Catalogs of SBLAs identified within each sample crossref_specblocinfo.dat: - ispec (matches to absorber catalog) - thingid (thingid of spectra ispec) - zem (quasar redshift of spectra ispec) lya_pixel_markers_nsig-100_-0.050-0.050_3_1_rebin.dat - SBLAs with -0.05 < Flux_lya < 0.05 lya_pixel_markers_nsig-100_0.050-0.150_3_1_rebin.dat - SBLAs with 0.05 < Flux_lya < 0.15 lya_pixel_markers_nsig-100_0.150-0.250_3_1_rebin.dat - SBLAs with 0.15 < Flux_lya < 0.25 columns: ispec - spectra number (for cross match to crossref_specblocinfo) fluxlya - flux of SBLA absorber wavlya - observed wavelength of SBLA absorber pixel - pixel of SBLA absorber 0 - Unused column (preserved for backwards compatibility) snr - S/N in Lya Forest lya_pixel_markers_purity0.15_rebin.dat - SBLAs with purity > 15% Columns: ispec - spectra number (for cross match to crossref_specblocinfo) fluxlya - flux of SBLA absorber wavlya - observed wavelength of SBLA absorber pixel - pixel of SBLA absorber snr_report - S/N in Lya Forest purityvalue - similated purity of SBLA thingid - SDSS thingid plate -SDSS plateid mjd - SDSS mjd fiber -SDSS fiber ra - RA (J2000) dec - DEC (J2000)