The README for data accompanying Morrison, Som, Pieri, Pérez-Ràfols and Michael Blomqvist et a. 2023 (MNRAS submitted) " A Strong Blend in the Morning: Studying the Circumgalactic Medium in the Cosmic Morning with Strong Blended Lyman-𝛼 Forest Absorption Systems" Folder - short description Composites - Final composite spectra with the the pseudo-continuum correction applied and the mean stacked spectrum with the pseudo-continuum for provided to produce the final composite spectra. PCA-spectral-catalogue - Catalog of quasars fit with a PCA continuum fit including S/N and identified DLAs SBLA-catalogues - Catalogs of SBLAs identified within each sample Stacked-spectra - the arithmetic mean stacks with and without forest transition contamination for each sample Stack-of-spectra - full stack of spectra in the SBLA rest frame that are used to calculate the arithmetic mean stacked spectrum