parameters, the total matter density of the Universe \Omega_{\rm m}, and dark energy equation of state parameter w. To mitigate the biases, we propose incorporating the extended surface brightness distribution of lensed sources into the modeling. This approach reduces the bias in magnification from 46.2 per cent to 0.09 per cent for \mu \sim 1000. Furthermore, the median values of cosmological parameters align more closely with the fiducial model. In addition to the improved accuracy, we also demonstrate that the constraining power can be substantially enhanced. In conclusion, it is necessary to model cluster-scale strong lenses with pixelized multiple images, especially for estimating the intrinsic luminosity of highly magnified sources and accurate cosmography in the era of high-precision observations.

Articles for week 18 2024

Properties of electrons accelerated by the Ganymede-magnetosphere interaction: survey of Juno high-latitude observations

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The encounter between the Jovian co-rotating plasma and Ganymede gives rise to electromagnetic waves that propagate along the magnetic field lines and accelerate particles by resonant or non-resonant wave-particle interaction. They ultimately precipitate into Jupiter’s atmosphere and trigger auroral emissions. In this study, we use Juno/JADE, Juno/UVS data, and magnetic field line tracing to characterize the properties of electrons accelerated by the Ganymede-magnetosphere interaction in the far-field region. We show that the precipitating energy flux exhibits an exponential decay as a function of downtail distance from the moon, with an e-folding value of 29{}, consistent with previous UV observations from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We characterize the electron energy distributions and show that two distributions exist. Electrons creating the Main Alfv'en Wing (MAW) spot and the auroral tail always have broadband distribution and a mean characteristic energy of 2.2 keV while in the region connected to the Transhemispheric Electron Beam (TEB) spot the electrons are distributed non-monotonically, with a higher characteristic energy above 10 keV. Based on the observation of bidirectional electron beams, we suggest that Juno was located within the acceleration region during the 11 observations reported. We thus estimate that the acceleration region is extended, at least, between an altitude of 0.5 and 1.3 Jupiter radius above the 1-bar surface. Finally, we estimate the size of the interaction region in the Ganymede orbital plane using far-field measurements. These observations provide important insights for the study of particle acceleration processes involved in moon-magnetosphere interactions.

Euclid preparation. LensMC, weak lensing cosmic shear measurement with forward modelling and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling

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LensMC is a weak lensing shear measurement method developed for Euclid and Stage-IV surveys. It is based on forward modelling to deal with convolution by a point spread function with comparable size to many galaxies; sampling the posterior distribution of galaxy parameters via Markov Chain Monte Carlo; and marginalisation over nuisance parameters for each of the 1.5 billion galaxies observed by Euclid. The scientific performance is quantified through high-fidelity images based on the Euclid Flagship simulations and emulation of the Euclid VIS images; realistic clustering with a mean surface number density of 250 arcmin^{-2} (I_{\rm E}<29.5) for galaxies, and 6 arcmin^{-2} (I_{\rm E}<26) for stars; and a diffraction-limited chromatic point spread function with a full width at half maximum of 0.^{\!\prime\prime}2 and spatial variation across the field of view. Objects are measured with a density of 90 arcmin^{-2} (I_{\rm E}<26.5) in 4500 deg^2. The total shear bias is broken down into measurement (our main focus here) and selection effects (which will be addressed elsewhere). We find: measurement multiplicative and additive biases of m_1=(-3.6\pm0.2)\times10^{-3}, m_2=(-4.3\pm0.2)\times10^{-3}, c_1=(-1.78\pm0.03)\times10^{-4}, c_2=(0.09\pm0.03)\times10^{-4}; a large detection bias with a multiplicative component of 1.2\times10^{-2} and an additive component of -3\times10^{-4}; and a measurement PSF leakage of \alpha_1=(-9\pm3)\times10^{-4} and \alpha_2=(2\pm3)\times10^{-4}. When model bias is suppressed, the obtained measurement biases are close to Euclid requirement and largely dominated by undetected faint galaxies (-5\times10^{-3}). Although significant, model bias will be straightforward to calibrate given the weak sensitivity.

Planetary Nebula NGC 2818: Revealing its complex 3D morphology

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We carry out an advanced morpho-kinematic analysis of the Planetary Nebula (PN) NGC 2818, whose complex morphology is described by a basic bipolar component, filamentary structures and a knotty central region. We performed an upgrated 3D Morpho-kinematic (MK) model by employing the SHAPE software, combining for the first time in PNe optical 2D spatially resolved echelle spectra and Fabry-Perot data cubes. The best-fitting 3D model of NGC 2818 successfully reconstructs the main morphology, considering one bipolar component, radial filamentary structures, and an equatorial component as the geometrical locus of the group of cometary knots. The model shows that the equatorial component has the lower expansion velocity of the system at 70 \pm 20 km/s. The velocity of the bipolar component is 120 \pm 20 km/s, while all the filamentary structures were found to expand at higher velocities of 180 \pm 20 km/s. Moreover, Fabry-Perot data revealed for the first time a north-eastern filament expanding at a mean velocity of 80 \pm 20 km/s, while its equivalent counterpart in the southwestern region was confirmed by a new detected substructure in the echelle data. A new detected knotty structure at velocity -40 \pm 20 km/s is also reported, as expelled material from the fragmented eastern lobe of the nebula. We interpret the overall structure of NGC 2818 as the result of the evolution of a binary system that underwent the common envelope phase, in conjunction with the ejections of a magnetized jet, misaligned with respect to the symmetry axis of the bipolar/elliptical shell.

SPHERE RefPlanets: Search for epsilon Eridani b and warm dust

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We carried out very deep VLT/SPHERE imaging polarimetry of the nearby system Eps Eri based on 38.5 hours of integration time with a 600 - 900 nm broadband filter to search for polarized scattered light from a planet or from circumstellar dust using AO, coronagraphy, high precision differential polarimetry, and angular differential imaging. We have improved several data reduction and post-processing techniques and also developed new ones to further increase the sensitivity of SPHERE/ZIMPOL. The data provide unprecedented contrast limits, but no significant detection of a point source or an extended signal from circumstellar dust. For each observing epoch, we obtained a point source contrast for the polarized intensity between 2\cdot 10^{-8} and 4\cdot 10^{-8} at the expected separation of the planet Eps Eri b of 1’’ near quadrature phase. The polarimetric contrast limits are about six to 50 times better than the intensity limits because polarimetric imaging is much more efficient in speckle suppression. Combining the entire 14-month data set to the search for a planet moving on a Keplerian orbit with the K-Stacker software further improves the contrast limits by a factor of about two, to about 8 \cdot 10^{-9} at 1’‘. This would allow the detection of a planet with a radius of about 2.5 Jupiter radii. The surface brightness contrast limits achieved for the polarized intensity from an extended scattering region are about 15 mag arcsec^{-2} at 1’’, or up to 3 mag arcsec^{-2} deeper than previous limits. For Eps Eri, these limits exclude the presence of a narrow dust ring and they constrain the dust properties. This study shows that the polarimetric contrast limits for reflecting planets with SPHERE/ZIMPOL can be improved to a level <10^{-8} simply by collecting more data over many nights and using the K-Stacker software.

Associating LOFAR Galactic Faraday structures with the warm neutral medium

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Faraday tomography observations with the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) have unveiled a remarkable network of structures in polarized synchrotron emission at high Galactic latitudes. The observed correlation between LOFAR structures, dust polarization, and HI emission suggests a connection to the neutral interstellar medium (ISM). We investigated this relationship by estimating the rotation measure (RM) of the warm neutral (partially ionized) medium (WNM) in the local ISM. Our work combines UV spectroscopy from FUSE and dust polarization observations from  with LOFAR data. We derived electron column densities from UV absorption spectra toward nine background stars, within the field of published data from the LOFAR two-meter sky survey. The associated RMs were estimated using a local magnetic field model fitted to the dust polarization data of . A comparison with Faraday spectra at the position of the stars suggests that LOFAR structures delineate a slab of magnetized WNM and synchrotron emission, located ahead of the bulk of the warm ionized medium. This conclusion establishes an astrophysical framework for exploring the link between Faraday structures and the dynamics of the magnetized multiphase ISM. It will be possible to test it on a larger sample of stars when maps from the full northern sky survey of LOFAR become available.

A dusty proto-cluster surrounding the binary galaxy HerBS-70 at z = 2.3

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We report on deep SCUBA-2 observations at 850\mum and NOEMA spectroscopic measurements at 2 mm of the environment surrounding the luminous, massive (M_{*} \approx 2 \times 10^{11} M_{\odot}) Herschel-selected source HerBS-70. This source was revealed by previous NOEMA observations to be a binary system of dusty star-forming galaxies at z= 2.3, with the East component (HerBS-70E) hosting an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). The SCUBA-2 observations detected, in addition to the binary system, twenty-one sources at > 3.5 \sigma over an area of \sim 25 square comoving Mpc with a sensitivity of \sigma_{850} = 0.75 mJy. The surface density of continuum sources around HerBS-70 is three times higher than for field galaxies. The NOEMA spectroscopic measurements confirm the protocluster membership of three of the nine brightest sources through their CO(4 - 3) line emission, yielding a volume density 36 times higher than for field galaxies. All five confirmed sub-mm galaxies in the HerBS-70 system have relatively short gas depletion times (80 - 500 Myr), indicating the onset of quenching for this protocluster core due to the depletion of gas. The dark matter halo mass of the HerBS-70 system is estimated around 5 \times{} 10^{13} M_{\odot}, with a projected current-day mass of 10^{15} M_{\odot}, similar to the local Virgo and Coma clusters. These observations support the claim that DSFGs, in particular the ones with observed multiplicity, can trace cosmic overdensities.

Articles for week 17 2024

Disentangling the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes with PRIMA

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The most active phases of star formation and black hole accretion are strongly affected by dust extinction, making far-infrared (far-IR) observations the best way to disentangle and study the co-evolution of galaxies and super massive black holes. The plethora of fine structure lines and emission features from dust, ionised and neutral atomic and warm molecular gas in the rest-frame mid- and far-IR provide unmatched diagnostic power to determine the properties of gas and dust, measure gas-phase metallicities and map cold galactic outflows in even the most obscured galaxies. By combining multi-band photometric surveys with low and high-resolution far-IR spectroscopy, the PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA), a concept for a far-IR, 1.8m-diameter, cryogenically cooled observatory, will revolutionise the field of galaxy evolution by taking advantage of this IR toolkit to find and study dusty galaxies across galactic time. In this work, we make use of the phenomenological simulation SPRITZ and the Santa Cruz semi-analytical model to describe how a moderately deep multi-band PRIMA photometric survey can easily reach beyond previous IR missions to detect and study galaxies down to 10^{11}\,L_{\odot} beyond cosmic noon and at least up to z=4, even in the absence of gravitational lensing. By decomposing the spectral energy distribution (SED) of these photometrically selected galaxies, we show that PRIMA can be used to accurately measure the relative AGN power, the mass fraction contributed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and the total IR luminosity. At the same time, spectroscopic follow up with PRIMA will allow to trace both the star formation and black hole accretion rates (SFR, BHAR), the gas phase metallicities and the mass outflow rates of cold gas in hundreds to thousands of individual galaxies to z=2.

An improved correction of radial-velocity systematic for the SOPHIE spectrograph

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High precision spectrographs might exhibit temporal variations of their reference velocity or nightly zero point (NZP). One way to monitor the NZP is to measure bright stars, which are assumed to have an intrinsic radial velocity variation much smaller than the instrument’s precision. While this method is effective in most cases, it does not fully propagate the uncertainty arising from NZP variations. We present a new method to correct for NZP variations in radial-velocity time series. This method uses Gaussian Processes based on ancillary information to model these systematic effects. It enables us to propagate the uncertainties of this correction into the overall error budget. Another advantage of this approach is that it relies on ancillary data collected simultaneously with the spectra rather than solely on dedicated observations of constant stars. We applied this method to the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory using a few instrument’s housekeeping data, such as the internal pressure and temperature variations. Our results demonstrate that this method effectively models the red noise of constant stars, even with a limited amount of housekeeping data, while preserving the signals of exoplanets. Using both simulations with mock planets and real data, we found that this method improves the false-alarm probability of detections by several orders of magnitude. By simulating numerous planetary signals, we were able to detect up to 10 percent more planets with small amplitude radial velocity signals. We used this new correction to reanalysed the planetary system around HD158259 and improved the detection of the outermost planets. We also suggest decreasing the observing cadence of the constant stars to optimise telescope time for scientific targets.

Detecting unresolved lensed SNe Ia in LSST using blended light curves

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Strong-gravitationally lensed supernovae (LSNe) are promising probes for providing absolute distance measurements using gravitational lens time delays. Spatially unresolved LSNe offer an opportunity to enhance the sample size for precision cosmology. We predict that there will be approximately 3 times more unresolved than resolved LSNe Ia in the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) by the Rubin Observatory. In this article, we explore the feasibility of detecting unresolved LSNe Ia from the shape of the observed blended light curves using deep learning techniques, and we find that \sim 30\% can be detected with a simple 1D CNN using well-sampled rizy-band light curves (with a false-positive rate of \sim 3\%). Even when the light curve is well-observed in only a single band among r, i, and z, detection is still possible with false-positive rates ranging from \sim 4-7\%, depending on the band. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these unresolved cases can be detected at an early stage using light curves up to \sim20 days from the first observation, with well-controlled false-positive rates, providing ample opportunities for triggering follow-up observations. Additionally, we demonstrate the feasibility of time-delay estimations using solely LSST-like data of unresolved light curves, particularly for doubles, when excluding systems with low time delay and magnification ratio. However, the abundance of such systems among those unresolved in LSST poses a significant challenge. This approach holds potential utility for upcoming wide-field surveys, and overall results could significantly improve with enhanced cadence and depth in the future surveys.

Articles for week 16 2024

Strong-lensing and kinematic analysis of CASSOWARY 31: can strong lensing constrain the masses of multi-plane lenses?

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We present a mass measurement for the secondary lens along the line of sight (LoS) in the multi-plane strong lens modeling of the group-scale lens CASSOWARY 31 (CSWA 31). The secondary lens at redshift z = 1.49 is a spiral galaxy well aligned along the LoS with the main lens at z = 0.683. Using the MUSE integral-field spectroscopy of this spiral galaxy, we measure its rotation velocities and determine the mass from the gas kinematics. We compare the mass estimation of the secondary lens from the lensing models to the mass measurement from kinematics, finding that the predictions from strong lensing tend to be higher. By introducing an additional lens plane at z = 1.36 for an overdensity known to be present, we find a mass of \simeq 10^{10} M_\odot enclosed within 3.3 kpc from the centroid of the spiral galaxy, approaching the estimate from kinematics. This shows that secondary-lens mass measurements from multiple-plane modeling are affected by systematic uncertainties from the degeneracies between lens planes and the complex LoS structure. Conducting a detailed analysis of the LoS structures is therefore essential to improve the mass measurement of the secondary lens.

MAUVE: A 6 kpc bipolar outflow launched from NGC 4383, one of the most HI-rich galaxies in the Virgo cluster

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Stellar feedback-driven outflows are important regulators of the gas-star formation cycle. However, resolving outflow physics requires high resolution observations that can only be achieved in very nearby galaxies, making suitable targets rare. We present the first results from the new VLT/MUSE large program MAUVE (MUSE and ALMA Unveiling the Virgo Environment), which aims to understand the gas-star formation cycle within the context of the Virgo cluster environment. Outflows are a key part of this cycle, and we focus on the peculiar galaxy NGC 4383, which hosts a \sim6\,kpc bipolar outflow fuelled by one of Virgo’s most HI-rich discs. The spectacular MUSE data reveal the clumpy structure and complex kinematics of the ionised gas in this M82-like outflow at 100 pc resolution. Using the ionised gas geometry and kinematics we constrain the opening half-angle to \theta=25-35^\circ, while the average outflow velocity is \sim210 kms^{-1}. The emission line ratios reveal an ionisation structure where photoionisation is the dominant excitation process. The outflowing gas shows a marginally elevated gas-phase oxygen abundance compared to the disc but is lower than the central starburst, highlighting the contribution of mixing between the ejected and entrained gas. Making some assumptions about the outflow geometry, we estimate an integrated mass outflow-rate of \sim1.8~M_\odotyr^{-1} and a corresponding mass-loading factor in the range 1.7-2.3. NGC 4383 is a useful addition to the few nearby examples of well-resolved outflows, and will provide a useful baseline for quantifying the role of outflows within the Virgo cluster.

Euclid preparation. Improving cosmological constraints using a new multi-tracer method with the spectroscopic and photometric samples

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Future data provided by the mission will allow us to better understand the cosmic history of the Universe. A metric of its performance is the figure-of-merit (FoM) of dark energy, usually estimated with Fisher forecasts. The expected FoM has previously been estimated taking into account the two main probes of , namely the three-dimensional clustering of the spectroscopic galaxy sample, and the so-called 3$$2,pt signal from the photometric sample (i.e., the weak lensing signal, the galaxy clustering, and their cross-correlation). So far, these two probes have been treated as independent. In this paper, we introduce a new observable given by the ratio of the (angular) two-point correlation function of galaxies from the two surveys. For identical (normalised) selection functions, this observable is unaffected by sampling noise, and its variance is solely controlled by Poisson noise. We present forecasts for where this multi-tracer method is applied and is particularly relevant because the two surveys will cover the same area of the sky. This method allows for the exploitation of the combination of the spectroscopic and photometric samples. When the correlation between this new observable and the other probes is not taken into account, a significant gain is obtained in the FoM, as well as in the constraints on other cosmological parameters. The benefit is more pronounced for a commonly investigated modified gravity model, namely the \gamma parametrisation of the growth factor. However, the correlation between the different probes is found to be significant and hence the actual gain is uncertain. We present various strategies for circumventing this issue and still extract useful information from the new observable.

Fresh view of the hot brown dwarf HD 984 B through high-resolution spectroscopy

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Context. High-resolution spectroscopy has the potential to drive a better understanding of the atmospheric composition, physics, and dynamics of young exoplanets and brown dwarfs, bringing clear insights into the formation channel of individual objects. Aims. Using the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC; R = 35,000), we aim to characterize a young brown dwarf HD 984 B. By measuring its C/O and 12CO/13CO ratios, we expect to gain new knowledge about its origin by confirming the difference in the formation pathways between brown dwarfs and super-Jupiters. Methods. We analysed the KPIC high-resolution spectrum (2.29-2.49 {}m) of HD 984 B using an atmospheric retrieval framework based on nested sampling and petitRADTRANS, using both clear and cloudy models. Results. Using our best-fit model, we find C/O = 0.50+0.01-0.01 (0.01 is the statistical error) for HD 984 B which agrees with that of its host star within 1{} (0.40+0.20-0.20). We also retrieve an isotopolog 12CO/13CO ratio of 98+20-25 in its atmosphere, which is similar to that of the Sun. In addition, HD 984 B has a substellar metallicity with [Fe/H] = -0.62+0.02-0.02. Finally, we find that most of the retrieved parameters are independent of our choice of retrieval model. Conclusions. From our measured C/O and 12CO/13CO, the favored formation mechanism of HD 984 B seems to be via gravitational collapse or disk instability and not core accretion, which is a favored formation mechanism for giant exoplanets with m < 13 MJup and semimajor axis between 10 and 100 au. However, with only a few brown dwarfs with a measured 12CO/13CO ratio, similar analyses using high-resolution spectroscopy will become essential in order to determine planet formation processes more precisely.

Characterisation of the TOI-421 planetary system using CHEOPS, TESS, and archival radial velocity data

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The TOI-421 planetary system contains two sub-Neptune-type planets and is a prime target to study the formation and evolution of planets and their atmospheres. The inner planet is especially interesting as the existence of a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere at its orbital separation cannot be explained by current formation models without previous orbital migration. We jointly analysed photometric data of three TESS sectors and six CHEOPS visits as well as 156 radial velocity data points to retrieve improved planetary parameters. We also searched for TTVs and modelled the interior structure of the planets. Finally, we simulated the evolution of the primordial H-He atmospheres of the planets using two different modelling frameworks. We determine the planetary radii and masses of TOI-421 b and c to be R_{\rm b} = 2.64 \pm 0.08 \, R_{\oplus}, M_{\rm b} = 6.7 \pm 0.6 \, M_{\oplus}, R_{\rm c} = 5.09 \pm 0.07 \, R_{\oplus}, and M_{\rm c} = 14.1 \pm 1.4 \, M_{\oplus}. We do not detect any statistically significant TTV signals. Assuming the presence of a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere, the interior structure modelling results in both planets having extensive envelopes. While the modelling of the atmospheric evolution predicts for TOI-421 b to have lost any primordial atmosphere that it could have accreted at its current orbital position, TOI-421 c could have started out with an initial atmospheric mass fraction somewhere between 10 and 35%. We conclude that the low observed mean density of TOI-421 b can only be explained by either a bias in the measured planetary parameters (e.g. driven by high-altitude clouds) and/or in the context of orbital migration. We also find that the results of atmospheric evolution models are strongly dependent on the employed planetary structure model.

Observation of microquasars high-energy emission with INTEGRAL

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Microquasars are Black Hole X-ray binaries (BHXB) which can eject material in the form of a bipolar jet, similarly to quasars, but at much smaller scales. Their high-energy emission comes from an accretion disk (~ 1 keV) and from a hot “corona” near the black hole that up-scatters photons from the disk in the hard X-ray domain (1–100 keV). A high-energy component above 150 keV has been detected in bright sources and its precise origin is still unknown: it could come either from Compton scattering of disk photons on coronal relativistic non-thermal electrons (a.k.a hybrid Comptonization), or from the synchrotron emission from the very base of the compact jet. The measurement of polarization above 150 keV can provide valuable insights into the processes at play as we expect higher polarization fraction due to synchrotron emission from the jets (up to 70 % with a very ordered magnetic field). We use the INTEGRAL/IBIS telescope to measure the soft gamma-ray polarization of the Crab Nebula and the BHXB Swift J1727.8-1613.

Physical properties of strong 1 < z < 3 Balmer and Paschen lines emitters observed with JWST

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The ultraviolet continuum traces young stars while the near-infrared unveils older stellar populations and dust-obscured regions. Balmer emission lines provide insights on gas properties and young stellar objects but are highly affected by dust attenuation. The near-infrared Paschen lines suffer less dust attenuation and can be used to measure star formation rates (SFRs) in star-forming regions obscured by dust clouds. We select 13 sources between redshifts 1 and 3 observed with HST, JWST/NIRCam and NIRSpec based on the availability of at least one Balmer and one Paschen line with S/N > 5. With a newly-developed version of CIGALE, we fit their hydrogen line equivalent widths (EWs) and photometric data. We assess the impacts of the removal of spectroscopic data by comparing the quality of the fits of the spectro-photometric data to those with photometric data only. We compare the single (BC03) vs binary (BPASS) stellar populations models in the fitting process of spectro-photometric data. We derive the differential attenuation and explore different attenuation recipes by fitting spectro-photometric data with BC03. For each stellar model and for each input dataset (with and without EWs), we quantify the deviation on the SFRs and stellar masses from the “standard” choice. On average, the SFRs are overestimated and the stellar masses are underestimated when EWs are not included as input data. We find a major contribution of the H{\alpha} emission line to the broadband photometric measurements of our sources, and a trend of increasing contribution with specific SFR. Using the BPASS models has a significant impact on the derived SFRs and stellar masses. We show that a flexible attenuation recipe provides more accurate estimates of the dust attenuation parameters, especially the differential attenuation which agrees with the original value of Charlot & Fall (2000).

Stellar angular momentum of intermediate redshift galaxies in MUSE surveys

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We quantify the stellar rotation of galaxies by computing the \lambda_{R} parameter, a proxy for the stellar angular momentum in a sample of 106 galaxies with redshift 0.1 < z < 0.8 and stellar masses from $10^{7.5}$ to 10^{11.8} M_{\odot}. The sample is located in the CANDELS/GOODS-S and COSMOS fields, and it was observed by various MUSE surveys. We create stellar velocity and velocity dispersion maps using a full-spectrum fitting technique, covering spatially $2R_{e}$ for the galaxies. We study the impact of the atmospheric seeing on the spin parameter and apply corrections when pertinent. Through the analysis of the \lambda_{R}-\epsilon diagram, we notice that the fraction of round and massive galaxies increases with redshift. We lack galaxies with \lambda_{R} < 0.1 in the sample and we find only one potential, but uncertain, low-mass slow rotator at z \sim0.3. Moreover, we do not see an evident evolution or trend in the stellar angular momentum with redshift. We characterize the sample environment using two indicators: a local estimator based on the Voronoi tesselation method, and a global estimator derived by the use of the Friends-of-Friends algorithm. We find no correlation between the environment and \lambda_{R} given that we are not probing dense regions or massive galaxy structures. We also analyze the kinematic maps of the sample finding that about 40\% of galaxies are consistent with being regular rotators, having rotating stellar discs with flat velocity dispersion maps, while \sim20\% of galaxies have complex velocity maps and can be identified as non-regular rotators in spite of their \lambda_{R} values. For the remaining galaxies the classification is uncertain. As we lack galaxies with \lambda_{R}< 0.1, we are not able to identify when galaxies become slow rotators within the surveyed environments, area and redshift range.

Systematic Effects in Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing with DESI

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The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey will measure spectroscopic redshifts for millions of galaxies across roughly 14,000 \, \mathrm{deg}^2 of the sky. Cross-correlating targets in the DESI survey with complementary imaging surveys allows us to measure and analyze shear distortions caused by gravitational lensing in unprecedented detail. In this work, we analyze a series of mock catalogs with ray-traced gravitational lensing and increasing sophistication to estimate systematic effects on galaxy-galaxy lensing estimators such as the tangential shear \gamma_{\mathrm{t}} and the excess surface density \Delta\Sigma. We employ mock catalogs tailored to the specific imaging surveys overlapping with the DESI survey: the Dark Energy Survey (DES), the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey, and the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). Among others, we find that fiber incompleteness can have significant effects on galaxy-galaxy lensing estimators but can be corrected effectively by up-weighting DESI targets with fibers by the inverse of the fiber assignment probability. Similarly, we show that intrinsic alignment and lens magnification are expected to be statistically significant given the precision forecasted for the DESI year-1 data set. Our study informs several analysis choices for upcoming cross-correlation studies of DESI with DES, HSC, and KiDS.

Articles for week 15 2024

Search for Neutrino Emission from GRB 221009A using the KM3NeT ARCA and ORCA detectors

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Gamma-ray bursts are promising candidate sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. The recent GRB 221009A event, identified as the brightest gamma-ray burst ever detected, provides a unique opportunity to investigate hadronic emissions involving neutrinos. The KM3NeT undersea neutrino detectors participated in the worldwide follow-up effort triggered by the event, searching for neutrino events. In this letter, we summarize subsequent searches, in a wide energy range from MeV up to a few PeVs. No neutrino events are found in any of the searches performed. Upper limits on the neutrino emission associated with GRB 221009A are computed.

Transient Classifiers for Fink: Benchmarks for LSST

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The upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) at the Vera Rubin Observatory is expected to detect a few million transients per night, which will generate a live alert stream during the entire 10 years of the survey. This will be distributed via community brokers whose task is to select subsets of the stream and direct them to scientific communities. Given the volume and complexity of data, machine learning (ML) algorithms will be paramount for this task. We present the infrastructure tests and classification methods developed within the {Fink} broker in preparation for LSST. This work aims to provide detailed information regarding the underlying assumptions, and methods, behind each classifier, enabling users to make informed follow-up decisions from { Fink} photometric classifications. Using simulated data from the Extended LSST Astronomical Time-series Classification Challenge (ELAsTiCC), we showcase the performance of binary and multi-class ML classifiers available in {Fink}. These include tree-based classifiers coupled with tailored feature extraction strategies, as well as deep learning algorithms. We introduce the CBPF Alert Transient Search (CATS), a deep learning architecture specifically designed for this task. Results show that {Fink} classifiers are able to handle the extra complexity which is expected from LSST data. CATS achieved 97\% accuracy on a multi-class classification while our best performing binary classifier achieve 99\% when classifying the Periodic class. ELAsTiCC was an important milestone in preparing {Fink} infrastructure to deal with LSST-like data. Our results demonstrate that {Fink} classifiers are well prepared for the arrival of the new stream; this experience also highlights that transitioning from current infrastructures to Rubin will require significant adaptation of currently available tools.

Euclid preparation. XLII. A unified catalogue-level reanalysis of weak lensing by galaxy clusters in five imaging surveys

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Precise and accurate mass calibration is required to exploit galaxy clusters as astrophysical and cosmological probes in the Euclid era. Systematic errors in lensing signals by galaxy clusters can be empirically estimated by comparing different surveys with independent and uncorrelated systematics. To assess the robustness of the lensing results to systematic errors, we carried out end-to-end tests across different data sets. We performed a unified analysis at the catalogue level by leveraging the Euclid combined cluster and weak-lensing pipeline (COMB-CL). COMB-CL will measure weak lensing cluster masses for the Euclid Survey. Heterogeneous data sets from five independent, recent, lensing surveys (CHFTLenS, DES~SV1, HSC-SSP~S16a, KiDS~DR4, and RCSLenS), which exploited different shear and photometric redshift estimation algorithms, were analysed with a consistent pipeline under the same model assumptions. We performed a comparison of the amplitude of the reduced excess surface density and of the mass estimates using lenses from the Planck PSZ2 and SDSS redMaPPer cluster samples. Mass estimates agree with literature results collected in the LC2 catalogues. Mass accuracy was further investigated considering the AMICO detected clusters in the HSC-SSP XXL North field. The consistency of the data sets was tested using our unified analysis framework. We found agreement between independent surveys, at the level of systematic noise in Stage-III surveys or precursors. This indicates successful control over systematics. If such control continues in Stage-IV, Euclid will be able to measure the weak lensing masses of around 13000 (considering shot noise only) or 3000 (noise from shape and large-scale-structure) massive clusters with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 3.

Overcoming Confusion Noise with Hyperspectral Imaging from PRIMAger

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The PRobe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA) concept aims to perform mapping with spectral coverage and sensitivities inaccessible to previous FIR space telescopes. PRIMA’s imaging instrument, PRIMAger, provides unique hyperspectral imaging simultaneously covering 25-235 \mum. We synthesise images representing a deep, 1500 hr deg^{-2} PRIMAger survey, with realistic instrumental and confusion noise. We demonstrate that we can construct catalogues of galaxies with a high purity (>95 per cent) at a source density of 42k deg^{-2} using PRIMAger data alone. Using the XID+ deblending tool we show that we measure fluxes with an accuracy better than 20 per cent to flux levels of 0.16, 0.80, 9.7 and 15 mJy at 47.4, 79.7, 172, 235 \mum respectively. These are a factor of $$2 and $$3 fainter than the classical confusion limits for 72-96 \mum and 126-235 \mum, respectively. At 1.5 \leq z \leq 2, we detect and accurately measure fluxes in 8-10 of the 10 channels covering 47-235 \mum for sources with 2 \leq log(SFR) \leq 2.5, a 0.5 dex improvement on what might be expected from the classical confusion limit. Recognising that PRIMager will operate in a context where high quality data will be available at other wavelengths, we investigate the benefits of introducing additional prior information. We show that by introducing even weak prior flux information when employing a higher source density catalogue (more than one source per beam) we can obtain accurate fluxes an order of magnitude below the classical confusion limit for 96-235 \mum.

Articles for week 14 2024

MHONGOOSE – A MeerKAT Nearby Galaxy HI Survey

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The MHONGOOSE (MeerKAT HI Observations of Nearby Galactic Objects: Observing Southern Emitters) survey maps the distribution and kinematics of the neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) gas in and around 30 nearby star-forming spiral and dwarf galaxies to extremely low HI column densities. The HI column density sensitivity (3 sigma over 16 km/s) ranges from ~ 5 x 10^{17} cm^{-2} at 90’’ resolution to ~4 x 10^{19} cm^{-2} at the highest resolution of 7’’. The HI mass sensitivity (3 sigma over 50 km/s) is ~5.5 X 10^5 M_sun at a distance of 10 Mpc (the median distance of the sample galaxies). The velocity resolution of the data is 1.4 km/s. One of the main science goals of the survey is the detection of cold, accreting gas in the outskirts of the sample galaxies. The sample was selected to cover a range in HI masses, from 10^7 M_sun to almost 10^{11} M_sun, to optimally sample possible accretion scenarios and environments. The distance to the sample galaxies ranges from 3 to 23 Mpc. In this paper, we present the sample selection, survey design, and observation and reduction procedures. We compare the integrated HI fluxes based on the MeerKAT data with those derived from single-dish measurement and find good agreement, indicating that our MeerKAT observations are recovering all flux. We present HI moment maps of the entire sample based on the first ten percent of the survey data, and find that a comparison of the zeroth- and second-moment values shows a clear separation between the physical properties of the HI in areas with star formation and areas without, related to the formation of a cold neutral medium. Finally, we give an overview of the HI-detected companion and satellite galaxies in the 30 fields, five of which have not previously been catalogued. We find a clear relation between the number of companion galaxies and the mass of the main target galaxy.

Confusion of extragalactic sources in the far infrared: a baseline assessment of the performance of PRIMAger in intensity and polarization

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Because of their limited angular resolution, far-infrared telescopes are usually affected by confusion phenomenon. Since several galaxies can be located in the same instrumental beam, only the brightest objects emerge from the fluctuations caused by fainter sources. The probe far-infrared mission for astrophysics imager (PRIMAger) will observe the mid- and far-infrared (25-235 \mum) sky both in intensity and polarization. We aim to provide predictions of the confusion level and its consequences for future surveys. We produced simulated PRIMAger maps affected only by the confusion noise using the simulated infrared extragalactic sky (SIDES) semi-empirical simulation. We then estimated the confusion limit in these maps and extracted the sources using a basic blind extractor. By comparing the input galaxy catalog and the extracted source catalog, we derived various performance metrics as completeness, purity, and the accuracy of various measurements. In intensity, we predict that the confusion limit increases rapidly with increasing wavelength. The confusion limit in polarization is more than 100x lower. The measured flux density is dominated by the brightest galaxy in the beam, but other objects also contribute at longer wavelength (~30% at 235 \mum). We also show that galaxy clustering has a mild impact on confusion in intensity (up to 25%), while it is negligible in polarization. In intensity, a basic blind extraction will be sufficient to detect galaxies at the knee of the luminosity function up to z~3 and 10^{11} M_\odot main-sequence galaxies up to z~5. In polarization for a conservative sensitivity, we expect ~8 000 detections up to z=2.5 opening a totally new window on the high-z dust polarization. Finally, we show that intensity surveys at short wavelength and polarization surveys at long wavelength tend to reach confusion at similar depth. There is thus a strong synergy.

Characterization of contaminants in the Lyman-alpha forest auto-correlation with DESI

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Baryon Acoustic Oscillations can be measured with sub-percent precision above redshift two with the Lyman-alpha forest auto-correlation and its cross-correlation with quasar positions. This is one of the key goals of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) which started its main survey in May 2021. We present in this paper a study of the contaminants to the lyman-alpha forest which are mainly caused by correlated signals introduced by the spectroscopic data processing pipeline as well as astrophysical contaminants due to foreground absorption in the intergalactic medium. Notably, an excess signal caused by the sky background subtraction noise is present in the lyman-alpha auto-correlation in the first line-of-sight separation bin. We use synthetic data to isolate this contribution, we also characterize the effect of spectro-photometric calibration noise, and propose a simple model to account for both effects in the analysis of the lyman-alpha forest. We then measure the auto-correlation of the quasar flux transmission fraction of low redshift quasars, where there is no lyman-alpha forest absorption but only its contaminants. We demonstrate that we can interpret the data with a two-component model: data processing noise and triply ionized Silicon and Carbon auto-correlations. This result can be used to improve the modeling of the lyman-alpha auto-correlation function measured with DESI.

Effect of magnetospheric conditions on the morphology of Jupiter’s UV main auroral emission, as observed by Juno-UVS

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Auroral emissions are a reflection of magnetospheric processes, and, at Jupiter, it is not entirely certain how the morphology of the UV main emission (ME) varies with magnetospheric compression or the strength of the central current sheet. This work leverages the observations from Juno-UVS to link ME variability with magnetospheric states. Novel arc-detection techniques are used to determine new reference ovals for the ME from perijoves 1 through 54, in both hemispheres, and analyse how the size and shape of the ME vary compared to this reference oval. The morphology and brightness of the ME vary in local time: the dawn-side ME is typically expanded and the dusk-side ME typically contracted compared to the reference oval, and the dusk-side ME being typically twice as bright as the dawn-side ME. Both the northern and southern ME, and the day-side and night-side ME, expand and contract from their reference ovals synchronously, which indicates that the variable size of the ME is caused by a process occurring throughout the jovian magnetosphere. The poleward latitudinal shift of the auroral footprint of Ganymede correlates with the poleward motion of the ME, whereas a similar relation is not present for the footprint of Io. Additionally, the expansion of the ME correlates well with an increase in magnetodisc current. These two results suggest that a changing current-sheet magnetic field is partially responsible for the variable size of the ME. Finally, magnetospheric compression is linked to a global ME contraction and brightening, though this brightening occurs predominantly in the day-side ME. This observation, and the observation that the dusk-side ME is typically brighter than the dawn-side ME, stands in contrast to the modelled and observed behaviour of field-aligned currents and thus weakens the theoretical link between field-aligned currents and the generation of the auroral ME.

A complex node of the cosmic web associated with the massive galaxy cluster MACS J0600.1-2008

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MACS J0600.1-2008 (MACS0600) is an X-ray luminous, massive galaxy cluster at z_{\mathrm{d}}=0.43, studied previously as part of the REionization LensIng Cluster Survey (RELICS) and ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey (ALCS) projects which revealed a complex, bimodal mass distribution and an intriguing high-redshift object behind it. Here, we report on the results of an extended strong-lensing (SL) analysis of this system. Using new JWST and ground-based Gemini-N and Keck data, we obtain 13 new spectroscopic redshifts of multiply imaged galaxies and identify 12 new photometric multiple-image systems and candidates, including two multiply imaged z\sim7 objects. Taking advantage of the larger areal coverage, our analysis reveals a new bimodal, massive SL structure adjacent to the cluster which we measure spectroscopically to lie at the same redshift and whose existence was implied by previous SL-modeling analyses. While based in part on photometric systems identified in ground-based imaging requiring further verification, our extended SL model suggests that the cluster may have the second-largest critical area and effective Einstein radius observed to date, A_{\mathrm{crit}}\simeq2.16\,\mathrm{arcmin}^2 and \theta_{\mathrm{E}}=49.7''\pm5.0'' for a source at z_{\mathrm{s}}=2, enclosing a total mass of M(<\theta_{\mathrm{E}})=(4.7\pm0.7)\times10^{14}\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}. Yet another, probably related massive cluster structure, discovered in X-rays 5' (1.7 Mpc) further north, suggests that MACS0600 is in fact part of an even larger filamentary structure. This discovery adds to several recent detections of massive structures around SL galaxy clusters and establishes MACS0600 as a prime target for future high-redshift surveys with JWST.

A MUSE View of the Core of the Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxy Malin 1

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Aims. The central region of the Giant Low Surface Brightness galaxy Malin 1 has long been known to have a complex morphology with evidence of a bulge, disc, and potentially a bar hosting asymmetric star formation. In this work, we use VLT/MUSE data to resolve the central region of Malin 1 in order to determine its structure. Methods. We use careful light profile fitting in every image slice of the datacube to create wavelength-dependent models of each morphological component, from which we could cleanly extract their spectra. We then used the kinematics and emission line properties from these spectra to better understand the nature of each component extracted from our model fit. Results. We report the detection of a pair of distinct sources at the centre of this galaxy with a separation of ~1.05”, which corresponds to a separation on sky of ~1.9 kpc. The radial velocity data of each object confirms that they both lie in the kinematic core of the galaxy, and analysis of the emission lines reveals that the central compact source is more consistent with being ionized by star formation and/or a LINER, while the off-centre compact source lies closer to the separation between star-forming galaxies and AGN. Conclusions. This evidence suggests that the centre of Malin 1 hosts either a bar with asymmetric star formation or two distinct components in which the off-centre compact source could either be a star-forming clump containing one or more star clusters that is in the process of falling into the core of the galaxy and which will eventually merge with the central NSC, or a clump of gas infalling into the centre of the galaxy from either outside or from the disc and triggering star formation there.

Recovery of the low- and high-mass end slopes of the IMF in massive early-type galaxies using detailed elemental abundances

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Star formation in the early Universe has left its imprint on the chemistry of observable stars in galaxies. We derive elemental abundances and the slope of the low-mass end of the initial mass function (IMF) for a sample of 25 very massive galaxies, separated into brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) and their massive satellites. The elemental abundances of BGCs and their satellites are similar, but for some elements, satellite galaxies show a correlation with the global velocity dispersion. Using a subset of derived elemental abundances, we model the star formation histories of these galaxies with chemical evolution models, and predict the high-mass end slope of the IMF and star formation timescales. The high-mass end IMF slope of the satellite galaxies correlates with the global velocity dispersion. The low- and the high-mass end IMF slopes are weakly correlated in a general sense that top heavy IMFs are paired with bottom heavy IMFs. Our results do not necessarily imply that the IMF was simultaneously bottom and top heavy. Instead, our findings can be considered consistent with a temporal variation in the IMF, where, for massive galaxies, the high-mass end IMF slope is representative of the very early age and the low-mass end slope of the later star formation. The small but noticeable differences between the BCGs and the satellites in terms of their elemental abundances and IMF slopes, together with their stellar kinematical properties, suggest somewhat different formation pathways, where BCGs experience more major, gas-free mergers.

Four-of-a-kind? Comprehensive atmospheric characterisation of the HR 8799 planets with VLTI/GRAVITY

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With four companions at separations from 16 to 71 au, HR 8799 is a unique target for direct imaging, presenting an opportunity for the comparative study of exoplanets with a shared formation history. Combining new VLTI/GRAVITY observations obtained within the ExoGRAVITY program with archival data, we perform a systematic atmospheric characterisation of all four planets. We explore different levels of model flexibility to understand the temperature structure, chemistry and clouds of each planet using both petitRADTRANS atmospheric retrievals and fits to self-consistent radiative-convective equilibrium models. Using Bayesian Model Averaging to combine multiple retrievals, we find that the HR 8799 planets are highly enriched in metals, with [M/H] $$1, and have stellar to super-stellar C/O ratios. The C/O ratio increases with increasing separation from 0.55^{+0.12}_{-0.10} for d to 0.78^{+0.03}_{-0.04} for b, with the exception of the innermost planet which has a C/O ratio of 0.87\pm0.03. By retrieving a quench pressure and using a disequilibrium chemistry model we derive vertical mixing strengths compatible with predictions for high-metallicity, self-luminous atmospheres. Bayesian evidence comparisons strongly favour the presence of HCN in HR 8799 c and e, as well as CH_{4} in HR 8799 c, with detections at >5\sigma confidence. All of the planets are cloudy, with no evidence for patchiness. The clouds of c, d and e are best fit by silicate clouds lying above a deep iron cloud layer, while the clouds of the cooler HR 8799 b are more likely composed of Na_{2}S. With well defined atmospheric properties, future exploration of this system is well positioned to unveil further detail in these planets, extending our understanding of the composition, structure, and formation history of these siblings.

Multi-purpose InSTRument for Astronomy at Low-resolution: MISTRAL@OHP

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MISTRAL is the new Faint Object Spectroscopic Camera mounted at the folded Cassegrain focus of the 1.93m telescope of Haute-Provence Observatory. We describe the design and components of the instrument and give some details about its operation. We emphasise in particular the various observing modes and the performances of the detector. A short description is also given about the working environment. Various types of objects, including stars, nebulae, comets, novae, galaxies have been observed during various test phases to evaluate the performances of the instrument. The instrument covers the range of 4000 to 8000A with the blue setting, or from 6000 to 10000A with the red setting, at an average spectral resolution of 700. Its peak efficiency is about 22% at 6000A. In spectroscopy, a limiting magnitude of 19.5 can be achieved for a point source in one hour with a signal to noise of 3 in the continuum (and better if emission lines are present). In imaging mode, limiting magnitudes of 20-21 can be obtained in 10-20mn (with average seing conditions of 2.5 arcsec at OHP). The instrument is very users-friendly and can be put into operations in less than 15mn (rapid change-over from the other instrument in use) if required by the science (like for Gamma-Rays Bursts). Some first scientific results are described for various types of objects, and in particular for the follow-up of GRBs. While some further improvements are still under way, in particular to ease the switch from blue to red setting and add more grisms or filters, MISTRAL is ready for the follow-up of transients and other variable objects, in the soon-to-come era of e.g. the SVOM satellite and of the Rubin telescope.

Scale-dependent local primordial non-Gaussianity as a solution to the S_8 tension

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For the last decade, several probes have pointed to a cosmological tension between the amplitude of density fluctuations extrapolated from the cosmic microwave background within the standard cosmological model and the one encapsulated by the S_8 parameter from large scale structure. The origin of this S_8 tension has not yet been elucidated and may hint at systematics in the data, unaccounted effects from baryonic physics, or new physics beyond the standard model of cosmology. Baryonic physics may in principle provide a nonlinear solution to the tension by suppressing the matter power spectrum more strongly on nonlinear scales than is traditionally assumed. Such a solution would not worsen the Hubble tension, contrary to many other proposed solutions to the S_8 tension. However, no realistic baryonic feedback in hydrodynamical simulations provides the needed suppression as a function of redshift. Here, we point out that a scale-dependence of local-type primordial non-Gaussianities (PNG), with significant PNG at scales of a few Mpc, can provide the needed suppression, since such PNG can suppress the power spectrum at slightly larger scales than baryons do. We demonstrate this by devising collisionless numerical simulations of structure formation in boxes of 0.5 Gpc/h with scale-dependent local-type PNG. Our simple models show that, as a proof of principle, scale-dependent PNG, with a Gaussian random field for primodial density fluctuations on large scales and f_{\rm NL} \simeq -300 at \lesssim 10 Mpc scales, together with state-of-the-art baryonification of the matter power spectrum, can in principle solve the S_8 tension. The S_8 tension would then be a smoking-gun of non-trivial inflationary physics.

DESI 2024 III: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Galaxies and Quasars

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We present the DESI 2024 galaxy and quasar baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) measurements using over 5.7 million unique galaxy and quasar redshifts in the range 0.1<z<2.1. Divided by tracer type, we utilize 300,017 galaxies from the magnitude-limited Bright Galaxy Survey with 0.1<z<0.4, 2,138,600 Luminous Red Galaxies with 0.4<z<1.1, 2,432,022 Emission Line Galaxies with 0.8<z<1.6, and 856,652 quasars with 0.8<z<2.1, over a ~7,500 square degree footprint. The analysis was blinded at the catalog-level to avoid confirmation bias. All fiducial choices of the BAO fitting and reconstruction methodology, as well as the size of the systematic errors, were determined on the basis of the tests with mock catalogs and the blinded data catalogs. We present several improvements to the BAO analysis pipeline, including enhancing the BAO fitting and reconstruction methods in a more physically-motivated direction, and also present results using combinations of tracers. We present a re-analysis of SDSS BOSS and eBOSS results applying the improved DESI methodology and find scatter consistent with the level of the quoted SDSS theoretical systematic uncertainties. With the total effective survey volume of ~ 18 Gpc^3, the combined precision of the BAO measurements across the six different redshift bins is ~0.52%, marking a 1.2-fold improvement over the previous state-of-the-art results using only first-year data. We detect the BAO in all of these six redshift bins. The highest significance of BAO detection is 9.1\sigma at the effective redshift of 0.93, with a constraint of 0.86% placed on the BAO scale. We find our measurements are systematically larger than the prediction of Planck-2018 LCDM model at z<0.8. We translate the results into transverse comoving distance and radial Hubble distance measurements, which are used to constrain cosmological models in our companion paper [abridged].

Articles for week 13 2024

JWST Photometric Time-Delay and Magnification Measurements for the Triply-Imaged Type Ia “Supernova H0pe” at z = 1.78

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Supernova (SN) H0pe is a gravitationally lensed, triply-imaged, Type Ia SN (SN Ia) discovered in James Webb Space Telescope imaging of the PLCK G165.7+67.0 cluster of galaxies. Well-observed multiply-imaged SNe provide a rare opportunity to constrain the Hubble constant (H_0), by measuring the relative time delay between the images and modeling the foreground mass distribution. SN H0pe is located at z=1.783, and is the first SN Ia with sufficient light curve sampling and long enough time delays for an H_0 inference. Here we present photometric time-delay measurements and SN properties of SN H0pe. Using JWST/NIRCam photometry we measure time delays of \Delta t_{ab}=-116.6^{+10.8}_{-9.3} and \Delta t_{cb}=-48.6^{+3.6}_{-4.0} observer-frame days relative to the last image to arrive (image 2b; all uncertainties are 1\sigma), which corresponds to a \sim5.6\% uncertainty contribution for H_0 assuming 70 \rm{km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}}. We also constrain the absolute magnification of each image to \mu_{a}=4.3^{+1.6}_{-1.8}, \mu_{b}=7.6^{+3.6}_{-2.6}, \mu_{c}=6.4^{+1.6}_{-1.5} by comparing the observed peak near-IR magnitude of SN H0pe to the non-lensed population of SNe Ia.

Phasing segmented telescopes via deep learning methods: application to a deployable CubeSat

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Capturing high resolution imagery of the Earth’s surface often calls for a telescope of considerable size, even from Low Earth Orbits (LEO). A large aperture often requires large and expensive platforms. For instance, achieving a resolution of 1m at visible wavelengths from LEO typically requires an aperture diameter of at least 30cm. Additionally, ensuring high revisit times often prompts the use of multiple satellites. In light of these challenges, a small, segmented, deployable CubeSat telescope was recently proposed creating the additional need of phasing the telescope’s mirrors. Phasing methods on compact platforms are constrained by the limited volume and power available, excluding solutions that rely on dedicated hardware or demand substantial computational resources. Neural Network (NN) are known for their computationally efficient inference and reduced on board requirements. Therefore we developed a NN based method to measure co phasing errors inherent to a deployable telescope. The proposed technique demonstrates its ability to detect phasing error at the targeted performance level (typically a wavefront error (WFE) below 15 nm RMS for a visible imager operating at the diffraction limit) using a point source. The robustness of the NN method is verified in presence of high order aberrations or noise and the results are compared against existing state of the art techniques. The developed NN model ensures its feasibility and provides a realistic pathway towards achieving diffraction limited images.

Detailed cool star flare morphology with CHEOPS and TESS

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Context. White-light stellar flares are proxies for some of the most energetic types of flares, but their triggering mechanism is still poorly understood. As they are associated with strong X and UV emission, their study is particularly relevant to estimate the amount of high-energy irradiation onto the atmospheres of exoplanets, especially those in their stars’ habitable zone. Aims. We used the high-cadence, high-photometric capabilities of the CHEOPS and TESS space telescopes to study the detailed morphology of white-light flares occurring in a sample of 130 late-K and M stars, and compared our findings with results obtained at a lower cadence. We developed dedicated software for this purpose. Results. Multi-peak flares represent a significant percentage (\gtrsim 30%) of the detected outburst events. Our findings suggest that high-impulse flares are more frequent than suspected from lower-cadence data, so that the most impactful flux levels that hit close-in exoplanets might be more time-limited than expected. We found significant differences in the duration distributions of single-peak and complex flare components, but not in their peak luminosity. A statistical analysis of the flare parameter distributions provides marginal support for their description with a log-normal instead of a power-law function, leaving the door open to several flare formation scenarios. We tentatively confirmed previous results about quasi-periodic pulsations in high-cadence photometry, report the possible detection of a pre-flare dip, and did not find hints of photometric variability due to an undetected flare background. Conclusions. The high-cadence study of stellar hosts might be crucial to evaluate the impact of their flares on close-in exoplanets, as their impulsive phase emission might otherwise be incorrectly estimated. Future telescopes such as PLATO and Ariel will help in this respect.

Precise characterisation of HD 15337 with CHEOPS: a laboratory for planet formation and evolution

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We aim to constrain the internal structure and composition of HD 15337 b and c, two short-period planets situated on opposite sides of the radius valley, using new transit photometry and radial velocity data. We acquire 6 new transit visits with the CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS) and 32 new radial velocity measurements from the High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) to improve the accuracy of the mass and radius estimates for both planets. We reanalyse light curves from TESS sectors 3 and 4 and analyse new data from sector 30, correcting for long-term stellar activity. Subsequently, we perform a joint fit of the TESS and CHEOPS light curves, and all available RV data from HARPS and the Planet Finder Spectrograph (PFS). Our model fits the planetary signals, the stellar activity signal and the instrumental decorrelation model for the CHEOPS data simultaneously. The stellar activity was modelled using a Gaussian-process regression on both the RV and activity indicators. We finally employ a Bayesian retrieval code to determine the internal composition and structure of the planets. We derive updated and highly precise parameters for the HD 15337 system. Our improved precision on the planetary parameters makes HD 15337 b one of the most precisely characterised rocky exoplanets, with radius and mass measurements achieving a precision better than 2% and 7%, respectively. We are able to improve the precision of the radius measurement of HD 15337 c to 3%. Our results imply that the composition of HD 15337 b is predominantly rocky, while HD 15337 c exhibits a gas envelope with a mass of at least 0.01\ M_\oplus.Our results lay the groundwork for future studies, which can further unravel the atmospheric evolution of these exoplanets and give new insights into their composition and formation history and the causes behind the radius gap.

Glimmers in the Cosmic Dawn: A Census of the Youngest Supermassive Black Holes by Photometric Variability

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We report first results from a deep near infrared campaign with the Hubble Space Telescope to obtain late-epoch images of the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF), 10-15 years after the first epoch data were obtained. The main objectives are to search for faint active galactic nuclei (AGN) at high redshifts by virtue of their photometric variability, and measure (or constrain) the comoving number density of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), n_SMBH, at early times. In this Letter we present a brief overview of the program and preliminary results regarding eight objects. Three variables are supernovae, two of which are apparently hostless with indeterminable redshifts, although one has previously been recorded at a z galaxy. Two further objects are clear AGN candidates at z=2.0 and 3.2, based on morphology and/or spectroscopy, in particular infrared spectroscopy from JWST. Three variable targets are identified at z=6-7, which are also likely AGN candidates. These sources provide a first measure of n_SMBH in the reionization epoch by photometric variability, which places a firm lower limit of 3x10^{-4} cMpc^{-3}. After accounting for variability and luminosity incompleteness, we estimate n_SMBH 8x10^{-3} cMpc^{-3}, which is the largest value so far reported at these redshifts. This SMBH abundance is also strikingly similar to estimates of n_SMBH in the local Universe. We discuss how these results test various theories for SMBH formation.

Articles for week 12 2024

The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] Survey: Dust emission effective radius up to 3 kpc in the Early Universe

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Measurements of the size of dust continuum emission are an important tool for constraining the spatial extent of star formation and hence the build-up of stellar mass. Compact dust emission has generally been observed at Cosmic Noon (z~2-3). However, at earlier epochs, toward the end of the Reionization (z~4-6), only the sizes of a handful of IR-bright galaxies have been measured. In this work, we derive the dust emission sizes of main-sequence galaxies at z~5 from the ALPINE survey. We measure the dust effective radius r_e,FIR in the uv-plane in Band 7 of ALMA for seven ALPINE galaxies with resolved emission and we compare it with rest-frame UV and [CII]158\mum measurements. We study the r_e,FIR-L_IR scaling relation by considering our dust size measurements and all the data in literature at z~4-6. Finally, we compare our size measurements with predictions from simulations. The dust emission in the selected ALPINE galaxies is rather extended (r_e,FIR~1.5-3 kpc), similar to [CII]158 um but a factor of ~2 larger than the rest-frame UV emission. Putting together all the measurements at z~5, spanning 2 decades in luminosity from L_IR ~ 10^11 L_sun to L_IR ~ 10^13 L_sun, the data highlight a steeply increasing trend of the r_e,FIR-L_IR relation at L_IR< 10^12 L_sun, followed by a downturn and a decreasing trend at brighter luminosities. Finally, simulations that extend up to the stellar masses of the ALPINE galaxies considered in the present work predict a sub-set of galaxies (~25% at 10^10 M_sun < M_star < 10^11 M_sun) with sizes as large as those measured.

Combining Gaia and GRAVITY: Characterising Five New Directly Detected Substellar Companions

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Precise mass constraints are vital for the characterisation of brown dwarfs and exoplanets. Here, we present how the combination of data obtained by Gaia and GRAVITY can help enlarge the sample of substellar companions with measured dynamical masses. We show how the Non-Single-Star (NSS) two-body orbit catalogue contained in Gaia DR3 can be used to inform high angular resolution follow-up observations with GRAVITY. Applying the method presented in this work for eight Gaia candidate systems, we detect all eight predicted companions, seven of which being previously unknown and five of substellar nature. Among the sample is Gaia DR3 2728129004119806464 B, which - detected at a angular separation of (34.01 \pm 0.15) mas from the host - is the closest substellar companion ever imaged. In combination with the system’s distance this translates to a physical separation of (1.054 \pm 0.002) AU. The GRAVITY data are then used to break the host-companion mass degeneracy inherent to the Gaia NSS orbit solutions as well as to constrain the orbital solutions of the respective target systems. Knowledge of the companion masses enables us to further characterise them in terms of their age, effective temperature and radius by the application of evolutionary models. The results serve as an independent validation of the orbital solutions published in the NSS two-body orbit catalogue and show that the combination of astrometric survey missions and high-angular resolution direct imaging hold great promise for efficiently increasing the sample of directly-imaged companions in the future, especially in the light of the Gaia’s upcoming DR4 and the advent of GRAVITY+.

Ring nebulae around Wolf-Rayet stars in M33 as seen by SITELLE

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We have conducted an analysis of nebulae around Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in M33 using data collected by the imaging Fourier transform spectrometer SITELLE at the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope as part of the SIGNALS Large Program. Of the 211 known Wolf-Rayet stars in M33, 178 are located in the fields observed in this study. We present the results of this analysis in the form of a comprehensive summary of all nebulae found around the observed WR stars. Based on three criteria we find to be the most effective for their detection, we detect a clear association with a circumstellar bubble around 33 of them (19%). Our results show that the presence of bubbles does not correlate with the spectral type of the central star. The mean diameter of the WR nebulae we have found is 21 parsecs.

Evidence of extreme ionization conditions and low metallicity in GHZ2/GLASS-z12 from a combined analysis of NIRSpec and MIRI observations

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GHZ2/GLASS-z12 has been recently observed by JWST with both NIRSpec and MIRI spectrographs, making it the most distant galaxy (z_{spec}=12.34) with complete spectroscopic coverage from rest-frame UV to optical. It is identified as a strong CIV_{1549} emitter with many other detected emission lines (NIV], HeII, OIII], NIII], CIII], [OII], [NeIII], [OIII], and H\alpha), including a remarkable OIII_{1333} Bowen fluorescence line. We analyze in this paper the joint NIRSpec+MIRI spectral data set. Combining six optical diagnostics (namely R2, R3, R23, O32, Ne3O2, and Ne3O2Hd), we find extreme ionization conditions, with O32 =1.39 \pm 0.19 and Ne3O2 =0.37 \pm 0.18 in stark excess compared to typical values in the ISM at lower redshifts. These line properties are compatible either with an AGN or with a compact, very dense star-forming environment (\Sigma_{\rm SFR} \sim 10^2-10^3 Msun/yr/kpc^2), with a high ionization parameter (\log_{10}(U) =-1.75 \pm 0.16), a high ionizing photon production efficiency \log(\xi_{\rm ion}) = 25.7_{-0.1}^{+0.2}, and a low, although not pristine, metal content ranging between 5\% and 11\% Z_\odot, indicating a rapid enrichment of the ISM in the last few Myrs. These properties also suggest that a substantial amount of ionizing photons (\sim 10\%) are leaking outside. The general lessons learned from GHZ2 are the following: (i) the UV to optical combined nebular indicators are broadly in agreement with UV-only or optical-only indicators. (ii) UV+optical diagnostics fail to discriminate between an AGN and star-formation in a low metallicity, high density, and extreme ionization environment. (iii) comparing the nebular line ratios with local analogs may be approaching its limits at z \gtrsim 10, as this approach is potentially challenged by the unique conditions of star formation experienced by galaxies at these extreme redshifts.

Articles for week 11 2024

Detection of ionized hydrogen and oxygen from a very luminous and young galaxy 13.4 billion years ago

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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered a surprising population of bright galaxies in the very early universe (< 500 Myrs after the Big Bang) that is hard to explain with conventional galaxy formation models and whose physical properties remain to be fully understood. Insight into the internal physics of galaxies is captured best via observations of excited-state atomic transitions of ionized gas, but beyond z~7-9, the brightest spectral signatures are redshifted into the mid-infrared regime, where observations are increasingly more difficult. Here, we present the first detection of a hydrogen recombination line (H{}) and doubly-ionized oxygen ([OIII]4959,5007{}) at z>10 using the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument, MIRI. These detections place the bright galaxy GHZ2/GLASS-z12 at z=12.33+/-0.02, making it the most distant astronomical object with direct spectroscopic detection of these lines and the brightest confirmed object at this epoch. These observations provide key insights into the conditions of this primeval galaxy, which shows hard ionizing conditions rarely seen in the local Universe and likely driven by compact, young (<30 Myr) star formation. Its oxygen-to-hydrogen abundance is close to a tenth of the solar value, indicating a rapid metal enrichment during the earliest phases of galaxy formation. This study confirms the unique conditions of the brightest and most distant galaxies recently discovered by JWST and the huge potential of mid-IR observations to characterize these systems, opening a range of new possibilities in the study of the very early Universe.

Expected performance of the Pyramid wavefront sensor with a laser guide star for 40 m class telescopes

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The use of artificial Laser Guide Stars (LGS) is planned for the new generation of giant segmented mirror telescopes, to extend the sky coverage of their adaptive optics systems. The LGS, being a 3D object at a finite distance will have a large elongation that will affect its use with the Shack-Hartmann (SH) wavefront sensor. In this paper, we compute the expected performance for a Pyramid WaveFront Sensor (PWFS) using a LGS for a 40 m telescope affected by photon noise, and also extend the analysis to a flat 2D object as reference. We developed a new way to discretize the LGS, and a new, faster method of propagating the light for any Fourier Filtering wavefront sensors (FFWFS) when using extended objects. We present the use of a sensitivity model to predict the performance of a closed-loop adaptive optic system. We optimized a point source calibrated interaction matrix to accommodate the signal of an extended object, by means of computing optical gains using a convolutional model. We found that the sensitivity drop, given the size of the extended laser source, is large enough to make the system operate in a low-performance regime given the expected return flux of the LGS. The width of the laser beam, rather than the thickness of the sodium layer was identified as the limiting factor. Even an ideal, flat LGS will have a drop in performance due to the flux of the LGS, and small variations in the return flux will result in large variations in performance. We conclude that knife-edge-like wavefront sensors, such as the PWFS, are not recommended for their use with LGS for a 40 m telescope, as they will operate in a low-performance regime, given the size of the extended object.

Euclid: Testing photometric selection of emission-line galaxy targets

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Multi-object spectroscopic galaxy surveys typically make use of photometric and colour criteria to select targets. Conversely, the Euclid NISP slitless spectrograph will record spectra for every source over its field of view. Slitless spectroscopy has the advantage of avoiding defining a priori a galaxy sample, but at the price of making the selection function harder to quantify. The Euclid Wide Survey aims at building robust statistical samples of emission-line galaxies with fluxes in the Halpha-NII complex brighter than 2e-16 erg/s/cm^2 and within 0.9<z<1.8. At faint fluxes, we expect significant contamination by wrongly measured redshifts, either due to emission-line misidentification or noise fluctuations, with the consequence of reducing the purity of the final samples. This can be significantly improved by exploiting Euclid photometric information to identify emission-line galaxies over the redshifts of interest. To this goal, we compare and quantify the performance of six machine-learning classification algorithms. We consider the case when only Euclid photometric and morphological measurements are used and when these are supplemented by ground-based photometric data. We train and test the classifiers on two mock galaxy samples, the EL-COSMOS and Euclid Flagship2 catalogues. Dense neural networks and support vector classifiers obtain the best performance, with comparable results in terms of the adopted metrics. When training on Euclid photometry alone, these can remove 87% of the sources that are fainter than the nominal flux limit or lie outside the range 0.9<z<1.8, a figure that increases to 97% when ground-based photometry is included. These results show how by using the photometric information available to Euclid it will be possible to efficiently identify and discard spurious interlopers, allowing us to build robust spectroscopic samples for cosmological investigations.

Long-term monitoring of large-scale magnetic fields across optical and near-infrared domains with ESPaDOnS, Narval and SPIRou. The cases of EV Lac, DS Leo, and CN Leo

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Dynamo models of stellar magnetic fields for partly and fully convective stars are guided by observational constraints. Zeeman-Doppler imaging has revealed a variety of magnetic field geometries and, for fully convective stars in particular, a dichotomy: either strong, mostly axisymmetric, and dipole-dominated or weak, non-axisymmetric, and multipole-dominated. This dichotomy is explained by dynamo bistability or by long-term magnetic cycles, but there is no definite conclusion on the matter. We analysed optical spectropolarimetric data sets collected with ESPaDOnS and Narval between 2005 and 2016, and near-infrared SPIRou data obtained between 2019 and 2022 for three active M dwarfs with masses between 0.1 and 0.6 MSun: EV Lac, DS Leo, and CN Leo. We looked for changes in time series of longitudinal magnetic field, width of unpolarised mean-line profiles, and large-scale field topology as retrieved with principal component analysis and Zeeman-Doppler imaging. We retrieved pulsating (EV Lac), stable (DS Leo), and sine-like (CN Leo) long-term trends in longitudinal field. The width of near-infrared mean-line profiles exhibits rotational modulation only for DS Leo, whereas in the optical it is evident for both EV Lac and DS Leo. The line width variations are not necessarily correlated to those of the longitudinal field, suggesting complex relations between small- and large-scale field. We also recorded topological changes: a reduced axisymmetry for EV Lac and a transition from toroidal- to poloidal-dominated regime for DS Leo. For CN Leo, the topology remained dipolar and axisymmetric, with only an oscillation in field strength. Our results show a peculiar evolution of the magnetic field for each M dwarf, confirming that M dwarfs with distinct masses and rotation periods can undergo magnetic long-term variations, and suggesting a variety of cyclic behaviours of their magnetic fields.

Young asteroid families as the primary source of meteorites

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Understanding the origin of bright shooting stars and their meteorite samples is among the most ancient astronomy-related questions that at larger scales has human consequences [1-3]. As of today, only {\sim}\,6\% of meteorite falls have been firmly linked to their sources (Moon, Mars, and asteroid (4) Vesta [4-6]). Here, we show that {\sim}\,70\% of meteorites originate from three recent breakups of D > 30\,{\rm km} asteroids that occurred 5.8, 7.5 and less than {\sim}\,40 million years ago. These breakups, including the well-known Karin family [7], took place in the prominent yet old Koronis and Massalia families and are at the origin of the dominance of H and L ordinary chondrites among meteorite falls. These young families distinguish themselves amidst all main belt asteroids by having a uniquely high abundance of small fragments. Their size-frequency distribution remains steep for a few tens of millions of years, exceeding temporarily the production of metre-sized fragments by the largest old asteroid families (e.g., Flora, Vesta). Supporting evidence includes the existence of associated dust bands [8-10], the cosmic-ray exposure ages of H-chondrite meteorites [11,12], or the distribution of pre-atmospheric orbits of meteorites [13-15].

The Massalia asteroid family as the origin of ordinary L chondrites

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Studies of micrometeorites in mid-Ordovician limestones and Earth’s impact craters indicate that our planet witnessed a massive infall of ordinary L chondrite material 466 million years (My) ago (Heck et al. 2017, Schmieder & Kring 2020, Kenkmann 2021) that may have been at the origin of the first major mass extinction event (Schmitz et al. 2019). The breakup of a large asteroid in the main belt is the likely cause of this massive infall. In modern times, material originating from this breakup still dominates meteorite falls (>20% of all falls) (Swindle et al. 2014). Here, we provide spectroscopic observations and dynamical evidence that the Massalia collisional family is the only plausible source of this catastrophic event and of the most abundant class of meteorites falling on Earth today. It is suitably located in the inner belt, at low-inclination orbits, which corresponds to the observed distribution of L-chondrite-like near-Earth objects (NEOs) and of interplanetary dust concentrated at 1.4 degrees (Sykes 1990, Reach et al. 1997).

Articles for week 10 2024

X-ray polarization measurement of the gold standard of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei : NGC 1068

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We used the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) satellite to measure, for the first time, the 2-8 keV polarization of NGC 1068. We pointed IXPE for a net exposure time of 1.15 Ms on the target, in addition to two ~ 10 ks each Chandra snapshots in order to account for the potential impact of several ultraluminous X-ray source (ULXs) within IXPE’s field-of-view. We measured a 2 - 8 keV polarization degree of 12.4% +/- 3.6% and an electric vector polarization angle of 101{} +/- 8{} at 68% confidence level. If we exclude the spectral region containing the bright Fe K lines and other soft X-ray lines where depolarization occurs, the polarization fraction rises up to 21.3% +/- 6.7% in the 3.5 - 6.0 keV band, with a similar polarization angle. The observed polarization angle is found to be perpendicular to the parsec scale radio jet. Using a combined Chandra and IXPE analysis plus multi-wavelength constraints, we estimated that the circumnuclear “torus” may sustain a half-opening angle of 50{} - 55{} (from the vertical axis of the system). Thanks to IXPE, we have measured the X-ray polarization of NGC 1068 and found comparable results, both in terms of polarization angle orientation with respect to the radio-jet and torus half-opening angle, to the X-ray polarimetric measurement achieved for the other archetypal Compton-thick AGN : the Circinus galaxy. Probing the geometric arrangement of parsec-scale matter in extragalactic object is now feasible thanks to X-ray polarimetry.

A^3COSMOS and A^3GOODSS: Continuum Source Catalogues and Multi-band Number Counts

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Galaxy submillimetre number counts are a fundamental measurement in our understanding of galaxy evolution models. Most early measurements are obtained via single-dish telescopes with substantial source confusion, whereas recent interferometric observations are limited to small areas. We used a large database of ALMA continuum observations to accurately measure galaxy number counts in multiple (sub)millimetre bands, thus bridging the flux density range between single-dish surveys and deep interferometric studies. We continued the Automated Mining of the ALMA Archive in the COSMOS Field project (A^3COSMOS) and extended it with observations from the GOODS-South field (A^3GOODSS). The database consists of ~4,000 pipeline-processed continuum images from the public ALMA archive, yielding 2,050 unique detected sources. To infer galaxy number counts, we constructed a method to reduce the observational bias inherent to targeted pointings that dominate the database. This method comprises a combination of image selection, masking, and source weighting. The effective area was calculated by accounting for inhomogeneous wavelengths, sensitivities, and resolutions and for spatial overlap between images. We tested and calibrated our method with simulations. We derived the number counts in a consistent and homogeneous way in four different ALMA bands covering a relatively large area. The results are consistent with number counts from the literature within the uncertainties. In Band 7, at the depth of the inferred number counts, ~40% of the cosmic infrared background is resolved into discrete sources. This fraction, however, decreases with wavelength, reaching ~4% in Band 3. Finally, we used the number counts to test models of dusty galaxy evolution, and find a good agreement within the uncertainties.

The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) Science White Paper

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The Wide-field Spectroscopic Telescope (WST) is proposed as a new facility dedicated to the efficient delivery of spectroscopic surveys. This white paper summarises the initial concept as well as the corresponding science cases. WST will feature simultaneous operation of a large field-of-view (3 sq. degree), a high multiplex (20,000) multi-object spectrograph (MOS) and a giant 3x3 sq. arcmin integral field spectrograph (IFS). In scientific capability these requirements place WST far ahead of existing and planned facilities. Given the current investment in deep imaging surveys and noting the diagnostic power of spectroscopy, WST will fill a crucial gap in astronomical capability and work synergistically with future ground and space-based facilities. This white paper shows that WST can address outstanding scientific questions in the areas of cosmology; galaxy assembly, evolution, and enrichment, including our own Milky Way; origin of stars and planets; time domain and multi-messenger astrophysics. WST’s uniquely rich dataset will deliver unforeseen discoveries in many of these areas. The WST Science Team (already including more than 500 scientists worldwide) is open to the all astronomical community. To register in the WST Science Team please visit https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participate

Star formation beyond galaxies: widespread in-situ formation of intra-cluster stars in TNG50

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We study the fraction of the intra-cluster light (ICL) formed in-situ in the three most massive clusters of the TNG50 simulation, with virial masses \sim 10^{14} M_{\odot}. We find that a significant fraction of ICL stars (8\%-28\%) are born in-situ. This amounts to a total stellar mass comparable to the central galaxy itself. Contrary to simple expectations, only a sub-dominant fraction of these in-situ ICL stars are born in the central regions and later re-distributed to more energetic orbits during mergers. Instead, many in-situ ICL stars form directly hundreds of kiloparsecs away from the central galaxy, in clouds condensing out of the circum-cluster medium. The simulations predict a present-date diffuse star formation rate of $$1 \mathrm{M}_{\odot}/yr, with higher rates at higher redshifts. The diffuse star forming component of the ICL is filamentary in nature, extends for hundreds of kiloparsecs and traces the distribution of neutral gas in the cluster host halo. We discuss briefly how numerical details of the baryonic treatment in the simulation may play a role in this result and conclude that a sensitivity of 1.6 \times 10^{-19} - 2.6 \times 10^{-18} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} arcsec^{-2} in H_\alpha flux (beyond current observational capabilities) would be necessary to detect this diffuse star-forming component in galaxy clusters.

Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) Science: Surveying the distant Universe

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During the most active period of star formation in galaxies, which occurs in the redshift range 1<z<3, strong bursts of star formation result in significant quantities of dust, which obscures new stars being formed as their UV/optical light is absorbed and then re-emitted in the infrared, which redshifts into the mm/sub-mm bands for these early times. To get a complete picture of the high-z galaxy population, we need to survey a large patch of the sky in the sub-mm with sufficient angular resolution to resolve all galaxies, but we also need the depth to fully sample their cosmic evolution, and therefore obtain their redshifts using direct mm spectroscopy with a very wide frequency coverage. This requires a large single-dish sub-mm telescope with fast mapping speeds at high sensitivity and angular resolution, a large bandwidth with good spectral resolution and multiplex spectroscopic capabilities. The proposed 50-m Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) will deliver these specifications. We discuss how AtLAST allows us to study the whole population of high-z galaxies, including the dusty star-forming ones which can only be detected and studied in the sub-mm, and obtain a wealth of information for each of these up to z~7: gas content, cooling budget, star formation rate, dust mass, and dust temperature. We present worked examples of surveys that AtLAST can perform, both deep and wide, and also focused on galaxies in proto-clusters. In addition we show how such surveys with AtLAST can measure the growth rate and the Hubble constant with high accuracy, and demonstrate the power of the line-intensity mapping method in the mm/sub-mm wavebands to constrain the cosmic expansion history at high redshifts, as good examples of what can uniquely be done by AtLAST in this research field.

Articles for week 9 2024

Primordial Rotating Disk Composed of $$15 Dense Star-Forming Clumps at Cosmic Dawn

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Early galaxy formation, initiated by the dark matter and gas assembly, evolves through frequent mergers and feedback processes into dynamically hot, chaotic structures. In contrast, dynamically cold, smooth rotating disks have been observed in massive evolved galaxies merely 1.4 billion years after the Big Bang, suggesting rapid morphological and dynamical evolution in the early Universe. Probing this evolution mechanism necessitates studies of young galaxies, yet efforts have been hindered by observational limitations in both sensitivity and spatial resolution. Here we report high-resolution observations of a strongly lensed and quintuply imaged, low-luminosity, young galaxy at z=6.072 (dubbed the Cosmic Grapes), 930 million years after the Big Bang. Magnified by gravitational lensing, the galaxy is resolved into at least 15 individual star-forming clumps with effective radii of r_{\rm e}\simeq 10–60 parsec (pc), which dominate \simeq 70% of the galaxy’s total flux. The cool gas emission unveils a smooth, underlying rotating disk characterized by a high rotational-to-random motion ratio and a gravitationally unstable state (Toomre Q \simeq 0.2–0.3), with high surface gas densities comparable to local dusty starbursts with \simeq10^{3-5} M_{\odot}/pc^{2}. These gas properties suggest that the numerous star-forming clumps are formed through disk instabilities with weak feedback effects. The clumpiness of the Cosmic Grapes significantly exceeds that of galaxies at later epochs and the predictions from current simulations for early galaxies. Our findings shed new light on internal galaxy substructures and their relation to the underlying dynamics and feedback mechanisms at play during their early formation phases, potentially explaining the high abundance of bright galaxies observed in the early Universe and the dark matter core-cusp problem.

Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) science: Gas and dust in nearby galaxies

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Understanding the physical processes that regulate star formation and galaxy evolution are major areas of activity in modern astrophysics. Nearby galaxies offer unique opportunities to inspect interstellar medium (ISM), star formation (SF), radiative, dynamic and magnetic physics in great detail from sub-galactic (kpc) scales to sub-cloud (sub-pc) scales, from quiescent galaxies to starbursts, and from field galaxies to overdensities. In this case study, we discuss the major breakthroughs in this area of research that will be enabled by the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST), a proposed 50-m single-dish submillimeter telescope. The new discovery space of AtLAST comes from its exceptional sensitivity, in particular to extended low surface brightness emission, a very large 2 degree field of view, and correspondingly high mapping efficiency. This paper focuses on four themes which will particularly benefit from AtLAST: 1) the LMC and SMC, 2) extragalactic magnetic fields, 3) the physics and chemistry of the interstellar medium, and 4) star formation and galaxy evolution. With ~1000-2000h surveys each, AtLAST could deliver deep dust continuum maps of the entire LMC and SMC fields at parsec-scale resolution, high-resolution maps of the magnetic field structure, gas density, temperature and composition of the dense and diffuse ISM in ~100 nearby galaxies, as well as the first large-scale blind CO survey in the nearby Universe, delivering molecular gas masses for up to 10^6 galaxies (3 orders of magnitude more than current samples). Through such observing campaigns, AtLAST will have a profound impact on our understanding of the baryon cycle and star formation across a wide range of environments.

Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) Science: The hidden circumgalactic medium

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Our knowledge of galaxy formation and evolution has incredibly progressed through multi-wavelength observational constraints of the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies at all cosmic epochs. However, little is known about the physical properties of the more diffuse and lower surface brightness reservoir of gas and dust that extends beyond ISM scales and fills dark matter haloes of galaxies up to their virial radii, the circumgalactic medium (CGM). New theoretical studies increasingly stress the relevance of the latter for understanding the feedback and feeding mechanisms that shape galaxies across cosmic times, whose cumulative effects leave clear imprints into the CGM. Recent studies are showing that a – so far unconstrained – fraction of the CGM mass may reside in the cold (T < 1e4 K) molecular and atomic phase, especially in high-redshift dense environments. These gas phases, together with the warmer ionised phase, can be studied in galaxies from z ~ 0 to z ~ 10 through bright far-infrared and sub-millimeter emission lines such as [C II] 158{\mu}m, [O III] 88 {\mu}m, [C I] 609{\mu}m, [C I] 370{\mu}m, and the rotational transitions of CO. Imaging such hidden cold CGM can lead to a breakthrough in galaxy evolution studies but requires a new facility with the specifications of the proposed Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST). In this paper, we use theoretical and empirical arguments to motivate future ambitious CGM observations with AtLAST and describe the technical requirements needed for the telescope and its instrumentation to perform such science.

Redshift evolution and covariances for joint lensing and clustering studies with DESI Y1

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Galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL) and clustering measurements from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Year 1 (DESI Y1) dataset promise to yield unprecedented combined-probe tests of cosmology and the galaxy-halo connection. In such analyses, it is essential to identify and characterise all relevant statistical and systematic errors. In this paper, we forecast the covariances of DESI Y1 GGL+clustering measurements and characterise the systematic bias due to redshift evolution in the lens samples. Focusing on the projected clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing correlations, we compute a Gaussian analytical covariance, using a suite of N-body and log-normal simulations to characterise the effect of the survey footprint. Using the DESI One Percent Survey data, we measure the evolution of galaxy bias parameters for the DESI Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) and Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) samples. We find mild evolution in the LRGs in 0.4 < z < 0.8, subdominant compared to the expected statistical errors. For BGS, we find less evolution effects for brighter absolute magnitude cuts, at the cost of reduced sample size. We find that with a fiducial redshift bin width delta z = 0.1, evolution effects on GGL is negligible across all scales, all fiducial selection cuts, all fiducial redshift bins, given DESI Y1 sample size. Galaxy clustering is more sensitive to evolution due to the bias squared scaling. Nevertheless the redshift evolution effect is insignificant for clustering above the 1-halo scale of 0.1Mpc/h. For studies that wish to reliably access smaller scales, additional treatment of redshift evolution is likely needed. This study serves as a reference for GGL and clustering studies using the DESI Y1 sample

Faint millimeter NIKA2 dusty star-forming galaxies: finding the high-redshift population

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We develop a new framework to constrain the source redshift. The method jointly accounts for the detection/non-detection of spectral lines and the prior information from the photometric redshift and total infrared luminosity from spectral energy distribution analysis. The method uses the estimated total infrared luminosity to predict the line fluxes at given redshifts and generates model spectra. The redshift-dependent spectral models are then compared with the observed spectra to find the redshift. Results. We apply the aforementioned joint redshift analysis method to four high-z dusty star-forming galaxy candidates selected from the NIKA2 observations of the HLSJ091828.6+514223 (HLS) field, and further observed by NOEMA with blind spectral scans. These sources only have SPIRE/Herschel photometry as ancillary data. They were selected because of very faint or no SPIRE counterparts, as to bias the sample towards the highest redshift candidates. The method finds the spectroscopic redshift of 4 in the 5 NOEMA-counterpart detected sources, with z>3. Based on these measurements, we derive the CO/[CI] lines and millimeter continuum fluxes from the NOEMA data and study their ISM and star-formation properties. We find cold dust temperatures in some of the HLS sources compared to the general population of sub-millimeter galaxies, which might be related to the bias introduced by the SPIRE-dropout selection. Our sources, but one, have short gas depletion time of a few hundred Myrs, which is typical among high-z sub-millimeter galaxies. The only exception shows a longer gas depletion time, up to a few Gyrs, comparable to that of main-sequence galaxies at the same redshift. Furthermore, we identify a possible over-density of dusty star-forming galaxies at z=5.2, traced by two sources in our sample, as well as the lensed galaxy HLSJ091828.6+514223. (abridged)

MIGHTEE-HI: HI galaxy properties in the large scale structure environment at z~0.37 from a stacking experiment

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We present the first measurement of HI mass of star-forming galaxies in different large scale structure environments from a blind survey at z\sim 0.37. In particular, we carry out a spectral line stacking analysis considering 2875 spectra of colour-selected star-forming galaxies undetected in HI at 0.23 < z < 0.49 in the COSMOS field, extracted from the MIGHTEE-HI Early Science datacubes, acquired with the MeerKAT radio telescope. We stack galaxies belonging to different subsamples depending on three different definitions of large scale structure environment: local galaxy overdensity, position inside the host dark matter halo (central, satellite, or isolated), and cosmic web type (field, filament, or knot). We first stack the full star-forming galaxy sample and find a robust HI detection yielding an average galaxy HI mass of M_{\rm HI}=(8.12\pm 0.75)\times 10^9\, {\rm M}_\odot at \sim 11.8\sigma. Next, we investigate the different subsamples finding a negligible difference in M_{\rm HI} as a function of the galaxy overdensity. We report an HI excess compared to the full sample in satellite galaxies (M_{\rm HI}=(11.31\pm1.22)\times 10^9, at \sim 10.2 \sigma) and in filaments (M_{\rm HI}=(11.62\pm 0.90)\times 10^9. Conversely, we report non-detections for the central and knot galaxies subsamples, which appear to be HI-deficient. We find the same qualitative results also when stacking in units of HI fraction (f_{\rm HI}). We conclude that the HI amount in star-forming galaxies at the studied redshifts correlates with the large scale structure environment.

Outshining in the Spatially Resolved Analysis of a Strongly-Lensed Galaxy at z=6.072 with JWST NIRCam

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We present JWST/NIRCam observations of a strongly-lensed, multiply-imaged galaxy at z=6.072, with magnification factors >~20 across the galaxy. We perform a spatially-resolved analysis of the physical properties at scales of ~200 pc, inferred from SED modelling of 5 NIRCam imaging bands on a pixel-by-pixel basis. We find young stars surrounded by extended older stellar populations. By comparing H\alpha+[NII] and [OIII]+H\beta maps inferred from the image analysis with our additional NIRSpec IFU data, we find that the spatial distribution and strength of the line maps are in agreement with the IFU measurements. We explore different parametric SFH forms with Bagpipes on the spatially-integrated photometry, finding that a double power-law star formation history retrieves the closest value to the spatially-resolved stellar mass estimate, and other SFH forms suffer from the dominant outshining emission from the youngest stars, thus underestimating the stellar mass - up to ~0.5 dex-. On the other hand, the DPL cannot match the IFU measured emission lines. Additionally, the ionizing photon production efficiency may be overestimated in a spatially-integrated approach by ~0.15 dex, when compared to a spatially-resolved analysis. The agreement with the IFU measurements points towards the pixel-by-pixel approach as a way to mitigate the general degeneracy between the flux excess from emission lines and underlying continuum, especially when lacking photometric medium-band coverage and/or IFU observations. This study stresses the importance of studying galaxies as the complex systems that they are, resolving their stellar populations when possible, or using more flexible SFH parameterisations. This can aid our understanding of the early stages of galaxy evolution by addressing the challenge of inferring robust stellar masses and ionizing photon production efficiencies of high redshift galaxies.

A possible relation between global CO excitation and massive molecular outflows in local ULIRGs

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Local ULIRGs host ubiquitous molecular outflows, including the most massive and powerful ever detected. These sources have also exceptionally excited global, galaxy-integrated CO ladders. A connection between outflows and molecular gas excitation has however never been established, since previous multi-J CO surveys were limited in spectral resolution and sensitivity and so could only probe the global molecular gas conditions. We address this question using new, ground-based, sensitive heterodyne spectroscopy of multiple CO rotational lines (up to CO(7-6)) in a sample of 17 local ULIRGs. We used the APEX telescope to survey the CO(J_{up}\geq4) lines at a high signal-to-noise ratio, and complemented these data with CO(J_{up}\leq3) observations presented in Montoya Arroyave et al. (2023). We detected 74 (out of 75) CO lines, with up to six transitions per source. Some CO SLEDs peak at J_{up}\sim3,4, which we classify as ‘lower excitation’, while others plateau or keep increasing up to the highest-J CO transition probed, and we classify these as ‘higher excitation’. Our analysis includes the results of CO SLED fits performed with a single large velocity gradient component, but our main focus is the investigation of possible links between global CO excitation and the presence of broad and/or high-velocity CO spectral components that can contain outflowing gas. We discovered an increasing trend of line width as a function of J_{up} of the CO transition, which is significant at the 4\sigma level and appears to be driven by the eight sources classified as ‘higher excitation’. For such ULIRGs we found that the CO ladders are more excited for spectral components characterised by higher velocities and/or velocity dispersion. We favour an interpretation whereby the highly excited CO-emitting gas in ULIRGs resides in galactic-scale massive molecular outflows.

Aeolian erosion in protoplanetary discs: How impactful it is on dust evolution?

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Context: Many barriers prevent dust to form planetesimals via coagulation in protoplanetary discs, such as bouncing, collisional fragmentation or aeolian erosion. Modelling dust and the different phenomena that can alter its evolution is therefore needed. Multiple solutions have been proposed, but still need to be confirmed. Aims: In this paper, we explore the role aeolian erosion plays in the evolution of dust. Methods: We use a monodisperse model to account for dust growth and fragmentation, implemented in a 1D model to compute the evolution of single grains and a 3D SPH code to compute the global evolution of dust and gas. We test the erosion model in our code and ensured it matches previous results. Results: With a model of disc reproducing observations, we show with both 1D and 3D studies that erosion is not significant during the evolution of dust when we take fragmentation into consideration. With a low-viscosity disc, fragmentation is less of a problem, but grain growth is also less important, preventing the formation of large objects anyway. In dust traps, close to the star, erosion is also not impactful, even when fragmentation is turned off. Conclusions: We show in this paper that aeolian erosion is negligible when radial drift, fragmentation and dust traps are taken into account and does not alter the dust evolution in the disc. However, it can have an impact on later stages, i.e. when the streaming instability forms large clumps close to the star, or when planetesimals are captured.

Multi-band reflectance and shadowing of RX J1604.3-2130 protoplanetary disk in scattered light

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Context.Spatially-resoved cicrumstellar disk spectrum and composition can provide valuable insights into the bulk composition of forming planets, as well as the mineralogical signatures that emerge during and after planet formation. Aims. We aim to systemically extract the RX~J1604.3-213010 (J1604 hereafter) protoplanetary disk in high-contrast imaging observations, and obtain its multi-band reflectance in visible to near-infrared wavelengths. Methods. We obtained coronagraphic observations of J1604 from the Keck Observatory’s NIRC2 instrument, and archival data from the Very Large Telescope’s SPHERE instrument. Using archival images to remove star light and speckles, we recovered the J1604 disk and obtained its surface brightness using forward modeling. Together with polarization data, we obtained the relative reflectance of the disk in R, J, H (H2 and H3), K (K1 and K2), and L' bands spanning two years. Results. Relative to the J1604 star, the resolved disk has a reflectance of {\sim}10^{-1}~arcsec^{-2} in R through H bands and {\sim}10^{-2}~arcsec^{-2} in K and L' bands, showing a blue color. Together with other systems, we summarized the multi-band reflectance for 9 systems. We also identified varying disk geometry structure, and a shadow that vanished between June and August in 2015. Conclusions. Motivated by broad-band observations, the deployment of cutting-edge technologies could yield higher-resolution reflection spectra, thereby informing the dust composition of disks in scattered light in the future. With multi-epoch observations, variable shadows have the potential to deepen insights into the dynamic characteristics of inner disk regions.

Results of the follow-up of ANTARES neutrino alerts

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High-energy neutrinos could be produced in the interaction of charged cosmic rays with matter or radiation surrounding astrophysical sources. To look for transient sources associated with neutrino emission, a follow-up program of neutrino alerts has been operating within the ANTARES Collaboration since 2009. This program, named TAToO, has triggered robotic optical telescopes (MASTER, TAROT, ROTSE and the SVOM ground based telescopes) immediately after the detection of any relevant neutrino candidate and scheduled several observations in the weeks following the detection. A subset of ANTARES events with highest probabilities of being of cosmic origin has also been followed by the Swift and the INTEGRAL satellites, the Murchison Widefield Array radio telescope and the H.E.S.S. high-energy gamma-ray telescope. The results of twelve years of observations are reported. No optical counterpart has been significantly associated with an ANTARES candidate neutrino signal during image analysis. Constraints on transient neutrino emission have been set. In September 2015, ANTARES issued a neutrino alert and during the follow-up, a potential transient counterpart was identified by Swift and MASTER. A multi-wavelength follow-up campaign has allowed to identify the nature of this source and has proven its fortuitous association with the neutrino. The return of experience is particularly important for the design of the alert system of KM3NeT, the next generation neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea.

Articles for week 8 2024

Possible origins of anomalous H\,I gas around MHONGOOSE galaxy, NGC 5068

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The existing reservoirs of neutral atomic hydrogen gas (H\,I) in galaxies are insufficient to have maintained the observed levels of star formation without some kind of replenishment. {This refuelling of the H\,I reservoirs} is likely to occur at column densities an order of magnitude lower than previous observational limits (N_{\rm{H\,I}\, limit} \sim 10^{19}\,cm^{-2} at 30'' resolution over a linewidth of 20\,km/s). In this paper, we present recent deep H\,I observations of NGC 5068, a nearby isolated star-forming galaxy observed by MeerKAT as part of the MHONGOOSE survey. With these new data, we are able to detect low column density H\,I around NGC 5068 with a 3\sigma detection limit of N_{\rm{H\,I}} = 6.4 \times 10^{17}\,cm^{-2} at 90'' resolution over a 20\,km/s linewidth. The high sensitivity and resolution of the MeerKAT data reveal a complex morphology of the H\,I in this galaxy – a regularly rotating inner disk coincident with the main star-forming disk of the galaxy, a warped outer disk of low column density gas (N_{\rm{H\,I}} < 9 \times 10^{19}\,cm^{-2}), in addition to clumps of gas on the north west side of the galaxy. We employ a simple two disk model that describe the inner and outer disks, and are able to identify anomalous gas that deviates from the rotation of the main galaxy. The morphology and the kinematics of the anomalous gas suggest a possible extra-galactic origin. We explore a number of possible origin scenarios that may explain the anomalous gas, and conclude that fresh accretion is the most likely scenario.

Articles for week 7 2024

Type Ia supernova explosion models are inherently multidimensional

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Theoretical and observational approaches to settling the important questions surrounding the progenitor systems and the explosion mechanism of normal Type Ia supernovae have thus far failed. With its unique capability to obtain continuous spectra through the near- and mid-infrared, JWST now offers completely new insights into Type Ia supernovae. In particular, observing them in the nebular phase allows us to directly see the central ejecta and thereby constrain the explosion mechanism. We aim to understand and quantify differences in the structure and composition of the central ejecta of various Type Ia supernova explosion models. We examined the currently most popular explosion scenarios using self-consistent multidimensional explosion simulations of delayed-detonation and pulsationally assisted, gravitationally confined delayed detonation Chandrasekhar-mass models and double-detonation sub-Chandrasekhar-mass and violent merger models. We find that the distribution of radioactive and stable nickel in the final ejecta, both observable in nebular spectra, are significantly different between different explosion scenarios. Therefore, comparing synthetic nebular spectra with JWST observations should allow us to distinguish between explosion models. We show that the explosion ejecta are inherently multidimensional for all models, and the Chandrasekhar-mass explosions simulated in spherical symmetry in particular lead to a fundamentally unphysical ejecta structure. Moreover, we show that radioactive and stable nickel cover a significant range of densities at a fixed velocity of the homologously expanding ejecta. Any radiation transfer postprocessing has to take these variations into account to obtain faithful synthetic observables; this will likely require multidimensional radiation transport simulations.

TOI-1199 b and TOI-1273 b: Two new transiting hot Saturns detected and characterized with SOPHIE and TESS

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We report the characterization of two planet candidates detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), TOI-1199 b and TOI-1273 b, with periods of 3.7 and 4.6 days, respectively. Follow-up observations for both targets, which include several ground-based light curves, confirmed the transit events. High-precision radial velocities from the SOPHIE spectrograph revealed signals at the expected frequencies and phases of the transiting candidates and allowed mass determinations with a precision of 8.4\% and 6.7\% for TOI-1199 b and TOI-1273 b, respectively. The planetary and orbital parameters were derived from a joint analysis of the radial velocities and photometric data. We find that the planets have masses of 0.239\,\pm\,0.020\,M_{\mathrm{J}} and 0.222\,\pm\,0.015\,M_{\mathrm{J}} and radii of 0.938\,\pm\,0.025\,R_{\mathrm{J}} and 0.99\,\pm\,0.22\,R_{\mathrm{J}}, respectively. The grazing transit of TOI-1273 b translates to a larger uncertainty in its radius, and hence also in its bulk density, compared to TOI-1199 b. The inferred bulk densities of 0.358\,\pm\,0.041\,\mathrm{g}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-3} and 0.28\,\pm\,0.11\,\mathrm{g}\,\mathrm{cm}^{-3} are among the lowest known for exoplanets in this mass range, which, considering the brightness of the host stars (V \approx 11\,\mathrm{mag}), render them particularly amenable to atmospheric characterization via the transit spectroscopy technique. The better constraints on the parameters of TOI-1199 b provide a transmission spectroscopy metric of 134\,\pm\,17, making it the better suited of the two planets for atmospheric studies.

Astronomy potential of KM3NeT/ARCA

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The KM3NeT/ARCA neutrino detector is currently under construction at 3500 m depth offshore Capo Passero, Sicily, in the Mediterranean Sea. The main science objectives are the detection of high-energy cosmic neutrinos and the discovery of their sources. Simulations were conducted for the full KM3NeT/ARCA detector, instrumenting a volume of 1 km^3, to estimate the sensitivity and discovery potential to point-like neutrino sources and an all-sky diffuse neutrino flux. This paper covers the reconstruction of track- and shower-like signatures, as well as the criteria employed for neutrino event selection. By leveraging both the track and shower observation channels, the KM3NeT/ARCA detector demonstrates the capability to detect the diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux within half a year of operation, achieving a 5\sigma statistical significance. With an angular resolution below 0.1^\circ for tracks and under 2^\circ for showers, the sensitivity to point-like neutrino sources surpasses existing observed limits across the entire sky.

The tidal deformation and atmosphere of WASP-12b from its phase curve

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Ultra-hot Jupiters present a unique opportunity to understand the physics and chemistry of planets at extreme conditions. WASP-12b stands out as an archetype of this class of exoplanets. We performed comprehensive analyses of the transits, occultations, and phase curves of WASP-12b by combining new CHEOPS observations with previous TESS and Spitzer data to measure the planet’s tidal deformation, atmospheric properties, and orbital decay rate. The planet was modeled as a triaxial ellipsoid parameterized by the second-order fluid Love number, h_2, which quantifies its radial deformation and provides insight into the interior structure. We measured the tidal deformation of WASP-12b and estimated a Love number of h_2=1.55_{-0.49}^{+0.45} (at 3.2\sigma) from its phase curve. We measured occultation depths of 333\pm24ppm and 493\pm29ppm in the CHEOPS and TESS bands, respectively, while the dayside emission spectrum indicates that CHEOPS and TESS probe similar pressure levels in the atmosphere at a temperature of 2900K. We also estimated low geometric albedos of 0.086\pm0.017 and 0.01\pm0.023 in the CHEOPS and TESS passbands, respectively, suggesting the absence of reflective clouds in the dayside of the WASP-12b. The CHEOPS occultations do not show strong evidence for variability in the dayside atmosphere of the planet. Finally, we refine the orbital decay rate by 12% to a value of -30.23$0.82 ms/yr.  WASP-12b becomes the second exoplanet, after WASP-103b, for which the Love number has been measured (at 3sigma$) from the effect of tidal deformation in the light curve. However, constraining the core mass fraction of the planet requires measuring h_2 with a higher precision. This can be achieved with high signal-to-noise observations with JWST since the phase curve amplitude, and consequently the induced tidal deformation effect, is higher in the infrared.

Peering into cosmic reionization: the Lyα visibility evolution from galaxies at z = 4.5-8.5 with JWST

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The resonant scattering interaction between Ly\alpha photons and neutral hydrogen implies that a partially neutral IGM can significantly impact the detectability of Ly\alpha emission in galaxies. The redshift evolution of the Ly\alpha equivalent width distribution of galaxies thus offers a key probe of the degree of ionization during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). Previous in-depth investigations at z \geq 7 were limited by ground-based instrument capabilities. We present an extensive study of Ly\alpha emission from galaxies at 4 < z < 8.5, observed from the CEERS and JADES surveys in the JWST NIRSpec/PRISM configuration. The sample consists of 235 galaxies, among which we identify 65 as Ly\alpha emitters. We first measure Ly\alpha escape fractions from Balmer lines, and explore the correlations with the inferred galaxies’ physical properties, which are similar to those found at lower redshift. We also investigate the possible connection between the escape of Ly\alpha photons and the inferred escape fractions of LyC photons obtained from indirect indicators. We then analyze the redshift evolution of the Ly\alpha emitter fraction, finding lower average values at z = 5 and 6 compared to ground-based observations. At z = 7 we find a very large difference in Ly\alpha visibility between the EGS and GOODS-South fields, possibly due to the presence of early reionized regions in the EGS. Such large variance is also expected in the Cosmic Dawn II radiation-hydrodynamical simulation. Our findings suggest a scenario in which the ending phase of the EoR is characterized by \sim 1 pMpc ionized bubbles around a high fraction of moderately bright galaxies. Finally, we characterize such two ionized regions found in the EGS at z = 7.18 and z = 7.49 by estimating the radius of the ionized bubble that each of the spectroscopically-confirmed members could have created.

Euclid preparation. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with Machine Learning

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The Euclid mission is expected to image millions of galaxies with high resolution, providing an extensive dataset to study galaxy evolution. We investigate the application of deep learning to predict the detailed morphologies of galaxies in Euclid using Zoobot a convolutional neural network pretrained with 450000 galaxies from the Galaxy Zoo project. We adapted Zoobot for emulated Euclid images, generated based on Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS images, and with labels provided by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo: Hubble project. We demonstrate that the trained Zoobot model successfully measures detailed morphology for emulated Euclid images. It effectively predicts whether a galaxy has features and identifies and characterises various features such as spiral arms, clumps, bars, disks, and central bulges. When compared to volunteer classifications Zoobot achieves mean vote fraction deviations of less than 12% and an accuracy above 91% for the confident volunteer classifications across most morphology types. However, the performance varies depending on the specific morphological class. For the global classes such as disk or smooth galaxies, the mean deviations are less than 10%, with only 1000 training galaxies necessary to reach this performance. For more detailed structures and complex tasks like detecting and counting spiral arms or clumps, the deviations are slightly higher, around 12% with 60000 galaxies used for training. In order to enhance the performance on complex morphologies, we anticipate that a larger pool of labelled galaxies is needed, which could be obtained using crowdsourcing. Finally, our findings imply that the model can be effectively adapted to new morphological labels. We demonstrate this adaptability by applying Zoobot to peculiar galaxies. In summary, our trained Zoobot CNN can readily predict morphological catalogues for Euclid images.

The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: Characterisation of Spatial Offsets in Main-Sequence Galaxies at z \sim 4-6

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Galaxy morphology is shaped by stellar activity, feedback, gas and dust properties, and interactions with surroundings, and can therefore provide insight into these processes. In this paper, we study the spatial offsets between stellar and interstellar medium emission in a sample of 54 main-sequence star-forming galaxies at z\sim4-6 observed with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and drawn from the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate C^+ at Early times (ALPINE). We find no significant spatial offset for the majority (\sim 70 percent) of galaxies in the sample among any combination of [C II], far-infrared continuum, optical, and ultraviolet emission. However, a fraction of the sample (\sim 30 percent) shows offsets larger than the median by more than 3\sigma significance (compared to the uncertainty on the offsets), especially between [C II] and ultraviolet emission. We find that these significant offsets are of the order of $$0.5-0.7 arcsec, corresponding to $$3.5-4.5 kiloparsecs. The offsets could be caused by a complex dust geometry, strong feedback from stars and active galactic nuclei, large-scale gas inflow and outflow, or a combination of these phenomena. However, our current analysis does not definitively constrain the origin. Future, higher resolution ALMA and JWST observations may help resolve the ambiguity. Regardless, since there exist at least some galaxies that display such large offsets, galaxy models and spectral energy distribution fitting codes cannot assume co-spatial emission in all main-sequence galaxies, and must take into account that the observed emission across wavelengths may be spatially segregated.

Assembly bias in eBOSS

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Analytical models of galaxy-halo connection such as the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) model have been widely used over the past decades as a means to intensively test perturbative models on quasi-linear scales. However, these models fail to reproduce the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal on non-linear scales, over-predicting the observed signal up to 40%. With ongoing Stage-IV galaxy surveys such as DESI and EUCLID, it is now crucial to accurately model the galaxy-halo connection up to intra-halo scales to accurately estimate theoretical uncertainties of perturbative models. This paper compares the standard HOD model to an extended HOD framework that incorporates as additional features galaxy assembly bias and local environmental dependencies on halo occupation. These models have been calibrated against the observed clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing signal of eBOSS Luminous Red Galaxies (LRG) and Emission Lines Galaxies (ELG) in the range 0.6 < z < 1.1. A combined clustering-lensing cosmological analysis is then performed on the simulated galaxy samples of both standard and extended HOD frameworks to quantify the systematic budget of perturbative models. The extended HOD model offers a more comprehensive understanding of the connection between galaxies and their surroundings. In particular, we found that the LRGs preferentially occupy denser and more anisotropic environments. Our results highlight the importance of considering environmental factors in galaxy formation models, with an extended HOD framework that reproduces the observed signal within 20% on scales below 10 Mpc/h. Our cosmological analysis reveals that our perturbative model yields similar constraints regardless of the galaxy population, with a better goodness of fit for the extended HOD. These results suggest that the extended HOD framework should be used to quantify modeling systematics.

Articles for week 6 2024

Dark progenitors and massive descendants: A first ALMA perspective on Radio-Selected NIRdark galaxies in the COSMOS field

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We present the first spectroscopic ALMA follow-up for a pilot sample of nine Radio-Selected NIRdark galaxies in the COSMOS field. These sources were initially selected as radio-detected sources (S(3GHz)>12.65 uJy), lacking an optical/NIR counterpart in the COSMOS2015 catalog (Ks>24.7 mag), with just three of them subsequently detected in the deeper COSMOS2020. Several studies highlighted how this selection could provide a population of highly dust-obscured, massive, and star-bursting galaxies. With these new ALMA observations, we assess the spectroscopic redshifts of this pilot sample of sources and improve the quality of the physical properties estimated through SED-fitting. Moreover, we measure the quantity of molecular gas present inside these galaxies and forecast their potential evolutionary path, finding that the RS-NIRdark galaxies could represent a likely population of high-z progenitors of the massive and passive galaxies discovered at z~3. Finally, we present some initial constraints on the kinematics of the ISM within the analyzed galaxies, reporting a high fraction (~55%) of double-peaked lines that can be interpreted as the signature of a rotating structure in our targets or with the presence of major mergers in our sample. Our results presented in this paper showcase the scientific potential of (sub)mm observations for this elusive population of galaxies and highlight the potential contribution of these sources in the evolution of the massive and passive galaxies at high-z.

Euclid: Identifying the reddest high-redshift galaxies in the Euclid Deep Fields with gradient-boosted trees

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Dusty, distant, massive (M_*\gtrsim 10^{11}\,\rm M_\odot) galaxies are usually found to show a remarkable star-formation activity, contributing on the order of 25\% of the cosmic star-formation rate density at z\approx35, and up to 30\% at z\sim7 from ALMA observations. Nonetheless, they are elusive in classical optical surveys, and current near-infrared surveys are able to detect them only in very small sky areas. Since these objects have low space densities, deep and wide surveys are necessary to obtain statistically relevant results about them. Euclid will be potentially capable of delivering the required information, but, given the lack of spectroscopic features at these distances within its bands, it is still unclear if it will be possible to identify and characterize these objects. The goal of this work is to assess the capability of Euclid, together with ancillary optical and near-infrared data, to identify these distant, dusty and massive galaxies, based on broadband photometry. We used a gradient-boosting algorithm to predict both the redshift and spectral type of objects at high z. To perform such an analysis we make use of simulated photometric observations derived using the SPRITZ software. The gradient-boosting algorithm was found to be accurate in predicting both the redshift and spectral type of objects within the Euclid Deep Survey simulated catalog at z>2. In particular, we study the analog of HIEROs (i.e. sources with H-[4.5]>2.25), combining Euclid and Spitzer data at the depth of the Deep Fields. We found that the dusty population at 3\lesssim z\lesssim 7 is well identified, with a redshift RMS and OLF of only 0.55 and 8.5\% (H_E\leq26), respectively. Our findings suggest that with Euclid we will obtain meaningful insights into the role of massive and dusty galaxies in the cosmic star-formation rate over time.

A lack of LAEs within 5Mpc of a luminous quasar in an overdensity at z=6.9: potential evidence of quasar negative feedback at protocluster scales

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High-redshift quasars are thought to live in the densest regions of space which should be made evident by an overdensity of galaxies around them. However, campaigns to identify these overdensities through the search of Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) and Lyman \alpha emitters (LAEs) have had mixed results. These may be explained by either the small field of view of some of the experiments, the broad redshift ranges targeted by LBG searches, and by the inherent large uncertainty of quasar redshifts estimated from UV emission lines, which makes it difficult to place the Ly-\alpha emission line within a narrowband filter. Here we present a three square degree search (\sim 1000 pMpc) for LAEs around the z=6.9 quasar VIKJ2348-3054 using the Dark Energy CAMera (DECam), housed on the 4m Blanco telescope, finding 38 LAEs. The systemic redshift of VIK J2348–3054 is known from ALMA [CII] observations and place the Ly-\alpha emission line of companions within the NB964 narrowband of DECam. This is the largest field of view LAE search around a z>6 quasar conducted to date. We find that this field is \sim 10 times more overdense when compared to the Chandra Deep-Field South, observed previously with the same instrumental setup as well as several combined blank fields. This is strong evidence that VIKJ2348-3054 resides in an overdensity of LAEs over several Mpc. Surprisingly, we find a lack of LAEs within 5 physical Mpc of the quasar and take this to most likely be evidence of the quasar suppressing star formation in its immediate vicinity. This result highlights the importance of performing overdensity searches over large areas to properly assess the density of those regions of the Universe.

A catalogue of dual-field interferometric binary calibrators

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Dual-field interferometric observations with VLTI/GRAVITY sometimes require the use of a “binary calibrator”, a binary star whose individual components remain unresolved by the interferometer, with a separation between 400 and 2000 mas for observations with the Units Telescopes (UTs), or 1200 to 3000 mas for the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs). The separation vector also needs to be predictable to within 10 mas for proper pointing of the instrument. Up until now, no list of properly vetted calibrators was available for dual-field observations with VLTI/GRAVITY on the UTs. Our objective is to compile such a list, and make it available to the community. We identify a list of candidates from the Washington Double Star (WDS) catalogue, all with appropriate separations and brightness, scattered over the Southern sky. We observe them as part of a dedicated calibration programme, and determine whether these objects are true binaries (excluding higher multiplicities resolved interferometrically but unseen by imaging), and extract measurements of the separation vectors. We combine these new measurements with those available in the WDS to determine updated orbital parameters for all our vetted calibrators. We compile a list of 13 vetted binary calibrators for observations with VLTI/GRAVITY on the UTs, and provide orbital estimates and astrometric predictions for each of them. We show that our list guarantees that there are always at least two binary calibrators at airmass < 2 in the sky over the Paranal observatory, at any point in time. Any Principal Investigator wishing to use the dual-field mode of VLTI/GRAVITY with the UTs can now refer to this list to select an appropriate calibrator. We encourage the use of “whereistheplanet” to predict the astrometry of these calibrators, which seamlessly integrates with “p2Gravity” for VLTI/GRAVITY dual-field observing material preparation.

Imaging a large coronal loop using type U solar radio burst interferometry

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Solar radio U-bursts are generated by electron beams traveling along closed magnetic loops in the solar corona. Low-frequency (< 100 MHz) U-bursts serve as powerful diagnostic tools for studying large-sized coronal loops that extend into the middle corona. However, the positive frequency drift component (descending leg) of U-bursts has received less attention in previous studies, as the descending radio flux is weak. In this study, we utilized LOFAR interferometric solar imaging data from a U-burst that has a significant descending leg component, observed between 10 to 90 MHz on June 5th, 2020. By analyzing the radio source centroid positions, we determined the beam velocities and physical parameters of a large coronal magnetic loop that reached just about 1.3 \rm{R_{\odot}} in altitude. At this altitude, we found the plasma temperature to be around 1.1 MK, the plasma pressure around 0.20 \rm{mdyn,cm^{-2}}, and the minimum magnetic field strength around 0.07 G. The similarity in physical properties determined from the image suggests a symmetric loop. The average electron beam velocity on the ascending leg was found to be 0.21 c, while it was 0.14 c on the descending leg. This apparent deceleration is attributed to a decrease in the range of electron energies that resonate with Langmuir waves, likely due to the positive background plasma density gradient along the downward loop leg.

TESS and ESPRESSO discover a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune orbiting the K-dwarf TOI-238

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The number of super-Earth and mini-Neptune planet discoveries has increased significantly in the last two decades thanks to transit and radial velocity surveys. When it is possible to apply both techniques, we can characterise the internal composition of exoplanets, which in turn provides unique insights on their architecture, formation and evolution. We performed a combined photometric and radial velocity analysis of TOI-238 (TYC 6398-132-1), which has one short-orbit super-Earth planet candidate announced by NASA’s TESS team. We aim to confirm its planetary nature using radial velocities taken with the ESPRESSO and HARPS spectrographs, to measure its mass and to detect the presence of other possible planetary companions. We carried out a joint analysis by including Gaussian processes and Keplerian orbits to account for the stellar activity and planetary signals simultaneously. We detected the signal induced by TOI-238 b in the radial velocity time-series, and the presence of a second transiting planet, TOI-238 c, whose signal appears in RV and TESS data. TOI-238 b is a planet with a radius of 1.402^{+0.084}_{-0.086} R_{\oplus} and a mass of 3.40^{+0.46}_{-0.45} M_{\oplus}. It orbits at a separation of 0.02118 \pm 0.00038 AU of its host star, with an orbital period of 1.2730988 \pm 0.0000029 days, and has an equilibrium temperature of 1311 \pm 28 K. TOI-238 c has a radius of 2.18\pm 0.18 R_{\oplus} and a mass of 6.7 \pm 1.1 M_{\oplus}. It orbits at a separation of 0.0749 \pm 0.0013 AU of its host star, with an orbital period of 8.465652 \pm 0.000031 days, and has an equilibrium temperature of 696 \pm 15 K. The mass and radius of planet b are fully consistent with an Earth-like composition, making it likely a rocky super-Earth. Planet c could be a water-rich planet or a rocky planet with a small H-He atmosphere.

Euclid preparation. Optical emission-line predictions of intermediate-z galaxy populations in GAEA for the Euclid Deep and Wide Surveys

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In anticipation of the Euclid Wide and Deep Surveys, we present optical emission-line predictions at intermediate redshifts from 0.4 to 2.5. Our approach combines a mock light cone from the GAEA semi-analytic model to self-consistently model nebular emission from HII regions, narrow-line regions of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and evolved stellar populations. Our analysis focuses on seven optical emission lines: H\alpha, H\beta, [SII]\lambda\lambda 6717, 6731, [NII]\lambda 6584, [OI]\lambda 6300, [OIII]\lambda 5007, and [OII]\lambda\lambda 3727, 3729. We find that Euclid will predominantly observe massive, star-forming, and metal-rich line-emitters. Interstellar dust, modelled using a Calzetti law with mass-dependent scaling, may decrease observable percentages by a further 20-30% with respect to our underlying emission-line populations from GAEA. We predict Euclid to observe around 30-70% of H\alpha-, [NII]-, [SII]-, and [OIII]-emitting galaxies at redshift below 1 and under 10% at higher redshift. Observability of H\beta-, [OII]-, and [OI]- emission is limited to below 5%. For the Euclid-observable sample, we find that BPT diagrams can effectively distinguish between different galaxy types up to around redshift 1.8, attributed to the bias toward metal-rich systems. Moreover, we show that the relationships of H\alpha and [OIII]+H\beta to the star-formation rate, and the [OIII]-AGN luminosity relation, exhibit minimal changes with increasing redshift. Based on line ratios [NII]/H\alpha, [NII]/[OII], and [NII]/[SII], we further propose novel z-invariant tracers for the black hole accretion rate-to-star formation rate ratio. Lastly, we find that commonly used metallicity estimators display gradual shifts in normalisations with increasing redshift, while maintaining the overall shape of local calibrations. This is in tentative agreement with recent JWST data.

Near-IR clumps and their properties in high-z galaxies with JWST/NIRCam

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Resolved stellar morphology of z>1 galaxies was inaccessible before JWST. This limitation, due to the impact of dust on rest-frame UV light, had withheld major observational conclusions required to understand the importance of clumps in galaxy evolution. Essentially independent of this issue, we use the rest-frame near-IR for a stellar-mass dependent clump detection method and determine reliable estimations of selection effects. We exploit publicly available JWST/NIRCam and HST/ACS imaging data from CEERS, to create a stellar-mass based picture of clumps in a mass-complete sample of 418 galaxies within a wide wavelength coverage of 0.5-4.6{\mu}m and a redshift window of 1<z<2. We find that a near-IR detection gives access to a larger set of clumps within galaxies, with those also detected in UV making up only 28%. Whereas, 85% of the UV clumps are found to have a near-IR counterpart. These near-IR clumps closely follow the UVJ classification of their respective host galaxies, with these hosts mainly populating the star-forming regime besides a fraction of them (16%) that can be considered quiescent. The mass of the detected clumps are found to be within the range of 10^{7.5-9.5}\,\rm M_{\odot}, therefore expected to drive gas into galaxy cores through tidal torques. However, there is likely contribution from blending of smaller unresolved structures. Furthermore, we observe a radial gradient of increasing clump mass towards the centre of galaxies. This trend could be an indication of clump migration, but accurate star-formation measurements would be required to confirm such a scenario.

Articles for week 5 2024

A Uniform Analysis of Debris Disks with the Gemini Planet Imager II: Constraints on Dust Density Distribution Using Empirically-Informed Scattering Phase Functions

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Spatially-resolved images of debris disks are necessary to determine disk morphological properties and the scattering phase function (SPF) which quantifies the brightness of scattered light as a function of phase angle. Current high-contrast imaging instruments have successfully resolved several dozens of debris disks around other stars, but few studies have investigated trends in the scattered-light, resolved population of debris disks in a uniform and consistent manner. We have combined Karhunen-Loeve Image Projection (KLIP) with radiative-transfer disk forward modeling in order to obtain the highest quality image reductions and constrain disk morphological properties of eight debris disks imaged by the Gemini Planet Imager at H-band with a consistent and uniformly-applied approach. In describing the scattering properties of our models, we assume a common SPF informed from solar system dust scattering measurements and apply it to all systems. We identify a diverse range of dust density properties among the sample, including critical radius, radial width, and vertical width. We also identify radially narrow and vertically extended disks that may have resulted from substellar companion perturbations, along with a tentative positive trend in disk eccentricity with relative disk width. We also find that using a common SPF can achieve reasonable model fits for disks that are axisymmetric and asymmetric when fitting models to each side of the disk independently, suggesting that scattering behavior from debris disks may be similar to Solar System dust.

Euclid preparation. The Near-IR Background Dipole Experiment with Euclid

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Verifying the fully kinematic nature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) dipole is of fundamental importance in cosmology. In the standard cosmological model with the Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric from the inflationary expansion the CMB dipole should be entirely kinematic. Any non-kinematic CMB dipole component would thus reflect the preinflationary structure of spacetime probing the extent of the FLRW applicability. Cosmic backgrounds from galaxies after the matter-radiation decoupling, should have kinematic dipole component identical in velocity with the CMB kinematic dipole. Comparing the two can lead to isolating the CMB non-kinematic dipole. It was recently proposed that such measurement can be done using the near-IR cosmic infrared background (CIB) measured with the currently operating Euclid telescope, and later with Roman. The proposed method reconstructs the resolved CIB, the Integrated Galaxy Light (IGL), from Euclid’s Wide Survey and probes its dipole, with a kinematic component amplified over that of the CMB by the Compton-Getting effect. The amplification coupled with the extensive galaxy samples forming the IGL would determine the CIB dipole with an overwhelming signal/noise, isolating its direction to sub-degree accuracy. We develop details of the method for Euclid’s Wide Survey in 4 bands spanning 0.6 to 2 mic. We isolate the systematic and other uncertainties and present methodologies to minimize them, after confining the sample to the magnitude range with negligible IGL/CIB dipole from galaxy clustering. These include the required star-galaxy separation, accounting for the extinction correction dipole using the method newly developed here achieving total separation, accounting for the Earth’s orbital motion and other systematic effects. (Abridged)

Discovery of two warm mini-Neptunes with contrasting densities orbiting the young K3V star TOI-815

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We present the discovery and characterization of two warm mini-Neptunes transiting the K3V star TOI-815 in a K-M binary system. Analysis of the spectra and rotation period reveal it to be a young star with an age of 200^{+400}_{-200}Myr. TOI-815b has a 11.2-day period and a radius of 2.94$0.05\it{M_{}}$ (\rho_\mathrm{P}=7.2^{+1.1}_{-1.0}gcm^{-3}) respectively. Thus, the planets have very different masses, unlike the usual similarity of masses in compact multi-planet systems. Moreover, our statistical analysis of mini-Neptunes orbiting FGK stars suggests that weakly irradiated planets tend to have higher bulk densities compared to those suffering strong irradiation. This could be ascribed to their cooler atmospheres, which are more compressed and denser. Internal structure modeling of TOI-815b suggests it likely has a H-He atmosphere constituting a few percent of the total planet mass, or higher if the planet is assumed to have no water. In contrast, the measured mass and radius of TOI-815c can be explained without invoking any atmosphere, challenging planetary formation theories. Finally, we infer from our measurements that the star is viewed close to pole-on, which implies a spin-orbit misalignment at the 3\sigma level.

Formation of the Trappist-1 system in a dry protoplanetary disk

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A key feature of the Trappist-1 system is its monotonic decrease in bulk density with growing distance from the central star, which indicates an ice mass fraction that is zero in the innermost planets, b and c, and about 10% in planets d through h. Previous studies suggest that the density gradient of this system could be due to the growth of planets from icy planetesimals that progressively lost their volatile content during their inward drift through the protoplanetary disk. Here we investigate the alternative possibility that the planets formed in a dry protoplanetary disk populated with pebbles made of phyllosilicates, a class of hydrated minerals with a water fraction possibly exceeding 10 wt%. We show that the dehydration of these minerals in the inner regions of the disk and the outward diffusion of the released vapor up to the ice-line location allow the condensation of ice onto grains. Pebbles with water mass fractions consistent with those of planets d–h would have formed at the snow-line location. In contrast, planets b and c would have been accreted from drier material in regions closer to the star than the phyllosilicate dehydration line.

Articles for week 4 2024

Attenuation proxy hidden in surface brightness-colour diagrams. A new strategy for the LSST era

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Large future sky surveys, such as the LSST, will provide optical photometry for billions of objects. This paper aims to construct a proxy for the far ultraviolet attenuation (AFUVp) from the optical data alone, enabling the rapid estimation of the star formation rate (SFR) for galaxies that lack UV or IR data. To mimic LSST observations, we use the deep panchromatic optical coverage of the SDSS Photometric Catalogue DR~12, complemented by the estimated physical properties for the SDSS galaxies from the GALEX-SDSS-WISE Legacy Catalog (GSWLC) and inclination information obtained from the SDSS DR7. We restricted our sample to the 0.025-0.1 z-spec range and investigated relations among surface brightness, colours, and dust attenuation in the far UV range for star-forming galaxies obtained from the spectral energy distribution (SED). {Dust attenuation is best correlated with (u-r) colour and the surface brightness in the u band (\rm \mu_{u}). We provide a dust attenuation proxy for galaxies on the star-forming main sequence, which can be used for the LSST or any other type of broadband optical survey. The mean ratio between the catalogue values of SFR and those estimated using optical-only SDSS data with the AFUVp prior calculated as \DeltaSFR=log(SFR_{\tiny{\mbox{this work}}}/SFR_{\tiny{}\texttt{GSWLC}}) is found to be less than 0.1~dex, while runs without priors result in an SFR overestimation larger than 0.3~dex. The presence or absence of theAFUVp has a negligible influence on the stellar mass estimation (with \DeltaM_{star} in the range from 0 to -0.15 dex). Forthcoming deep optical observations of the LSST Deep Drilling Fields, which also have multi-wavelength data, will enable one to calibrate the obtained relation for higher redshift galaxies and, possibly, extend the study towards other types of galaxies, such as early-type galaxies off the main sequence.

Galaxy main sequence and properties of low-mass Lyman-alpha Emitters towards reionisation viewed by VLT/MUSE and JWST/NIRCam

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Faint, star-forming galaxies likely play a dominant role in cosmic reionisation. Strides have been made in recent years to characterise these populations at high redshifts (z>3). Now for the first time, with JWST photometry beyond 1\,\mu m in the rest frame, we can derive accurate stellar masses and position these galaxies on the galaxy main sequence. We seek to assess the place of 96 individual Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) selected behind the A2744 lensing cluster with MUSE spectroscopy on the galaxy main sequence. We also compare derived stellar masses to Lyman-alpha luminosities and equivalent widths to better quantify the relationship between the Lyman-alpha emission and the host galaxy. These 96 LAEs lie in the redshift range 2.9<z<6.7, and their range of masses extends down to 10^6\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}} (over half with \mathrm{M_{\star}}<10^8\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}). We use the JWST/NIRCam and HST photometric catalogs from the UNCOVER project, giving us excellent wavelength coverage from 450\,\mathrm{nm} to 4.5\,\mu m. We find a main sequence relation for these low mass LAEs of the form: \mathrm{log\,SFR}=(0.88\pm0.07 - 0.030\pm0.027\times t)\,\mathrm{log\,M_{\star}} - ( 6.31\pm0.41 - 0.08\pm0.37\times t). This is in approximate agreement with best-fits of previous collated studies, however, with a steeper slope and a higher normalisation. This indicates that low-mass LAEs towards the epoch of reionisation lie above typical literature main sequence relations derived at lower redshift and higher masses. Additionally, comparing our results to UV-selected samples, we see that while low-mass LAEs lie above these typical main sequence relations, they are likely not singular in this respect at these masses and redshifts. While low-mass galaxies have been shown to play a significant role in cosmic reionisation, our results point to no special position for LAEs in this regard.

Articles for week 3 2024

The discovery of two new benchmark brown dwarfs with precise dynamical masses at the stellar-substellar boundary

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Aims. Measuring dynamical masses of substellar companions is a powerful tool to test models of mass-luminosity-age relations, as well as determining observational features that constrain the boundary between stellar and substellar companions. In order to dynamically constrain the mass of such companions, we use multiple exoplanet measurement techniques to remove degeneracies in the orbital fits of these objects and place tight constraints on their model-independent masses. Methods. We combine long-period radial-velocity data from the CORALIE survey with relative astrometry from direct imaging with VLT/SPHERE, along with astrometric accelerations from Hipparcos-Gaia eDR3 to perform a combined orbital fit and measure precise dynamical masses of two newly discovered benchmark brown dwarfs. Results. We report the discovery of HD112863B and HD206505B, which are two new benchmark likely brown dwarfs that sit at the substellar-stellar boundary, with precise dynamical masses. We perform an orbital fit which yields dynamical masses for HD112863B and HD206505B to be 77.1^{+2.9}_{-2.8}~M_{\rm{Jup}} and 79.8\pm1.8~M_{\rm{Jup}} respectively. The orbital period for HD112863B is determined to be 21.59\pm0.05 years and the orbital period of HD206505B is determined to be {50.9}_{-1.5}^{+1.7} years. From the H and K band photometry from IRDIS data taken with VLT/SPHERE, we estimate the spectral types of both HD112863B and HD206505B to be early-mid L-types.

Influence of the Jovian current sheet models on the mapping of the UV auroral footprints of Io, Europa, and Ganymede

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The in-situ characterization of moon-magnetosphere interactions at Jupiter and the mapping of moon auroral footpaths require accurate global models of the magnetospheric magnetic field. In this study, we compare the ability of two widely-used current sheet models, Khurana-2005 (KK2005) and Connerney-2020 (CON2020) combined with the most recent measurements acquired at low, medium, and high latitudes. With the adjustments of the KK2005 model to JRM33, we show that in the outer and middle magnetosphere (R>15RJ), JRM33+KK2005 is found to be the best model to reproduce the magnetic field observations of Galileo and Juno as it accounts for local time effects. JRM33+CON2020 gives the most accurate representation of the inner magnetosphere. This finding is drawn from comparisons with Juno in-situ magnetic field measurements and confirmed by contrasting the timing of the crossings of the Io, Europa, and Ganymede flux tubes identified in the Juno particles data with the two model estimates. JRM33+CON2020 also maps more accurately the UV auroral footpath of Io, Europa, and Ganymede observed by Juno than JRM33+KK2005. The JRM33+KK2005 model predicts a local time asymmetry in position of the moons’ footprints, which is however not detected in Juno’s UV measurements.This could indicate that local time effects on the magnetic field are marginal at the orbital locations of Io, Europa, and Ganymede. Finally, the accuracy of the models and their predictions as a function of hemisphere, local time, and longitude is explored.

Behind the Mask: can HARMONI@ELT detect biosignatures in the reflected light of Proxima b?

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Proxima b is a rocky exoplanet in the habitable zone of the nearest star system and a key test case in the search for extraterrestrial life. Here, we investigate the characterization of a potential Earth-like atmosphere around Proxima b in reflected light via molecule mapping, combining high resolution spectroscopy (HRS) and high contrast imaging, using the first-generation integral field spectrograph HARMONI on the 39-m Extremely Large Telescope. We simulate comprehensive observations of Proxima b at an assumed 45^{\circ} inclination using HARMONI’s High Contrast Adaptive Optics mode, with spatial resolution \sim 8mas (3.88mas/spaxel) and spectral resolving power R\simeq17,000 between 1.5381.678 \mu m, containing the spectral features of water, carbon dioxide and methane. Tellurics, stellar features, and additional noise sources are included, and removed using established molecule mapping techniques. We find that HARMONI’s current focal plane mask (FPM) is too large and obscures the orbit of Proxima b and thus explore smaller and offset FPMs to yield a detection. A \rm{S/N}=5 detection of Proxima b’s reflected light, suitable for atmospheric characterisation, is possible with such modifications, requiring a minimum of 20 hours, but ideally at least 30 hours of integration time. We highlight that such detections do not scale with the photon noise, hence suitably detailed simulations of future instruments for the ELTs are needed to fully understand their ability to perform HRS observations of exoplanet atmospheres. Alterations to the HARMONI FPM design are feasible at this stage, but must be considered in context of other science cases.

Euclid: Improving the efficiency of weak lensing shear bias calibration. Pixel noise cancellation and the response method on trial

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To obtain an accurate cosmological inference from upcoming weak lensing surveys such as the one conducted by Euclid, the shear measurement requires calibration using galaxy image simulations. We study the efficiency of different noise cancellation methods that aim at reducing the simulation volume required to reach a given precision in the shear measurement. Explicitly, we compared fit methods with different noise cancellations and a method based on responses. We used GalSim to simulate galaxies both on a grid and at random positions in larger scenes. Placing the galaxies at random positions requires their detection, which we performed with SExtractor. On the grid, we neglected the detection step and, therefore, the potential detection bias arising from it. The shear of the simulated images was measured with the fast moment-based method KSB, for which we note deviations from purely linear shear measurement biases. For the estimation of uncertainties, we used bootstrapping as an empirical method. We find that each method we studied on top of shape noise cancellation can further increase the efficiency of calibration simulations. The improvement depends on the considered shear amplitude range and the type of simulations (grid-based or random positions). The response method on a grid for small shears provides the biggest improvement. In the more realistic case of randomly positioned galaxies, we still find an improvement factor of 70 for small shears using the response method. Alternatively, the runtime can be lowered by a factor of 7 already using pixel noise cancellation on top of shape noise cancellation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the efficiency of shape noise cancellation can be enhanced in the presence of blending if entire scenes are rotated instead of individual galaxies.

Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer exposure time calculator for end-to-end simulator: to optimizing spectrograph design and observing simulation

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The Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE) project will provide multi-object spectroscopy in the optical and near-infrared bands using an 11.25-m aperture telescope, repurposing the original Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) site. MSE will observe 4,332 objects per single exposure with a field of view of 1.5 square degrees, utilizing two spectrographs with low-moderate (R$3,000, 6,000) and high (R$30,000) spectral resolution. In general, an exposure time calculator (ETC) is used to estimate the performance of an observing system by calculating a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and exposure time. We present the design of the MSE exposure time calculator (ETC), which has four calculation modes (S/N, exposure time, S/N trend with wavelength, and S/N trend with magnitude) and incorporates the MSE system requirements as specified in the Conceptual Design. The MSE ETC currently allows for user-defined inputs of target AB magnitude, water vapor, airmass, and sky brightness AB magnitude (additional user inputs can be provided depending on computational mode). The ETC is built using Python 3.7 and features a graphical user interface that allows for cross-platform use. The development process of the ETC software follows an Agile methodology and utilizes the Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams to visualize the software architecture. We also describe the testing and verification of the MSE ETC.

Strategy for sensing petal mode in presence of AO residual turbulence with pyramid wavefront sensor

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With the Extremely Large Telescope-generation telescopes come new challenges. The complexity of these telescopes’ pupil creates new problems for Adaptive Optics. In particular, the large spiders necessary to support the massive optics of these telescopes create discontinuities in the wavefront measurement. These discontinuities appear as a new phase error dubbed the `petal mode’. This error is described as a differential piston between the fragment of the pupil separated by the spiders and is responsible for reducing the European Extremely Large Telescope’s (ELT) resolution to a 15m telescope resolution. The aim of this paper is to study the measurement of the petal mode by adaptive optics sensors. We want to understand why the Pyramid Wavefront Sensor (PyWFS) cannot measure this petal mode under normal conditions and how to allow this measurement by adapting the Adaptive optics control scheme and the PyWFS. To facilitate our study, we consider a simplified version of the petal mode, featuring a simpler pupil than the ELT. We studied specifically how a system that separates the atmospheric turbulence from the petal measurement would behave. The unmodulated PyWFS (uPyWFS) but the uPyWFS does not make accurate measurements in the presence of atmospheric residuals. Studying the petal mode’s power spectral density, we propose a filtering step, consisting of a pinhole around the pyramid tip. This reduces the first path residuals seen by the uPyWFS and restores its accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate our proposed system with end-to-end simulations.To address the petal problem, a two-path adaptive optics with a sensor dedicated to the measurement of the petal mode seems necessary. Through this paper, we demonstrate that an uPyWFS can confuse the petal mode with the residuals from the first path. However, adding a spatial filter on top of said uPyWFS makes it a good petalometer candidate.

Articles for week 2 2024

Environmental effects on satellite galaxies from the perspective of cold gas

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Environment plays a pivotal role in shaping the evolution of satellite galaxies. Analyzing the properties related to the cold gas phase of satellites provides insights into unravelling the complexity of environmental effects. We use the hydro-dynamical simulations Illustris TNG and Eagle, and the semi-analytic models (SAMs) GAEA and L-Galaxies, in comparison with recent observations from the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), to investigate the properties of satellite galaxies hosted by halos with mass M_{200}>10^{12.8}M_\odot, and within projected regions \le 1.1 virial radius R_{200}. Generally, satellite galaxies selected from semi-analytic models have more HI than those selected from hydro-dynamical simulations across all projected radii, e.g. more than 30% of satellites in the two hydro-simulations are HI depleted, while this fraction is almost zero in SAMs. Furthermore, both hydro-dynamical simulations and SAMs reproduce the observed decrease of HI content and specific star-formation rate (sSFR) towards the halo centre. However, the trend is steeper in two hydro-dynamical simulations TNG and EAGLE, resulting in a better agreement with the observational data, especially in more massive halos. By comparing the two version of GAEA, we find that the inclusion of ram-pressure stripping of cold gas significantly improves the predictions on HI fractions. The refined hot gas stripping method employed in one of the two L-Galaxies models also yields improved results.

Atmospheric properties of AF Lep b with forward modeling

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Aims. We aim to expand the atmospheric exploration of AF Lep b by modeling all available observations obtained with SPHERE at VLT (between 0.95-1.65, at 2.105, and 2.253 \mum, and NIRC2 at Keck (at 3.8 \mum) with self-consistent atmospheric models. Methods. To understand the physical properties of this exoplanet, we used ForMoSA. This forward-modeling code compares observations with grids of pre-computed synthetic atmospheric spectra using Bayesian inference methods. We used Exo-REM, an atmospheric radiative-convective equilibrium model, including the effects of non-equilibrium processes and clouds. Results. From the atmospheric modeling we derive solutions at a low effective temperature of ~750 K. Our analysis also favors a metal-rich atmosphere (>0.4) and solar to super-solar carbon-to-oxygen ratio (~0.6). We tested the robustness of the estimated values for each parameter by cross-validating our models using the leave-one-out strategy, where all points are used iteratively as validation points. Our results indicate that the photometry point at 3.8 \mum strongly drives the metal-rich and super-solar carbon-to-oxygen solutions. Conclusions. Our atmospheric forward-modeling analysis strongly supports the planetary nature of AF Lep b. Its spectral energy distribution is consistent with that of a young, cold, early-T super-Jovian planet. We recover physically consistent solutions for the surface gravity and radius, which allows us to reconcile atmospheric forward modeling with evolutionary models, in agreement with the previously published complementary analysis done by retrievals. Finally, we identified that future data at longer wavelengths are mandatory before concluding about the metal-rich nature of AF Lep b.

Understanding the relative importance of magnetic field, gravity, and turbulence in star formation at the hub of the giant molecular cloud G148.24+00.41

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The relative importance of magnetic fields, turbulence, and gravity in the early phases of star formation is still not well understood. We report the first high-resolution dust polarization observations at 850 \mum around the most massive clump, located at the hub of the Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41, using SCUBA-2/POL-2 at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We find that the degree of polarization decreases steadily towards the denser portion of the cloud. Comparing the intensity gradients and local gravity with the magnetic field orientations, we find that local gravity plays a dominant role in driving the gas collapse as the magnetic field orientations and gravity vectors seem to point towards the dense clumps. We also find evidence of U-shaped magnetic field morphology towards a small-scale elongated structure associated with the central clump, hinting at converging accretion flows towards the clump. Our observation has resolved the massive clump into multiple substructures. We study the magnetic field properties of two regions, central clump (CC) and northeastern elongated structure (NES). Using the modified Davis-Chandrasekhar Fermi method, we determine that the magnetic field strengths of CC and NES are $$24.0 \pm 6.0 \muG and 20.0 \pm 5.0 \muG, respectively. The mass-to-flux ratios are found to be magnetically transcritical/supercritical, while the Alfv\acute{\text{e}}n Mach number indicates a trans-Alfv\acute{\text{e}}nic state in both regions. These results, along with Virial analysis, suggest that at the hub of G148.24+00.41, gravitational energy has an edge over magnetic and kinetic energies.

Spherical collapse and halo abundance in shift-symmetric Galileon theory

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We present the nonlinear growth of bound cosmological structures using the spherical collapse approach in the shift-symmetric Galileon theories. In particular, we focus on the class of models belonging to the Kinetic Gravity Braiding by adopting a general parametrization of the action encoding a large set of models by means of four free parameters: two defining the background evolution and two affecting the perturbations. For the latter we identify their specific signatures on the linearised critical density contrast, nonlinear effective gravitational coupling and the virial overdensity and how they drive their predictions away from \LambdaCDM. We then use the results of the spherical collapse model to predict the evolution of the halo mass function. We find that the shift-symmetric model predicts a larger number of objects compared to \LambdaCDM for masses M \gtrsim 10^{14} h^{-1} \mathrm{M}_\odot and such number increases for larger deviations from the standard model. Therefore, the shift-symmetric model shows detectable signatures which can be used to distinguish it from the standard scenario.

Articles for week 1 2024

Detection and characterisation of icy cavities on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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We report on the detection of three icy cavities on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. They were identified on high-resolution anaglyphs built from images acquired by the OSIRIS instrument aboard the Rosetta spacecraft on 2016 April 9-10. Visually, they appear as bright patches of typically 15 to 30 m across whose large reflectances and spectral slopes in the visible substantiate the presence of sub-surface water ice. Using a new high-resolution photogrammetric shape model we determined the three-dimensional shape of these cavities whose depth ranges from 20 to 47 m. Spectral slopes were interpreted with models combining water ice and refractory dark material and the water ice abundances in the cavities were found to amount to a few per cent. The determination of the lifetime of the icy cavities was strongly biased by the availability of appropriate and favourable observations, but we found evidences of values of up to two years. The icy cavities were found to be connected to jets well documented in past studies. A thermal model allowed us to track their solar insolation over a large part of the orbit of the comet and a transitory bright jet on 2015 July 18 was unambiguously linked to the brief illumination of the icy bottom of one of the three cavities. These cavities are likely to be the first potential subsurface access points detected on a cometary nucleus and their lifetimes suggest that they reveal pristine sub-surface icy layers or pockets rather than recently recondensed water vapor.

The Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41: Gas Properties, Kinematics, and Cluster Formation at the Nexus of Filamentary Flows

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Filamentary flows toward the centre of molecular clouds have been recognized as a crucial process in the formation and evolution of stellar clusters. In this paper, we present a comprehensive observational study that investigates the gas properties and kinematics of the Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41 using the observations of CO (1-0) isotopologues. We find that the cloud is massive (10^5 M_\odot) and is one of the most massive clouds of the outer Galaxy. We identified six likely velocity coherent filaments in the cloud having length, width, and mass in the range of 14$-38 pc, 2.5-4.2 pc, and (1.3-$6.9) \times 10^3 M_\odot, respectively. We find that the filaments are converging towards the central area of the cloud, and the longitudinal accretion flows along the filaments are in the range of \sim 26$-264 M$ Myr^{-1}. The cloud has fragmented into 7 clumps having mass in the range of \sim 260$-2100 M$ and average size around \sim 1.4 pc, out of which the most massive clump is located at the hub of the filamentary structures, near the geometric centre of the cloud. Three filaments are found to be directly connected to the massive clump and transferring matter at a rate of \sim 675 M_\odot Myr^{-1}. The clump hosts a near-infrared cluster. Our results show that large-scale filamentary accretion flows towards the central region of the collapsing cloud is an important mechanism for supplying the matter necessary to form the central high-mass clump and subsequent stellar cluster.

Extraplanar emission in isolated edge-on late-type galaxies. I. The Hα distribution versus to the old and young stellar discs

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Isolated galaxies are the ideal reference sample to study the galaxy structure minimising potential environmental effects. We selected a complete sample of 14 nearby, late-type, highly inclined (i\geq80^{\circ}), isolated galaxies from the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG) which offers a vertical view of their disc structure. We aim to study extraplanar Diffuse Ionized Gas (eDIG) by comparing the old and young disc components traced by near-infrared (NIR) and Ultraviolet (UV) imaging with the H\alpha emission structure. We obtained H\alpha monochromatic maps from the Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometry, while the old and young discs structures are obtained from the photometric analysis of the 2MASS K_{s}-band, and GALEX NUV and FUV images, thereby identifying the stellar disc and whether the eDIG is present. The H\alpha morphology is peculiar in CIG 71, CIG 183, CIG 593 showing clear asymmetries. In general, geometric parameters (isophotal position angle, peak light distribution, inclination) measured from H\alpha, UV and NIR show minimal differences (e.g. $i10^{}), suggesting that interaction does not play a significant role in shaping the morphology, as expected in isolated galaxies. From H$ maps, the eDIG was detected vertically in 11 out of 14 galaxies. Although the fraction of eDIG is high, the comparison between our sample and a generic sample of inclined spirals suggests that the phenomenon is uncorrelated to the galaxy environment. As suggested by the extraplanar UV emission found in 13 out of 14 galaxies the star formation extends well beyond the disc defined by the H\alpha map.

Euclid preparation: TBD. The pre-launch Science Ground Segment simulation framework

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The European Space Agency’s Euclid mission is one of the upcoming generation of large-scale cosmology surveys, which will map the large-scale structure in the Universe with unprecedented precision. The development and validation of the SGS pipeline requires state-of-the-art simulations with a high level of complexity and accuracy that include subtle instrumental features not accounted for previously as well as faster algorithms for the large-scale production of the expected Euclid data products. In this paper, we present the Euclid SGS simulation framework as applied in a large-scale end-to-end simulation exercise named Science Challenge 8. Our simulation pipeline enables the swift production of detailed image simulations for the construction and validation of the Euclid mission during its qualification phase and will serve as a reference throughout operations. Our end-to-end simulation framework starts with the production of a large cosmological N-body & mock galaxy catalogue simulation. We perform a selection of galaxies down to I_E=26 and 28 mag, respectively, for a Euclid Wide Survey spanning 165 deg^2 and a 1 deg^2 Euclid Deep Survey. We build realistic stellar density catalogues containing Milky Way-like stars down to H<26. Using the latest instrumental models for both the Euclid instruments and spacecraft as well as Euclid-like observing sequences, we emulate with high fidelity Euclid satellite imaging throughout the mission’s lifetime. We present the SC8 data set consisting of overlapping visible and near-infrared Euclid Wide Survey and Euclid Deep Survey imaging and low-resolution spectroscopy along with ground-based. This extensive data set enables end-to-end testing of the entire ground segment data reduction and science analysis pipeline as well as the Euclid mission infrastructure, paving the way to future scientific and technical developments and enhancements.